Power in the Changing Global Order

Book Description

Power has been compared to the weather: people discuss it all the time, but very few really understand it. This book seeks to demystify this complex concept by providing students with an incisive and engaging introduction to the shifting configurations of power in the contemporary global order. Drawing on the work of leading international relations scholars, philosophers and sociologists, the analysis goes beyond simplistic views of power as material capability, focusing also on its neglected social dimensions. These are developed and explored through a detailed examination of the changing international role, status and capacities of the United States, Russia and China since the end of the Cold War. Far from achieving multipolarity, the book concludes that the contemporary world remains essentially unipolar; America having moved to correct the mistakes of George W. Bush's first term in office, while China and Russia have, in different ways, limited their own abilities to challenge American primacy. This book will be essential reading for students of international relations and politics, as well as anyone with an interest in the shifting balance of power in the global system.

The Tweets of President Donald J. Trump

Book Description

Love them or hate them, the tweets of President Donald J. Trump rule the Twitterverse. Until our last presidential campaign, television, particularly campaign ads, dominated the political landscape. But with the rise of Donald J. Trump came a new political tool: the internet. Trump used this to communicate instantly and very effectively with the American people. And it worked. Establishing his political positions by tweeting numerous times a day, Trump pulled a major upset by defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States. Once in office, Trump did not abandon his penchant for using Twitter as his populist platform. Instead, he doubled down on it, making it his primary means of communicating with the American people. Knowing how effective a tweet can be, Trump once wrote, “Boom. I press it and within two seconds we have breaking news.” With a massive Twitter following of 78 million by the spring of 2020, Trump’s direct impact upon Americans cannot be dismissed, nor can the value of his tweets as an essential part of the historical record be denied. To put the enormous impact of his tweets into perspective, Trump won the White House with 63 million votes—a number significantly lower than his massive Twitter following. Now you can read the collected tweets of wisdom—or ridiculousness—from President Donald J. Trump, from his inauguaration through February 2020 in this historically significant collection.

The Future of the Us, Uk and Russia in the Bible Prophecy

Book Description

We are at the end times. In a very short while, the Great Chastisement of God will come. A great majority of the people of the world will be killed. Many nations will be annihilated (Fatima message). The United States : will be attacked and defeated by Russia. About two thirds of American people will be killed. This great nation will be wiped out off the world map. The United Kingdom : will be attacked and defeated by Russia. Nobody in this Kingdom will survive. This nation will be wiped out off the world map. Russia : is the Iron Rod in the hand of God. This superpower will be victorious and become the only ruler of the entire world. After a short time, when the crimes of the Communists reach the pre-destined level, God Himself will shatter them in a terrifying bloodbath. They will be exterminated. No Communist will survive. Their final destination: bottom of Hell. The world: after the extermination of the Communists, the remnant of the world population will enjoy a short period of peaceful life. Daniel wrote that this era will last 15 months (Dan.7:12). Then comes THE END OF THE WORLD: the Judgment Day.

Into Russian Nature

Book Description

"Into Russian Nature examines the history of the Russian national park movement. Russian biologists and geographers had been intrigued with the idea of establishing national parks before the Great October Revolution, but pushed the Soviet government successfully to establish nature reserves (zapovedniki) during the USSR's first decades. However, as the state pushed scientists to make zapovedniki more "useful" during the 1930s, some of the system's staunchest defenders started supporting tourism in them. In the decades after World War II, the USSR experienced a tourism boom and faced a chronic shortage of tourism facilities. Also during these years, Soviet scientists took active part in Western-dominated international environmental protection organizations where they became more familiar with national parks. In turn, they enthusiastically promoted parks for the USSR as a means to reconcile environmental protection and economic development goals, bring international respect to Soviet nature protection efforts, and help instil a love for the country's nature and a desire to protect it in Russian/Soviet citizens. By the late 1980s, their supporters pushed transformative, in some cases quixotic, park proposals. At the same time, national park opponents presented them as an unaffordable luxury during a time of economic struggle, especially after the USSR's collapse. Despite unprecedented collaboration with international organizations, Russian national parks received little governmental support as they became mired in land-use conflicts with local populations. While the history of Russia's national parks illustrates a bold attempt at reform, the state's failure's to support them has left Russian park supporters deeply disillusioned. "--

The "third" United Nations

Book Description

The Third UN is the ecology of supportive non-state actors-intellectuals, scholars, consultants, think tanks, NGOs, the for-profit private sector, and the media-that interacts with the intergovernmental machinery of the First UN (member states) and the Second UN (staff members of international secretariats) to formulate and refine ideas and decision-making at key junctures in policy processes. Some advocate for particular ideas, others help analyze or operationalize their testing and implementation; many thus help the UN 'think'. While think tanks, knowledge brokers, and epistemic communities are phenomena that have entered both the academic and policy lexicons, their intellectual role remains marginal to analyses of such intergovernmental organizations as the United Nations.

A Nation of Refugees

Book Description

Though the Holocaust has been documented in depth, historians and the public know very little about the experience of Eastern European Jews during the preceding world war. A Nation of Refugees tells the story of how ordinary Jewish people in the Russian Empire survived World War I as refugees and civilians. It focuses on the resilience and organized campaigns of humanitarian war relief that countered violence and victimization. Above all, it captures the voices and experiences of refugees at a time of upheaval and war through first-hand accounts.

Soviet Russia

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