Book Description

It is Now 2015, and Eva Shar is with me. Since our meeting, we have created a Wonderful Presentation for Everyone. We are Seen together on The RealSide with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides, and WE stand as WorldWide Educators with Rebazar, Paul, Fubbi, Gopal, ShamIS, Yauble and all The RealGuides with THE ALLIS. I cannot say that this world is ready for The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, but as this world becomes more desperate to WakeUp to 'What IS Real Now,' people will begin to See Beyond the fallacies of The Deceptors. This RealAdventure is not for everyone, as most people will stay with their LA LA Land Life on earth and be Emotionally Attached to the old Kontrolled ideas of boring tradition and 'pretty words' from politicians, religious deceptors and ancient outdated masters and gurus. LifeIS Always Bigger than our personal selves. Until you understand this, you will be TapLined and Trapped in this Designed Creation Matrix of The Deceptors.


Book Description

This is The Atomic Age, and humans seem to forget so fast what they have already experienced in the past. The Ruling Indoctrinated Systems have absolute control over the minds and hearts of most, humans have been led to 'believe' that this 'Place in Life' called Earth is all there is, and that each person here is not in control of their own destiny, but it is the Authoritarians and their Gods who control the fate of mankind. As each person decides to agree with all that is taking place here, then the Causes of future Effects will become self-evident, but only to those who can See Beyond the Literal Senses that society has been bred with. With all the so-called educated people on the planet, there is still a huge momentum toward demise. It can be true there are a lot of people concerned for the welfare of the Earth and those on it, but there are Dastardly Forces, Imperialistic DarkBrats, who are not at all interested in what the general population wants for themselves. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

All of us have read stories and see movies that are far beyond our imagination, and we love them! We want to be a part of them, we want to be the characters in the story. Most people have been taught they can only dream such things, and this is true, but The Reality of ALL Realities IS, that we can each have a life better than we can ever imagined if we are willing to have RealGuidance and a RealEducation to have such a life. It takes a person who is willing to have the courage to be a Real RiskTaker. I am not referring to one who is educated and intellectual, but moreso street smart from the experiences they have from The RealSide LifeIS. If then, they are willing to climb a mountain higher than they ever have and See what very few ever will, they may be ready to gain the first steps of True Insight beyond what their personal mind will ever know. It is all so Real, so much so, that what they can imagine will never equal what they will experience with The TruReality of Themselves. www.DuaneISLight.Info


Book Description

ALLife IS Here & Now... This IS Real! The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US IS Real too, because each one of us is living this life and we get all that we need from The Natural Environment, so it only makes sense that we 'Work With' want sustains us and not against it or destroy it. it only makes sense to do our part and Become MoreAware as to how to 'Work With' what is already So Wonderful. This IS The RealFocus of Duane The Great Writer, as I am doing everything I can to promote and 'Work With' The Whole of Life, which we term as The Natural Environment. It is not only the land, the sea, and the air we breath that I am referring to, but also who we really are with The Natural Environment. My RealFocus is what will Benefit Everyone & The Natural Environment. Simply learn to Pay Attention to What IS Already ALL Around YU and also Your DreamVisions at night, because ALL of LifeIS Always Speaking to YU, and YU will See this when YU Pay Attention Now!


Book Description

Throughout Human History there have been so many who have been recognized for their contribution to mankind, but very few of them measure up to Rebazar Tarzs. We are all Beings of Light from THE ALLIS. While we are here we have to deal with all the discrimination that is created from nothing, but then becomes what it does to the point of such an aberration that few people can really figure out What IS Real and what is not. Very few will ever come to know The TruReality LifeIS, but merely the Gods of Men and their Authoritarian Rulers on this planet and other like it. For sure you have to be a Real RiskTaker to discover what lies beyond the gods humans have invented along with their limited heavens. All of us have spent many lifetimes of being subjected to Distorted Documentation, along with all the brutal acts imposed upon us from those who rule, so there is a huge fear-factor that has lodged itself in the subconscious body of each of us. Take The Risk!


Book Description

Most of this indoctrinated world is always looking to Ancient Wisdom. What took place in the past can be a good 'reference,' but it is not The TruReality LifeIS Now. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real UNUversal Guides are Very Real with RealGuidance and a RealEducation Now. No matter what the Dumbed Down Humans, Aliens, Reptilians, Authoritarians and others who like to hide from RealTruth think or decide, The TruReality LifeIS cannot be changed according to the personal ego of anyone. With all the Invented Systems as they are, with all their doctrines, rituals and ceremonies, nothing they do can change or decide What Already IS! What LifeIS will only respond to The TruReality IT IS, and so we must each discover What IS Real Now, and by doing so we are allowed the shortcut through the PsycRealms of reincarnation and karma and into the Real UNUverses of ALLSound and Light. This is a Huge Journey and can only be possible Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS VISITING ANGELS, is yet another masterpiece of adventure from Duane The Great Writer. There are endless experiences all of us can have when you pay attention to Your DreamVisions at night. RealGuidance is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes beyond the Literal Senses and the Authoritarians who rule the earth with an iron fist. Read this NUBook today and discover what you have been missing for lifetimes! The Golden Opportunity for Something Wonderful is available now, and you are one of the Lucky Ones who just found it. Look to Your DreamVisions and contact Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides, and you will be shown What IS Real Now!! Have Fun Deciding. Wabsite: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info