The Most Undeserving Case

Book Description

The author asks you: Is this a story of the longest standing oppression in the history of humanity? ...thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. – Genesis 3:16 – c. 1600 BCE. ...the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior... – Aristotle – c. 340 BCE. ...even the most undeserving case will win if there is no one to testify against it. – Christine de Pizan. 1405 CE. ...have they not all violated the principle of equality of rights by quietly depriving half of mankind of the right to participate in the formation of the laws...? – Nicolas de Condorcet – 1790 CE. ...the adoption of this system of inequality never was the result of deliberation, or forethought, or any social ideas, or any notion whatever of what conduced to the benefit of humanity or the good order of society. – J.S. Mill – 1869 CE. ...All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. – Declaration of Human Rights – 1948 CE. The format of the book is encyclopaedic. Each chapter follows on from the previous one but also is an episode in its own right. ... that our descendants, by becoming more learned, may become more virtuous and happier, and that we do not die without having merited being part of the human race. – Denis Diderot – 1750 CE.

New Poverty Studies

Book Description

Stock market euphoria and blind faith in the post cold war economy have driven the topic of poverty from popular and scholarly discussion in the United States. At the same time the gap between the rich and poor has never been wider. The New Poverty Studies critically examines the new war against the poor that has accompanied the rise of the New Economy in the past two decades, and details the myriad ways poor people have struggled against it. The essays collected here explore how global, national, and local structures of power produce poverty and affect the material well-being, social relations and politicization of the poor. In updating the 1960s encounter between ethnography and U.S. poverty, The New Poverty Studies highlights the ways poverty is constructed across multiple scales and multiple axes of difference. Questioning the common wisdom that poverty persists because of the pathology, social isolation and welfare state "dependency" of the poor, the contributors to The New Poverty Studies point instead to economic restructuring and neoliberal policy "reforms" which have caused increased social inequality and economic polarization in the U.S. Contributors include: Georges Fouron, Donna Goldstein, Judith Goode, Susan B. Hyatt, Catherine Kingfisher, Peter Kwong, Vin Lyon-Callo, Jeff Maskovsky, Sandi Morgen, Leith Mullings, Frances Fox Piven, Matthew Rubin, Nina Glick Schiller, Carol Stack, Jill Weigt, Eve Weinbaum, Brett Williams, and Patricia Zavella. "These contributions provide a dynamic understanding of poverty and immiseration" —North American Dialogue, Vol. 4, No. 1, Nov. 2001

Christ Will Come Again

Book Description

Belief in the second coming of Christ is indispensable to biblical Christianity. It is also crucial to a positive and relevant Christian worldview in a world that otherwise despairs of real hope. "An earthly hope without the prospect of life beyond death is illusory and shortlived," writes the author. "But a real hope of eternal life with God sets us free from anxiety about death, and frees us to work for the transformation of the world." "The courage, clarity and teaching skills of Dr. Travis in this important book are going to help a great many people." -Michael Green "As a guide to a healthy and biblical perspective in thought and life this book would take some beating ... it gloriously lives up to the solid affirmation of its title." --Church of England Newspaper Dr. Stephen H. Travis is Vice-Principal of St. John's College, Nottingham, England. His other books include Getting to Know the New Testament and The Bible in Time.

Bring Me My Machine Gun

Book Description

Award-winning journalist Alec Russell was in South Africa to witness the fall of apartheid and the remarkable reconciliation of Nelson Mandela's rule; and returned in 2007-2008 to see Mandela's successor, Thabo Mbeki, fritter away the country's reputation. South Africa is now perched on a precipice, as it prepares to elect Jacob Zuma as president - signaling a potential slide back to the bad old days of post-colonial African leadership, and disaster for a country that was once the beacon of the continent. Drawing on his long relationships with all the key senior figures including Mandela, Mbeki, Desmond Tutu, and Zuma, and a host of South Africans he has known over the years - including former activists turned billionaires and reactionary Boers - Alec Russell's Bring Me My Machine Gun is a beautifully told and expertly researched account of South Africa's great tragedy: the tragedy of hope unfulfilled.

Impact on Product Liability

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Evil Next Door

Book Description

A brutal murder. An abundance of DNA evidence. A three-and-a-half year search for a killer who was always so close-yet untouchable. After the rape and murder of Raleigh, North Carolina, resident Stephanie Bennett, police had ample DNA evidence. They also had a suspect: the man next door. But for more than three years, he eluded them by refusing to hand over a DNA sample, wiping down anything he touched and even planting decoy samples. This is the gripping story of how a team of detectives finally tripped him up-and brought closure to an innocent young woman's family.