The Prophetic Imperative

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The Prophetic Imperative

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The Prophetic Imperative

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Dialogue as an Imperative to Ecumenical and Interreligious Problems in Nigeria

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The Church is the Sacrament of Communion with God and unity among all men (Cf. Vatican II doc. L.G. 1). Christ prayed for this unity amongst his adherents in accordance with the unity between him and God the Father (Cf. Jn. 17: 21). This unity will be a sign by which the outside world is to believe in him, hence calling on the Church to rise up to this demand. Efforts were made by the Church to respond to this demand, but it was at the Second Vatican Council that the search for unity became an imperative. With this Council, the Church acknowledged the possibility of Salvation for the members of other Christian traditions and people of other religions. The Church has done a lot to promote this unity, through the teachings of the Magisterium and the activities of the recent Popes. It is then important to study the situation of Nigeria, where this call of the Vatican II, has received scant response both in ecumenical and interreligious relations. Having done pastoral work in places with interdenominational and interreligious rivalry in Nigeria, I became concerned and worried. The present religious crises in Nigeria, has escalated to an issue of grave concern with the Boko Haram insurgency. My motivation is to demonstrate the teaching of the Church regarding interdenominational and interreligious dialogue within Nigeria. There has been no sustained effort to build bridges of religious unity in the country. This research will demonstrate the necessity of ecumenical dialogue as a prelude to interreligious dialogue in Nigeria. On the global level, the need for various religions to foster relationships has become an imperative. Two important bodies CAN and NIREC, will be studied in this book. The work aims at demonstrating the involvement of the Nigerian Christians and Muslims in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. Essentially concerned with the Catholic view of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue & its application to the Nigerian situation. No in-depth study of the religions involved. It is rather the fact of their existence & the role dialogue will play with them to solve religious problems in Nigeria. Though ATR was considered in this work, but the issue of dialogue will only involve Nigerian Muslims & Christians. The research wishes to provoke further study on dialogue between ATR and any of the other two religions. Two issues involved: the reality & importance of the Catholic teachings on ecumenical & interreligious dialogue, and their application to the Nigerian situation. Key methods involved in this work are literary research and analysis, through theological, historical, critical, descriptive, analytical & expository approaches.

The Transition Movement for Churches

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The Transition Town Movement is a fast growing social movement with hundreds of local groups which aims to prepare communities for the impact of peak oil and climate change. Many Christians are involved already, but this is the first book to equip local churches to engage with the movement towards greater simplicity.

The Creedal Imperative

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Recent years have seen a number of high profile scholars converting to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy while a trend in the laity expresses an eclectic hunger for tradition. The status and role of confessions stands at the center of the debate within evangelicalism today as many resonate with the call to return to Christianity's ancient roots. Carl Trueman offers an analysis of why creeds and confessions are necessary, how they have developed over time, and how they can function in the church of today and tomorrow. He writes primarily for evangelicals who are not particularly confessional in their thinking yet who belong to confessional churches—Baptists, independents, etc.—so that they will see more clearly the usefulness of the church's tradition.

The Prophetic Imperative

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The Greek Imperative Mood in the New Testament

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The imperative mood as a whole has generally been neglected by Greek grammarians. The Greek Imperative Mood in the New Testament: A Cognitive and Communicative Approach utilizes insights from modern linguistics and communication theory in order to propose an inherent (semantic) meaning for the mood and describe the way in which it is used in the New Testament (pragmatics). A linguistic theory called neuro-cognitive stratificational linguistics is used to help isolate the morphological imperative mood and focus on addressing issues directly related to this area, while principles from a communication theory called relevance theory provide a theoretical basis for describing the usages of the mood. This book also includes a survey of New Testament and select linguistic approaches to the imperative mood and proposes that the imperative mood is volitional-directive and should be classified in a multidimensional manner. Each imperative should be classified according to force, which participant (speaker or hearer) benefits from the fulfillment of the imperative, and where the imperative falls within the event sequence of the action described in the utterance. In this context, sociological factors such as the rank of participants and level of politeness are discussed together with other pragmatic-related information. The Greek Imperative Mood in the New Testament is a valuable teaching tool for intermediate and advanced Greek classes.

Paradox and the Prophets

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Weiss examines the style and method of Hermann Cohen's magnum opus, Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism. Through philosophical and scriptural analyses, Weiss argues for a new reading of this long-misunderstood book, demonstrating Cohen's continuing significance for Jewish thought and for philosophy of religion more broadly.