Native Woodlands of Scotland

Book Description

This book presents up-to-date information about Scotland's native woodlands. It draws upon professional experience of scientific research, survey and management, where the author has studied many important native woodlands in Scotland and beyond.

Native Woodlands of Scotland

Book Description

This book presents up-to-date information about Scotland's native woodlands. It draws upon professional experience of scientific research, survey and management, where the author has studied many important native woodlands in Scotland and beyond.

People and Woods in Scotland

Book Description

This is a history of the trees, woodlands and forests of Scotland and of the people who used them. It begins 11,500 years ago when the ice sheet melted and trees such as hazel, pine, ash and oak returned, bringing with them first birds and mammals and, soon after, the first hunter-gathering humans. The book charts and explains the almost complete withdrawal of tree cover in Scotland over the following millennia, considers the revival of forests and woodlands in the twentieth century, and ends by examining the changes under way now. The book is intended for everyone interested in Scotland's natural history. It calls on an expert in pollen analysis to examine ancient patterns of woodland distribution; on archaeologists to describe how wood was put to good purpose, especially for buildings; on historians and foresters to explain how trees and woods have been exploited and enjoyed over the ages: on ecologists to show how the histories of people and woods are inseparably linked in Scotland; and on a geographer to consider how the Scottish landscape may react to changing policy, attitudes, populations, and climate. The text is fully illustrated by maps and photographs, in colour and black and white. The book has appendixes listing the native and imported species of trees and shrubs in Scotland, and ends with an extensive guide to further reading arranged by subject.

Farming, Forestry and the Natural Heritage

Book Description

There have been significant changes to farming and forestry, and new strategies for agriculture, forestry and biodiversity have been launched. The influence of farming and forestry on Scotland's landscapes is seen as increasingly important, and new access rights have been put in place by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. Although these changes bring uncertainty and challenges, they also bring a major opportunity to move decisively towards integrating landscape, biodiversity and recreational objectives in land management. This book takes stock of the changes taking places and considers a number of case studies, which together suggest that progress is being made, looks ahead at future research and advisory needs, and highlights some key challenges to achieving better integration in the future.

Conquering the Highlands

Book Description

Deforestation of Scotland began millennia ago and by the early 20th century woodland cover was down to about 6 per cent of the total land area. A century later woodland cover had tripled. Most of the newly established forestry plantations were created on elevated land with wet peaty soils and high wind exposure, not exactly the condition in which forests naturally thrive. Jan Oosthoek tells in this book the story of how 20th century foresters devised ways to successfully reforest the poor Scottish uplands, land that was regarded as unplantable, to fulfil the mandate they had received from the Government and wider society to create a timber reserve. He raises the question whether the adopted forestry practice was the only viable means to create forests in the Scottish Highlands by examining debates within the forestry community about the appearance of the forests and their longterm ecological prospects. Finally, the book argues that the long held ecological convictions among foresters and pressure from environmentalists came together in the late 20th century to create more environmentally sensitive forestry.

History of the Native Woodlands of Scotland 1500-1920

Book Description

The first modern history of Scottish woodlands, this highly illustrated volume explores the changing relationship between trees and people from the time of Scotland's first settlement, focusing on the period 1500 to 1920. Drawing on work in natural science, geography and history, as well as on the authors' own research, it presents an accessible and readable account that balances social, economic and environmental factors. Two opening chapters describe the early history of the woodlands. The book is then divided into chapters that consider traditional uses and management, the impact of outsiders on the pine woods and the oakwoods in the first phase of exploitation, and the effect of industrialization. Separate chapters are devoted to case studies of management at Strathcarron, Glenorchy, Rothiemurchus, and on Skye.