The National Toxicology Program's Chemical Data Compendium

Book Description

This Compendium provides a vast amount of information about potentially toxic chemicals to regulatory and research agencies, consultants, academics, and libraries. The National Toxicology Program's Chemical Data Compendium consists of eight volumes containing 50 fields that present detailed information on 2,270 different chemicals. The data is obtained from the literature or experimentally determined. Each compound is listed in every volume even when there is no information available for it in some volumes. Information in the NTP Compendium was gathered and updated as compounds were used throughout a 12 year period from 1979 to 1991. Throughout the eight volumes, the primary chemical name and the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS No.) remain constant and all 2,270 chemicals are listed alphabetically in each volume. Use the eight volumes together to get the full benefit of the NTP Chemical Data Compendium, or select only those volumes that contain the information you need and use them as stand-alone references.

Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management

Book Description

Eine komplett überarbeitete Zusammenfassung gesetzlicher Vorschriften zur Definition, Verwendung, Handhabung, Lagerung und Entsorgung von Gefahrstoffen. Unentbehrlich für Umweltingenieure, -techniker und -manager! Fast 40 Prozent des Materials wurde neu aufgenommen oder aktualisiert; so werden jetzt auch die Bodenbehandlung, die Vermeidung von Umweltverschmutzungen sowie das Prozeßsicherheitsmanagement besprochen. (10/99)

Books in Print

Book Description

The National Toxicology Program's Chemical Data Compendium

Book Description

This Compendium provides a vast amount of information about potentially toxic chemicals to regulatory and research agencies, consultants, academics, and libraries.

The National Toxicology Program's Chemical Data Compendium, Eight Volume Set

Book Description

This database consists of eight volumes containing 50 fields detailing information on 2,270 potentially toxic chemicals. Each compound is listed in every volume even when there is no information available for for it in some volumes. Throughout the volumes, the primary chemical name and the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (Cas. No.) remain constant and all 2,270 chemicals are listed alphabetically. The database can be sold as a set or individually. Each volume consists of one 3-1/2 and two 5-1/4 diskettes, and a 64 page manual that describes how to use the software. Diskettes will run on IBM or IBM-compatible equipment with DOS 2.0 and higher, 640k internal memory (RAM), and a hard drive with at least 2-17MB of available disk space. Volume 1 - Chemical names and synonyms. Consists of data entries from three fields: the primary name, CAS number, and synonyms. Volume 2 - Chemical and physical properties. Provides related chemical and physical; data commonly used to support a wide variety of needs ranging from chemical research to regulatory activities involving material safety data sheet (MSDS) preparation and shipping.Volume 3 - Standards and regulations: provides worker exposure hazard ratings and safety standards, regulations, and recommendations used to support safe handling of chemicals. Volume 4 - Medical hazards and symptoms of exposure. Designed to alert users about the type of hazards specific chemicals cause. This volume also contains a glossary that translates specialized medical terms into layman's language. Volume 5 - Medical first aid. Includes emergency response first aid information generated from an expert system named first response. Volume 6 - Personal protective equipment. Consists of information from three data fields: minimum protective clothing, recommended glove materials, and recommended respirators. Volume 7 - Hazardous properties and uses. Includes fire hazards, lower explosive limits (LEL) and upper explosive limits (UEL), reactivity, stability, and uses and comments. Volume 8 - Shipping classifications and regulations.Includes proper IATA shipping name, UN identification number, hazard class, subsidiary risk, packing group, labels required, special provisions, maximum quantity permitted on passenger or cargo airplanes, and packing instruction codes required for passenger or cargo aircraft.