The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

Book Description

The crystal skulls are a mystery as profound as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Nazca Lines of Peru, or Stonehenge.

The Man Who Invented Aztec Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Eugène Boban began life in humble circumstances in Paris, traveled to the California Gold Rush, and later became a recognized authority on pre-Columbian cultures. He also invented an entire category of archaeological artifact: the Aztec crystal skull. By his own admission, he successfully “palmed off” a number of these crystal skulls on the curators of Europe’s leading museums. How could that happen, and who was this man? Detailed are the travels, self-education, and archaeological explorations of Eugène Boban; this book also explores the circumstances that allowed him to sell fakes to museums that would remain undetected for over a century.

Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Crystal skulls are human-skull hardstone carvings often made of clear or milky white quartz known as "rock crystal." They are allegedly pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts and can be found in the permanent collections of a number of world-class museums, including the Smithsonian and the British Museum. In occult and metaphysical circles, the skulls have magical and healing qualities: Anna Mitchell-Hedges (owner of a particularly famous skull) claimed that the skull could cause visions and cure cancer and that its magical properties could be used to kill. Drunvalo Melchizedek claims in Serpent of Light that he stumbled upon descendants of the ancient Mayans who possess crystal skulls for use in religious ceremonies in Yucatan temples. Jamie Sams writes of the skulls' association with Native American mythology. In this book, best-selling occultist and crystal expert Judy Hall provides a basic primer on crystal skulls: What they are Where they are found Their role in legend and lore around the world Their uses for physical and psychic healing Also included here in this stunning introductory text is an examination of the prominent "skull keepers" of the past 100 years and examination of how to use and communicate with a crystal skull. This is a terrific introductory text for those interested in occult and ancient mysteries and/or the power of gems and crystals.

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Secrets revealed of the legends of thirteen life size crystal skulls, said to hold information about our purpose & destiny.


Book Description

Archaeologist Laura Shepherd goes on a quest to solve the mystery behind a crystal skull found in the hand of a dead colleague.

Power Crystals

Book Description

An exploration of the scientific, historical, and paranormal qualities of quartz crystals and ancient crystal skulls • Explores the use of crystals throughout history, including their role in Atlantis and in alien technology • Offers step-by-step instructions to successfully use crystals in scrying, meditation, and Enochian magic • Includes never-before-published scientific findings on the author’s crystal skull as well as other crystal skulls researched at the British Museum • Explains how the Space-Time Crystal Matrix connects the physical world with the spiritual and may be the communication technology of the future Known for his in-depth scientific work on the Shroud of Turin and the Great Pyramid of Giza, John DeSalvo, Ph.D., now sets his sights on quartz crystals and their mystical counterpart, crystal skulls. Exploring the use of crystals from Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt to present-day technology, including their use in ritual and ceremonial magic and their importance in ancient religious literature, he examines the many physical and chemical properties of quartz crystals and explains how their crystalline lattice structure is the key to their amazing abilities, both scientific and paranormal. Reviewing the many paranormal claims about crystal skulls, DeSalvo reveals the scientific findings on his own ancient crystal skull as well as research by the British Museum on other famous crystal skulls. His investigation also extends to the recent discovery in Tibet of a trove of Dropa discs--grooved stones allegedly recording an ancient alien visit to Earth. Highlighting the use of quartz crystals and crystal skulls for psychic and spiritual purposes, DeSalvo offers step-by-step instructions for their use in scrying, meditation, and Enochian magic, including communication with angels. Reviewing accounts of power crystals in Atlantis and their use in alien technology, he explains how crystals connect the physical world with the spiritual via a powerful communication network linking all crystals and their memories--the Space-Time Crystal Matrix, a spiritual technology lost to the ages but which may become the communication system of the future.

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

Book Description

The legend -- The discovery -- The keeper of the skull -- The mystery -- The scientists -- The ancient computer -- The healing skull -- Visions in the skull -- The Boban connection -- The Aztecs and the crystal skull -- The skull and the cross -- The Maya and the crystal skull -- The skull and the ancient calendar -- The British Museum tests -- The Forensic -- The crystal entity -- The skull people -- The knowledge -- The spirit of the skulls -- The keeper of the days -- The lost civilization -- The ancient ones -- The gathering.

The Crystal Skull

Book Description

Fact: Five thousand years ago, the Mayans carved thirteen crystal skulls. Fact: To protect humankind, they sent them to the four corners of the globe. Fact: They gave a precise date for when they thought the world would end: 21 December 2012. Fact: They said that this time the destruction will be of man's making. Fact: Only when all thirteen skulls are reunited can the world be saved from its fate. For the last 500 years one skull has been missing. Now it's about to be found ...

Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers

Book Description

DECODE A MYSTERY THAT TIME HAS NOT FORGOTTEN! --- STRANGE CRYSTAL SKULLS HAVE BEEN UNEARTHED THROUGHOUT CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA AND HAVE BECOME PART OF OUR POP CULTURE, HAVING BEEN PORTRAYED IN A BLOCKBUSTER INDIANA JONES MOVIE! --- NOW, JOIN THE AUTHORS AS THEY SEARCH THE REMOTEST PARTS OF PERU FOR A HUMAN-SIZED, TWO-PIECE, TRANSPARENT QUARTZ SKULL THAT IS CALLED "THE BLUE SKULL" AND ORIGINATES FROM A MYSTERIOUS TIME WHEN THE WORLD WAS STILL YOUNG. --- Learn how the "Blue Skull" communicated with the author and called him to come to Peru to discover its history, its amazing powers and its reason for existence as this skull is preparing to assist humankind at this critical point in our spiritual evolution. From 1997-2002 the Author made three journeys to Peru at his own expense, being guided by an inner vision, having no clue what he would find or if he would meet the "Blue Skull." Within this book are his daily journal notes, revealing the secrets to the "Blue Skull" and how it forever changed his life - and how it will change your life as well. Believe it or not, this is a true story as the "Blue Skull" asked that this book be released NOW to prepare the world for the skull's emergence. *** The Blue Skull has a living consciousness of its own and is not just a stone in the shape of a human like skull. --- *** There is a strong link to the Blue Skull with the ancient civilization of Lemuria. The Blue Skull revealed that before it traveled to Atlantis, it was held in an Lemurian Temple over 100,000 years ago. --- *** The spirit of a dead king or ruler, the Lord of Sipan, head of a city state of the Moche - appears to the Author to act as his guide and protector. --- *** Read about the UFO cloud that magically appears when a special mediation with the author's own crystal skull is done in the area where he was called to find the "Blue Skull," in an isolated area high up in the Andes Mountain in Peru near the border with Ecuador. ---

Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Humans -- creators in training -- have a purpose and destiny so heartwarmingly, profoundly glorious that it is almost unbelievable from our present dimensional perspective. Humans are great lightbeings from beyond this creation, gaining experience in dense physicality by slowing down the creative process in order to feel the results and consequences of their decisions and actions. This truth about the great human genetic experiment of the Explorer Race and the mechanics of creation is being revealed for the first time by Zoosh and his friends as humanity begins to awaken to its true nature. Zoosh and a great assortment of beings who have never spoken to the physical plane before -- from particles to All That Is -- speak vibrantly through superchannel Robert Shapiro. Each personality has its own knowing, perception and expertise as it shares its history, its present focus and the awesome truth about humanity's mission. The books read like adventure stories as we follow the clues from