The New Age Movement

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The Illuminati 666

Book Description

The Illuminati 666

Book Description

The Illuminati 666By William J. Sutton

A Culture of Conspiracy

Book Description

Unravelling the genealogies and permutations of conspiracist worldviews, this work shows how this web of urban legends has spread among sub-cultures on the Internet and through mass media, and how this phenomenon relates to larger changes in American culture.

Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism

Book Description

Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr offer the first comprehensive examination of one of the twentieth century's most distinctive occult iconoclasts, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), one of the most influential thinkers in contemporary western esotericism.

The New World Order

Book Description

With prophetic timing, Yale-educated lawyer and broadcaster Pat Robertson takes a penetrating look at the reality and rhetoric of the "new world order" and gives a compelling assessment of the imminent dangers looming on the world's horizon.

The Meaning of Being Illuminati

Book Description

This book articulates a new research program, called “Ur-Illuminism,” which consists in an integrated and systematic study of humanity’s quest for “illumination,” namely, for the highest and noblest possible mode of being. Thus, it takes on the challenge of revising widely accepted ways of understanding and interpreting the ontological underpinnings of civilization and the ontological potential of humanity. It allows the reader to delve into a creative “rediscovery” of Platonism, medieval Christian mystics’ and scholars’ writings, and various “illuminist” systems, from the Orphic mystical cult to the European Enlightenment and thence to the eighteenth-century Illuminati fraternities and beyond. Moreover, the book studies major issues in the history of philosophy, politology, and esoteric systems (such as Hermeticism, the Kabbalah, alchemy, the Rosicrucian movement, Freemasonry, and the Bavarian Illuminati). It maintains that a postmodern “rediscovery” of premodern metaphysics, specifically, a postmodern esoteric theocracy (as distinct from old sacerdotalism and religious formalism), is the best bulwark against oppression and the ontological degradation of humanity, as well as the best path to the attainment of that wisdom and spiritual self-knowledge which constitute the existential integration and completion of the human being. In this context, it proposes a peculiar and intellectually fecund synthesis between Tory Anarchism, Libertarianism, Platonism, and Byzantine Hesychasm, as they are elucidated here.