Book Description
I have decided to combine all of my books in the Pimp Game series into one large collection to be read and enjoyed by those affiliated and interested in elevating their game to a higher level at a discounted price. It gives you the opportunity to advance your street education in the realm of pimping and pandering. This is a very valuable piece of information that I am making available to the world for a small fee. Game is to be sold not told so step your game up and put your pimping shoes on and get laced up. The morale of the story is to game up or lame up. It's time for you to shine and grind on a higher plateau. Don't miss this very valuable information because there is a million dollars worth of game between the pages of the books in my pimp game series. Elevate your game to the next level. I am making this information available for you for the low low price of $40. This is your scholarship for this street education because the game is to be sold not told boss player. So get in where you fit in. This is my gift to you to elevate your game.