The Optimal Version of Hua's Fundamental Theorem of Geometry of Rectangular Matrices

Book Description

Hua's fundamental theorem of geometry of matrices describes the general form of bijective maps on the space of all m\times n matrices over a division ring \mathbb{D} which preserve adjacency in both directions. Motivated by several applications the author studies a long standing open problem of possible improvements. There are three natural questions. Can we replace the assumption of preserving adjacency in both directions by the weaker assumption of preserving adjacency in one direction only and still get the same conclusion? Can we relax the bijectivity assumption? Can we obtain an analogous result for maps acting between the spaces of rectangular matrices of different sizes? A division ring is said to be EAS if it is not isomorphic to any proper subring. For matrices over EAS division rings the author solves all three problems simultaneously, thus obtaining the optimal version of Hua's theorem. In the case of general division rings he gets such an optimal result only for square matrices and gives examples showing that it cannot be extended to the non-square case.

On the Differential Structure of Metric Measure Spaces and Applications

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The main goals of this paper are: (i) To develop an abstract differential calculus on metric measure spaces by investigating the duality relations between differentials and gradients of Sobolev functions. This will be achieved without calling into play any sort of analysis in charts, our assumptions being: the metric space is complete and separable and the measure is Radon and non-negative. (ii) To employ these notions of calculus to provide, via integration by parts, a general definition of distributional Laplacian, thus giving a meaning to an expression like , where is a function and is a measure. (iii) To show that on spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below and dimension bounded from above, the Laplacian of the distance function is always a measure and that this measure has the standard sharp comparison properties. This result requires an additional assumption on the space, which reduces to strict convexity of the norm in the case of smooth Finsler structures and is always satisfied on spaces with linear Laplacian, a situation which is analyzed in detail.

Deformation Quantization for Actions of Kahlerian Lie Groups

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Let B be a Lie group admitting a left-invariant negatively curved Kählerian structure. Consider a strongly continuous action of B on a Fréchet algebra . Denote by the associated Fréchet algebra of smooth vectors for this action. In the Abelian case BR and isometric, Marc Rieffel proved that Weyl's operator symbol composition formula (the so called Moyal product) yields a deformation through Fréchet algebra structures R on . When is a -algebra, every deformed Fréchet algebra admits a compatible pre- -structure, hence yielding a deformation theory at the level of -algebras too. In this memoir, the authors prove both analogous statements for general negatively curved Kählerian groups. The construction relies on the one hand on combining a non-Abelian version of oscillatory integral on tempered Lie groups with geom,etrical objects coming from invariant WKB-quantization of solvable symplectic symmetric spaces, and, on the second hand, in establishing a non-Abelian version of the Calderón-Vaillancourt Theorem. In particular, the authors give an oscillating kernel formula for WKB-star products on symplectic symmetric spaces that fiber over an exponential Lie group.

Level One Algebraic Cusp Forms of Classical Groups of Small Rank

Book Description

The authors determine the number of level 1, polarized, algebraic regular, cuspidal automorphic representations of GLn over Q of any given infinitesimal character, for essentially all n≤8. For this, they compute the dimensions of spaces of level 1 automorphic forms for certain semisimple Z-forms of the compact groups SO7, SO8, SO9 (and G2) and determine Arthur's endoscopic partition of these spaces in all cases. They also give applications to the 121 even lattices of rank 25 and determinant 2 found by Borcherds, to level one self-dual automorphic representations of GLn with trivial infinitesimal character, and to vector valued Siegel modular forms of genus 3. A part of the authors' results are conditional to certain expected results in the theory of twisted endoscopy.

Hyperbolic Groupoids and Duality

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The author introduces a notion of hyperbolic groupoids, generalizing the notion of a Gromov hyperbolic group. Examples of hyperbolic groupoids include actions of Gromov hyperbolic groups on their boundaries, pseudogroups generated by expanding self-coverings, natural pseudogroups acting on leaves of stable (or unstable) foliation of an Anosov diffeomorphism, etc. The author describes a duality theory for hyperbolic groupoids. He shows that for every hyperbolic groupoid G there is a naturally defined dual groupoid G⊤ acting on the Gromov boundary of a Cayley graph of G. The groupoid G⊤ is also hyperbolic and such that (G⊤)⊤ is equivalent to G. Several classes of examples of hyperbolic groupoids and their applications are discussed.

Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Quartic Surface

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The author proves Kontsevich's form of the mirror symmetry conjecture for (on the symplectic geometry side) a quartic surface in C .

Period Functions for Maass Wave Forms and Cohomology

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The authors construct explicit isomorphisms between spaces of Maass wave forms and cohomology groups for discrete cofinite groups Γ⊂PSL2(R). In the case that Γ is the modular group PSL2(Z) this gives a cohomological framework for the results in Period functions for Maass wave forms. I, of J. Lewis and D. Zagier in Ann. Math. 153 (2001), 191-258, where a bijection was given between cuspidal Maass forms and period functions. The authors introduce the concepts of mixed parabolic cohomology group and semi-analytic vectors in principal series representation. This enables them to describe cohomology groups isomorphic to spaces of Maass cusp forms, spaces spanned by residues of Eisenstein series, and spaces of all Γ-invariant eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator. For spaces of Maass cusp forms the authors also describe isomorphisms to parabolic cohomology groups with smooth coefficients and standard cohomology groups with distribution coefficients. They use the latter correspondence to relate the Petersson scalar product to the cup product in cohomology.

Hitting Probabilities for Nonlinear Systems of Stochastic Waves

Book Description

The authors consider a d-dimensional random field u={u(t,x)} that solves a non-linear system of stochastic wave equations in spatial dimensions k∈{1,2,3}, driven by a spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise that is white in time. They mainly consider the case where the spatial covariance is given by a Riesz kernel with exponent β. Using Malliavin calculus, they establish upper and lower bounds on the probabilities that the random field visits a deterministic subset of Rd, in terms, respectively, of Hausdorff measure and Newtonian capacity of this set. The dimension that appears in the Hausdorff measure is close to optimal, and shows that when d(2−β)>2(k+1), points are polar for u. Conversely, in low dimensions d, points are not polar. There is, however, an interval in which the question of polarity of points remains open.