The OECD Jobs Strategy Technology, Productivity and Job Creation Best Policy Practices 1998 Edition

Book Description

This report points to a decline in public support for research and development (R&D), mainly affecting basic, long-term research, and examines the levelling-off in private sector R&D along with changes in its direction away from basic research towards more market-driven and short-term efforts.

Good Jobs for All in a Changing World of Work The OECD Jobs Strategy

Book Description

The labour markets of OECD and emerging economies are undergoing major transformations. The widespread slow-down in productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality in many countries are coupled with structural changes linked to the digital revolution, globalisation and ...

Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2020 Rebuilding Better

Book Description

The impact of COVID-19 on local jobs and workers dwarfs those of the 2008 global financial crisis. The 2020 edition of Job Creation and Local Economic Development considers the short-term impacts on local labour markets as well as the longer-term implications for local development.

OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 1999 Issue 1

Book Description

The OECD Economic Outlook analyses the major trends in the OECD area that will mark the next two years. In addition, this issue addresses: labour-market conditions, climate change, capital flow instability, widenening current account imbalances, protectionism, and market openness.

Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2000

Book Description

This study summarises key recent developments in science, technology and innovation across the OECD area. It covers trends, provides an overview of policy developments and emphasises the roles played by science and technology in recent economic growth.

Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 1998

Book Description

Presents a discussion of recent trends and prospects in science, technology and industry, based on comparative indicators, such as output, investment and productivity, research and development (R&D), patent activity and innovation and knowledge flows.

Third World Multinationals

Book Description

This book evaluates the contribution of third world multinational enterprises to the competitiveness of their home and host countries in the context of Brazilian and Chilean MNE's. Third world MNE's can be important agents of growth, a fact that until now has been largely ignored in the literature. This book fills the gap in the literature by looking at third world MNE's ability to innovate and examining the potential for their innovations to be diffused to other home country firms and thereby improve their home country's competitiveness.

Innovation and Employment

Book Description

This book is an important addition to what can be broadly referred to as the national systems of innovation (NSI) approach. The particular contribution of the book is in the examination of the employment effects of innovation, something only indirectly considered hitherto. . . It is a thorough integration of existing knowledge on the key employment implications of innovation. . . Rachel Parker, Labour and Industry This is a highly readable, non-technical book . . . a highly clear and well-argued book that should be useful for policymakers and higher education alike. It brings together much of the most recent and useful literature in the area of innovation, employment and related public policy. It is an opportune addition to the existing documentation on the subject. Journal of Economics / Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie Which kinds of growth lead to increased employment and which do not? This is one of the questions that this important volume attempts to answer. The book explores the complex relationships between innovation, growth and employment that are vital for both research into, and policy for, the creation of jobs. Politicians claiming that more rapid growth would remedy unemployment do not usually specify what kind of growth is meant. Is it, for example, economic (GDP) or productivity growth? Growing concern over jobless growth requires both policymakers and researchers to make such distinctions, and to clarify their employment implications. The authors initially address their theoretical approach to, and conceptualization of, innovation and employment, where the distinction between process and product innovations and between high-tech and low-tech goods and services are central. They go on to address the relationship between innovation and employment, using empirical material to analyse the effects that different kinds of innovations have upon job creation and destruction. Finally, the volume summarizes the findings and addresses conclusions as well as policy implications. This book will be of great interest to those involved in research and policy in the fields of macroeconomics (economic growth and employment), industrial economics and innovation.

Technological and Environmental Policy

Book Description

Technologie- und Umweltpolitik als Mittel gesellschaftlicher Gestaltung wird in den Landern Mittel- und Osteuropas in immer hoherem Masse wissenschaftlich anerkannt, gesellschaftlich gefordert und politisch gewollt, auch um den Anschluss an die entsprechende westeuropaische Politik herzustellen. Dabei geht es um die Reflexion der Folgen und die Behandlung von Fragen der gesellschaftlichen Einbettung bei Technisierungsprojekten. Gegenstand der Beitrage in diesem Band ist die gesellschaftliche Implementation und Integration von technischen Innovationen einschliesslich der technischen Begleitforschung in ausgewahlten Landern Ostmittel- und Osteuropas. Dabei geht es in erster Linie um die Identifizierung von Feldern des gesellschaftlich erwunschten technologischen Fortschritts; um das Aufzeigen von Gestaltungspotentialen und -hemmnissen; und um die Benennung politischer Handlungsspielraume, -optionen und -erfordernisse. Der in dieser Form nahezu einmalige internationale Vergleich erlaubt es, die Bedingungen der Einfuhrung, der Gestaltung und der gesellschaftlichen Integration von Technologien umfassend zu klaren; damit sind auch Ruckschlusse und Impulse fur nationale Konzepte und Strategien moglich.