The Nellore Yanadis

Book Description

The Nellore Yanadis are dark-skinned aboriginal people, short in stature, of unknown origin. They are renowned for their mysterious knowledge of the occult properties of nature. They plant round their huts certain herbs believed to ward off venomous reptiles. A decoction from more than a hundred different roots is said to possess incalculable virtues for curing any malady. The Yanadi seer grows his hair and lets no razor pass his head. Yanadis can smell out their game, and trace out trespassers by merely looking at their footmarks.

The Yanadis of Southern India

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Gazetteer of the Nellore District

Book Description

This Is A Reprint Of A Volume Of The Gazetteer Of The Nellore District Brought Upto 1938 Originally Published In 1942 And Contains Information On The District-Physical Features, Political History, The People, Agriculture And Irrigation, Forests, Occupation And Trade, Communications, Rainfall And Seasons, Public Health, Education, Land Revenue, Miscellenous Revenues, Justice, Local Administration And Taluk Gazetters. A Reference Tool.

Tribals from Tradition to Transition

Book Description

Tribal India has been called the land of quiet repose, content to remain anchored to the hoary past and proud of her immobility. Yet this same Tribal India is now throbbing with discontent, and is breathing, in all departments of her life, a deep spirit of unrest. The book has a number of distinctive features, it will fit into most courses that focus on tribals. Major theoretical frameworks are identified and the standard major topics are covered.

The Yanadis

Book Description

The ennobling power of thoracic expansion

Book Description

The mountain air, being placed nearer to the Fountain of Life, fortifies health and prolongs life. Retreat in solitude and unbroken stillness, where air free of all pestilential exhalations and deep study are prerequisites for higher knowledge. Acrimony, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, and resentment are vexatious to the spirit. Singing promotes health and the development of the chest. And the expansion of the chest allows the noblest parts of our nature to unfold. By forcing chest expansion and lung exhalation, high altitudes foster spiritual temperament. Full breathing is a therapeutic agent, restorative and curative. By compelling chest expansion, the exercise of the thighs is far more efficient than any exercise of the arms. Keep smiling, for smile is the expression of the superior regions of the brain.

The prayer of the true philosopher is his adoration.

Book Description

The soul of the true philosopher is in perfect harmony with his divine spirit. It is the duty of every man who is capable of an unselfish impulse to do something, however little, for the welfare of Humanity, the great Orphan. Only those of exceptional purity and unconditional love for their fellow man and every living creature, may approach the sacred Majesty of Truth and hear within the sanctuary of the heart the Voice of the Silence. Raja Yoga deals with the inner man and therefore neither encourages sham, nor requires physical postures. Hatha Yoga is triply distilled selfishness. By encouraging mental passivity, it hastens the opening of mediumistic faculties resulting in gradual loss of self-control. Inductive reasoning from the known to the unknown should be promoted and practised. True contemplation is the yearning of the human soul to ascend in spirit towards its divine parent, by studying and assimilating the divine laws that govern Universe and Man, and by applying them in everyday life. In this sublime effort the soul relies on the immutable Law of Analogy that underpins the affinity between stars and man. This is the lost thread of Ariadne, which alone can guide us through the labyrinth of matter, and lead us from the unreal to the real. Those who pray silently and intensely gain their object, while those who merely mumble some formula get no answer to their prayers.

Happiness is but a dream

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The true lover beholds in the beloved only the greater beauty of the spirit that stirs his heart

Book Description

By separating in each soul that which is divine, from the taint which it has contracted in the world, the true lover ascends to the beauty of knowledge and truth that lies hidden within a triple casket concealing itself as the tortoise conceals his head within his shell.