The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought

Book Description

From St. Augustine and early Ethiopian philosophers to the anti-colonialist movements of Pan-Africanism and Negritude, this encyclopedia offers a comprehensive view of African thought, covering the intellectual tradition both on the continent in its entirety and throughout the African Diaspora in the Americas and in Europe. The term "African thought" has been interpreted in the broadest sense to embrace all those forms of discourse - philosophy, political thought, religion, literature, important social movements - that contribute to the formulation of a distinctive vision of the world determined by or derived from the African experience. The Encyclopedia is a large-scale work of 350 entries covering major topics involved in the development of African Thought including historical figures and important social movements, producing a collection that is an essential resource for teaching, an invaluable companion to independent research, and a solid guide for further study.

Working the Spirit

Book Description

"An appreciative and user-friendly book on religion in the African diaspora. Murphy's skillfully drawn portraits offer an inviting introduction to the religious worlds of Vodou, Candomble, Santeria, Revival Zion, and the Black Church" – David W. Wills, Amherst College

Sounding Off!

Book Description

Part 1: Theorizing music and social change: The sound of resistance - Utopian blues - Matriarchal music making - Beyond music - Polynoise - Knoise pearls - Plunderphonics - Creatigality - Fair use - Soul sonic forces: technology, orality, and black cultural practice in rap music - Alternative to what? - World beat and the cultural imperialism debate - Jazz, kreolization and revolutionary music for the 21st century; Part II: In the belly of the beast: The screamers - Music guerrilla: an interview with Fred Wei-han Ho - Boyz from the Rez: an interview with Bobby Bee - Who bombed Judi Bari? - Timber!: an interview with Judi Bari - Shake, shake, whore of Babylon - Maximising rock and roll: an interview with Tim Yohannon - The Black Wedge tours: take something you care about and make it your life - The imaginal rave - Long live the humble audio cassette - Plagiarism: an interview with the Tape-beatles - Recontextualizing the production of 'new music'; Part III: Shattering the silence of the new world order: Us & dem - World music at the crossroads - The rattling of the drums: political expression in world music - Dub diaspora: off the page and into the streets - Nanny - Rapso rebellion: an interview with Brother Resistance - Thomas Mapfumo: the lion of Zimbabwe - Latin music in the new world order: salsa & beyond - The singer as priestess: interviews with Celina Gonzalez and Merceditas Valdes - Craft, raft and lifesaver: Aboriginal women musicians in the contemporary music industry - Palaam Uncle Sam: an interview with Musika and Musicians for Peace, Philippines - Playing other people' music: an interview with Royal Hartigan - Singing other peoples' songs.

Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions

Book Description

This encyclopedia provides an overview of the main religions of Latin America and the Caribbean, both its centralized transnational expressions and its local variants and schisms. These main religions include (but are not limited to) the major expressions of Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Pentecostalism, Mormonism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses), indigenous religions (Native American, Maya religion), syncretic Christianity (including Afro-Brazilian religions like Umbanda and Candomblé and Afro-Caribbean religions like Vodun and Santería), other world religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam), transnational New Religious Movements (Scientology, Unification Church, Hare Krishna, New Age, etc.), and new local religions (Brazil’s Igreja Universal, La Luz del Mundo from Mexico, etc.).


Book Description

Santería, also known as Yoruba, Lukumi, or Orisha, was originally brought to the Americas from Africa by enslaved peoples destined for the Caribbean and South America. By the late 1980s it was estimated that more than 70 million African and American people participated in, or were familiar with, the various forms of Santeria, including traditional religions in Africa, Vodun in Haiti, Candomble in Brazil, Shango religion in Trinidad, Santeria in Cuba and, of course, variants of all of these in the U.S. Today there are practitioners around the world including Europe and Asia. Because of the secretive nature of the religion, it has been difficult to get accurate and objective information, but here, Clark introduces readers to the religion, explores the basic elements, including the Orisha, and answers the many questions Santeria arouses in observers and practitioners alike. Santería was brought to the United States in two principle waves, one in the early 1960s after the Cuban Revolution and later by the Marielitos who escaped from the island in the 1980s. Since then it has spread to the larger Hispanic community, to the African American community, and to other segments of society as well. Today, practitioners can be found in every state, and interest in Orisha and related traditions has gained popularity. As the number of practitioners has grown so has public awareness. In this compelling introduction, Clark answers such questions as where did this religion come from? What do practioners believe? Is it a cult? What takes place at a ritual event? How does it view death and the afterlife? Is there ritual sacrifice? Clark, a practitioner as well as a scholar of the faith, dispels the myths that surround this religious practice, and brings readers to a better understanding of this growing faith in America.

Gone to Croatan

Book Description

Origins of North American Dropout Culture

The Planet Construction Kit

Book Description

A companion volume to the Language Construction Kit, this book explains everything you need to know about creating your own world with its own geology, creatures, cultures, religions, technology, and styles of war- plus how to create maps, illustrations and 3-D models. An essential whether you're writing science fiction or fantasy, designing RPGs, creating movies or video games, or remodeling a spare asteroid.

America's National Game

Book Description

This book is Albert Spaldings work of "historic facts concerning the beginning, evolution, development and popularity of base ball, with personal reminiscences of its vicissitudes, its victories and its votaries." It is one of the defining books in the early formative years of modern baseball.

Galactic Pot-healer

Book Description

What could an omnipresent and seemingly omnipotent entity want with a humble pot-healer? Or with the dozens of other odd creatures it has lured to Plowman's Planet? And if the Glimmung is a god, are its ends positive or malign? Combining quixotic adventure, spine-chilling horror, and deliriously paranoid theology, Galactic Pot-Healer is a uniquely Dickian voyage to alternate worlds of the imagination.