The Natural and the Supernatural

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive discussion regarding the sacred aspects of human existence in their relationship with the material world.

Physical, The Natural and The Supernatural

Book Description

Defends a unified conception of human nature and a view of what is natural that can cover both the physical and the psychological worlds.

Natural Law in the Spiritual World

Book Description

Is there no reason to believe that many of the Laws of the Spiritual World, hitherto regarded as occupying an entirely separate province, are simply the Laws of the Natural World? Can we identify the Natural Laws, or any one of them, in the Spiritual sphere? In "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" Henry Drummond deals with those questions by exploring the relation of religion and spirituality with the physical world. He argues that the disconnect between the spiritual and the physical was entirely illusory and that faith was by no means in conflict with science. Contents: Biogenesis Degeneration Growth Death Mortification Eternal Life Environment Conformity to Type Semi-Parasitism Parasitism Classification

Power to Transform the Natural by the Supernatural

Book Description

People have to stop with cold religious prayer and worship and enter deeply in spiritual adoration, banishing all vain words, which reflect a lack of faith, knowing that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Your holiness is hidden in your faith because in the true faith abide holiness and Gods love; without faith, there is no true holiness. If you are not receiving answers to prayer, something must be wrong in the matter of faith. That is the reason the Word of God says, Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Your possession, your title, and your position must kneel before God, not only your spirit. The way you think is what you are. Put the Word of God first; the promises of God are yours. Confess the Word in all circumstances, and you will not be ashamed if you truly believe. God didnt send anybody to destroy the sinners or the backsliders but to bring them to the light, using His love and compassion. We are not traveling with the names of backsliders but the name of Jesus. If I want to deal with such things, the Bible tells me to meet the person and talk with him, to show him the truth and pray for him and not to reject or to curse him. That is the mistake that many religious men do, and it destroys not the devil, but the work of God. Mark 9: 23 IF YOU CAN ALL THINGS IS POSSIBLE . . .

Beyond The Veil

Book Description

WINNER OF THE NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE 2015 Paranormal Awards. Many Evangelical and Fundamental Christian writers (I would call them theologians but with many it is quite evident that they have not had training in Biblical Scholarship past Sunday morning Bible School) claim that the popular concept of a ghost and spectral hauntings are unbiblical. Many Catholic theologians would agree with this view. But in the whole of Christianity, these beliefs vary quite broadly. Christian cynics condemn ghost hunters by supposedly relying upon scripture in the Old Testament. They use Leviticus 19:31, that according to Christian critics reads as follows; "Do not resort to ghost and spirits, nor make yourselves unclean by seeking them out. I am the Lord your God." Christian critics also quote Lev. 20:6, which the quote as; "I will set my face against the man who wantonly resorts to ghost and spirits, and I will cut that person off from his people." This is not true at all. In the King James Version, this verse reads as; "And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." Many people who argue against ghosts as unbiblical also point to verses 6-8. "When we are dead, we are with God in heaven." So according to this view, there can be no such thing as a real haunting because the soul and spirit are in heaven at the point of death. The term 'sleep' is a euphemism for death in Christian Scripture (John 11:11-14). The writer for all of these books is the Apostle Paul, so rather than supporting the idea that when we die we are with God in heaven he states that those who die 'sleep'. What does this mean? It refers to the body, not the spirit or soul. The body sleeps at death until it is changed into a new supernatural one at the end of days. So what happens to our invisible part, the spirit or soul after death? Can the spirit still roam the Earth after death? The Bible does talk about ghosts, and the spirit of the dead returning to the Earth. But what about the New Testament? A lot of theological concepts evolve between the testaments, such as Grace, Forgiveness and a host of others. What about the concept of a ghost? Does this evolve as well after the teachings of Jesus? Almost everyone has heard the story of Jesus walking on water, and if you ever went to Sunday school as a kid I am sure you additionally heard about Peter attempting to do the same and failing. This tale of trust and faith has been used for millennia to teach and encourage Christians. But just before the text talks about Peter's attempt to come to Jesus on the water the text tells us something unusual: Matthew 14:25-27 "Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, 'It is a ghost!' And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid." The disciples thought Jesus was a ghost. And they were afraid. Now if ghostly apparitions are all demonic presences as some Christians report, why were the disciples afraid? They were afraid because Jesus had taught them that there are such things as Human spirits. If not, then Jesus should have automatically rebuked them for their transgression in such an outcry and blasphemy. But he did not. He instead, comforted them. Saying fear not, it is I; do not be afraid. By saying this, he confirmed the existence of human spirits. It is this and many other examples I shall show you in full detail in this book that human spirits do exist and how man has change many stories and meanings to suit themselves into roles of power and destroying God's real message to man.