Oudtestamentische Studien

Book Description

The Realignment of the Priestly Literature

Book Description

Discussions of the Pentateuch still progress in the shadow of Wellhausen's classic source theory known as the Documentary Hypothesis. The theory continues to stimulate a lively and informative exchange in pentateuchal circles, even in the face of significant adjustments to the hypothesis and its alleged abandonment by some. In the midst of this discussion, the priestly literature holds a unique position as the most identifiable of the sources of the Pentateuch. Nevertheless, clarity regarding the character of the Priestly source has been obscured by the disjunction between the P narratives in Genesis and the predominantly legal material assigned to P in the rest of the Pentateuch. This book addresses that disjunction by recognizing the priestly narrative in the book of Genesis as a unique document, which has been incorporated into the larger Priestly source. This discovery also serves to bring further clarity to the redactional relationship between P and H. As a result, this study enriches our understanding of the priestly writings in the Pentateuch.

The Book of Exodus

Book Description

Written by leading experts in the field, The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation offers a wide-ranging treatment of the main aspects of Exodus. Its twenty-four essays fall under four main sections. The first section contains studies of a more general nature, including the history of Exodus in critical study, Exodus in literary and historical study, as well as the function of Exodus in the Pentateuch. The second section contains commentary on or interpretation of specific passages (or sections) of Exodus, as well as essays on its formation, genres, and themes. The third section contains essays on the textual history and reception of Exodus in Judaism and Christianity. The final section explores the theologies of the book of Exodus.

The Levitical Authorship of Ezra-Nehemiah

Book Description

The study of Ezra-Nehemiah has been revolutionized in recent years by a growing rejection of the long-established belief that it was composed as part of the Chronicler's work. That shift in scholarly paradigms has re-opened many questions of origin and purpose, and this thesis attempts to establish an answer to the most important of these: the question of authorship. Here, Kyungjin Min argues that Ezra-Nehemiah most likely originated in a Levitical group that received Persian backing during the late-fifth century BCE and that valued the ideologies of decentralization of power, unity and cooperation among social groups, and dissatisfaction with the religious status quo.

Formation and Reformulation

Book Description

This volume offers a critical examination of recent theories concerning the growth of biblical literature in the light of the oldest textual witnesses (the Qumran biblical scrolls and the Septuagint). On the basis of a fresh examination of a selection of passages in the book of Joshua, it is shown that these witnesses do not reflect a stage in the literary formation of the book prior to the standardised (Masoretic) text, but a reinterpretation and reformulation of its contents. The study presents a new literary-critical solution to the intricate problems of Joshua 8 and a detailed exegesis of the Greek version of Joshua 1 and 5. Of special interest for Qumran scholars is the new reconstruction of 4QJoshuaa.

A Sign and a Wonder

Book Description

While many studies on Isaiah are interested in the formation of the book, relatively few have addressed the development of the oracles concerning foreign nations. Like many other prophetic books, the book of Isaiah contains a section of foreign nations oracles (Isaiah 13-23), but within this collection is a smaller grouping of literary material that deals with the nations of Cush (Ethiopia) and Egypt (Isaiah 18-20). This book considers the formation of this smaller group about Cush and Egypt within the literary context of the growth of the larger collection and the development of these individual chapters. This book also contributes a fresh approach to the formation of foreign nations oracles in Isa 13-23.