The Political Economy of Corporation Tax

Book Description

"Excellent technical writing on corporation tax abounds, but it tends to be inaccessible to public lawyers, political theorists and political economists. Although recent years have seen not only an explosion in public law scholarship but also a reawakening of interest in interpretative political theory and political economy, the potential of these perspectives to illuminate the corporation tax debate has remained unexplored. In this important work, John Snape seeks to reconcile these disparate strands of scholarship and to contribute to a new way of understanding and conceptualising the reform of the law relating to corporate taxation. Drawing on important developments in public law scholarship, the study combines elements of political theory and political economy. It advances a new interpretation of corporation tax law as an instrument of rule, through the maximisation of a nation's economic potential. Snape shows how corporate taxation belongs at the centre of any discussion of economic globalisation, not only because of the potential of national tax systems to influence inward investment decisions but also because of the potential of those decisions to shape the public interest that those tax systems might embody. Following public law and politics models, the book looks afresh at the impact of Britain's political institutions, of the processes of its representative government and of the theory that moulds and orders the values that the corporation tax code contains. This is a timely exploration of cutting-edge issues of public policy."--Provided by publisher.

The Political Economy of Tax Reform

Book Description

The rapid emergence of East Asia as an important geopolitical-economic entity has been one of the most visible and striking changes in the international economy in recent years. With that emergence has come an increased need for understanding the problems of interdependence. As a step toward meeting this need, the National Bureau of Economic Research joined with the Korea Development Institute to sponsor this volume, which focuses on the complexities of tax reform in a global economy. Experts from Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, and Thailand, as well as the United States, Canada, and Israel examine the major tax programs of the 1980s and their domestic and international economic effects. The analyses reveal similarities between the United States and countries in East Asia in political constraints on policy making, and taken together they show how growing interdependence interacts with domestic economic and political concerns to affect issues as politically vital as tax reform. Economists, policymakers, and members of the business community will benefit from these studies.

Shifting the Burden

Book Description

Since World War II, the corporate tax burden has, overall, decreased enormously as a percentage of the government's total revenue. Until now, however, no explanation of this phenomenon has accounted for the periodic reforms—such as the dramatic 1986 Tax Reform Act—which significantly increase some corporate taxes. Remarkably accessible and rich in historical evidence, Shifting the Burden is the most compelling explanation to date of how our nation's tax policy is formulated. Cathie J. Martin shows how presidents' cultivation of allies within the business community and struggles within that community itself combine to shape tax policy.

Globalization and Corporate Taxation

Book Description

This paper analyzes the extent to which the degree of international economic integration, both financial and trade, affects corporate tax rates. It explores this issue in the context of strategic behavior by countries, taking into account other global and domestic political economy factors. Tax rates are analyzed using a unique tax dataset for advanced and developing economies extending over five decades. We report a number of novel results: there is no general negative relationship between financial globalization and corporate tax rates and revenues—results vary according to country grouping with OECD countries showing a positive relationship; the United States exhibits a “Stackelberg” type of leadership on other countries; trade integration is inversely correlated with tax rates; and public sentiment and ideology affect tax rates. The policy implications of these findings, particularly given budgetary pressures in the aftermath of the global crisis, are noted.

Handbook on the Politics of Taxation

Book Description

This comprehensive Handbook provides an insight into the main concepts and academic debates on taxation from a political science perspective. Providing a background to current debates on green taxation, taxation and inequality, taxation and gender, tax evasion and avoidance, and tax compliance, it offers potential avenues for future research.

The Political Economy of Tax Return Privacy -- Revisited

Book Description

In 1993, Robert P. Strauss published an article in the State Tax Notes describing research he did for the Massachusetts Business Tax Study Commission. Strauss' article was critical of public disclosure of corporate income tax information.This article outlines disagreements with Strauss' views, and argues in favor of public disclosure. The article first discusses debate over a public disclosure law in Massachusetts, and the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Next, the article discusses which companies should be subject to public disclosure. The article advocates not only that publicly traded companies be subject to such requirements, but also some large privately held corporations. The article further disagrees with Strauss' statutory interpretation of a provision of the Internal Revenue Code regarding public disclosure. Finally, the article addresses and debunks arguments that disclosure would harm a state's business climate; knowledge of past data will not unfairly aid competitors not subject to public disclosure. The article concludes by advocating for a more open government via state corporate tax disclosure.

The Economic and Compliance Consequences of Taxation

Book Description

150 6. 2 Taxation, Economic Growth and Deadweight Loss 152 a. Introduction 152 b. The Tax/GOP Ratio and Economic Growth 155 The Tax Mix and Economic Growth 6. 3 177 6. 4 Taxation and Employment 181 a. Introduction 181 b. Unemployment: An DECO -Wide Problem 184 c. Current Explanations are Unsatisfactory 186 d. Objectives and Methodology 188 e. Labour Force Participation Responses to Tax Changes 188 f. Employment Growth Responses to Tax Changes 189 g. Unemployment Rate Responses to Tax Changes 190 h. Tax Mix Changes and Employment Effects 190 i. Deadweight Loss in Labour Markets 191 j. Conclusions 192 7. REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT OF THE HEALTH OF NEW ZEALAND'S TAX SYSTEM 7. 1 Introduction 195 Measuring the "Health" of the Tax System 7. 2 195 7. 3 Key Findings on the Total Tax level and Tax Mix 196 7. 4 Key Findings on the Hidden Economy and Tax Evasion 210 7. 5 Sources of Tax Evasion 214 7. 6 Tax Evasion Responses to Tax Changes 216 Trends in Corporate Tax Payments 219 7. 7 7. 8 Key Findings on Economic Growth and Employment 224 7. 9 'Best Practice' Tax Policy Frontiers and their Implications 229 Summary Scorecard: Economic, Compliance and Revenue Health of 7. 10 the Tax System in New Zealand 231 Appendices Working Papers on Monitoring the Health of the Tax System 1. 234 2.

Dimensions of Tax Design

Book Description

The Review was chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir James Mirrlees of the University of Cambridge and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. --