The Quest to Overthrow Heaven

Book Description

The Quest to Overthrow Heaven begins at the dawn of time in a fully realized universe populated by seraphim, cherubim, and countless angels-all with their own agendas and allegiances. However, the cherub prince, Lucifer, becomes filled with vanity and wants to be renowned as the Supreme Spirit, who rules over all. Before long, Lucifer rebels against the Supreme Spirit and convinces a third of the angels to follow him. The fallen angels begin an endless reign of evil, enticing mankind to commit every imaginable sin. The actions of the demons also give rise to giants who terrorize humans, and monstrous beasts which destroy everything in their path. In a world of growing wickedness, the archangel Michael and half of his angels are sent to earth to watch over and protect virtuous people. But the angels soon confront legions of armed demons who slaughter most of them. Only Michael and another angel escape. The demons believe they have the upper hand and decide to attack heaven. A massive battle ensues between the forces of evil and legions of angels in which the outcome conclusively determines who will rule heaven forever... Blending a biblically based foundation with extraordinary dramatic insights, The Quest to Overthrow Heaven is required reading for Christians, Bible scholars, and anyone who loves the greatest story ever told.

The Fallen Angel's War

Book Description

Lucifer's plans to topple God are carefully calculated and include energizing his devil officers to wage war against Paradise. He accepts that he can overcome God and take his put as the ruler of Paradise and Soil. In any case, his self-importance blinds him to the reality that he is endlessly dwarfed and outmatched by God's armed force of blessed messengers. I took delight of turning the story to be more of an gutsy, and compelling for perusing and not fair a book of scriptures of the truth. I really accept this book will keep peruser interested until the exceptionally conclusion of it.

The Quest

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The Quest

Book Description

Rioting and Looting

Book Description

Rioting and looting are evolutionary terms and actions whose ancestor can be traced to biblical origins. They are never the primary action but almost and always prompted by some primary factor. They are the prodigy of the biblical "spoil" and "plunder" that is often the preferred method of seizure, restitution, or economic gains that God instructed the Israelite to assert their rights to. America, the great nation that it purports to be is perhaps the greatest looter that has chartered a course that is contrary to God's will and in direct contradiction to her own creed "that all men are created equal." This trajectory has a stark similarity to the biblical account as recorded in the book of Exodus where the Israelite, for no other reason than their increased population growth, were subjected to cruel and unusual punishment of slavery at the direction of the Pharaoh and at the hands of Egypt's harsh taskmasters. This injustice spanned over a period of four hundred and thirty years before God intervened and exacted his divine retributive justice upon the "hardened hearts" of the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Israelite's, at the direction of God, "plundered" the Egyptians and were given restitution, compensation, and reparation for the atrocities inflicted upon them. America is approaching four hundred and four years since the year 1619, and God has revealed that his divine retributive justice will be exacted upon America. Black people and people of color, after the plagues imposed upon America, will be granted restitution, compensation, and reparation for the cruel and unjust atrocities inflicted upon them. To avert this impending doom, White America must sit down at the table of brotherhood with its citizens of color and acknowledge and dismantle her "white privileges" with the commitment to restore and compensate Black America for the injustices inflicted upon them.

The Quest For Truth

Book Description

This book is for the reader who takes interest in an age-old issue that remains contemporary with every succeeding generation. When, how, and why we are here are questions that have caused countless generations of thinkers and laymen alike to intuitively seek at the very least the semblance of an answer to questions that have become more of an outlook than a science, and in turn spring up among the problems of modern life as opposed to allowing for a resolution to that which was intended to clarify instead of further complicate. Free from the shackles and bias imposed by the various schools of religious, scientific and philosophical thought, the examinations offered herein are rooted in systematic analyses of the scientific, philosophical, ethical, social and finally the religious; which in turn allows for the explanation and justification of concepts that enable the reader to adopt a perspective relevant to the distinctions of absolute truth and relativistic assumptions. Our age is accurately referred to as the age of advancement and technology and for good reason. The rapid pace of progression over the last century in the life sciences has contributed to a broadened understanding of knowledge itself and its relation to the psychological and sociological aspects of our existence. As a result of the significant expansion of the sciences, the desire for an understanding of “self” and simply of “why” has in many ways been diluted, thus negating the never ending questions that once tugged at man's conscious in the middle of the night for thousands of years. Today's amazing achievements have laid the foundation for a whole series of newer problems and questions that threaten mankind as never before. The medical and biological sciences have enabled us to have a life expectancy beyond that of prior generations, however coupled with that are the problems of population explosion, which in the not too distant future will give rise to serious concerns. We have the ability to harness the power of the atom, yet along with it comes the ability to destroy all that we hold sacred. Taking into consideration the advanced age we live in, how does one account for the remarkable complexity extant throughout the known universe? Is one to assume that our consciousness coupled with our overwhelming sense of purpose can be attributed solely to “random chance” alone? The law of causation deals with the need for a preceding event leading to the outcome, and despite the fact that this scientific age has left its handprint on every facet of life today, it has failed to satisfy the innate question of simply,.............................................. why?

China's Quest for Global Order

Book Description

The “rise of China” has become a ubiquitous and often menacing term in global politics. China’s Quest for Global Order: From Peaceful Rise to Harmonious World, by Rosita Dellios, PhD, and R. James Ferguson, PhD, examines how China’s leadership has responded to this depiction and the strategic approaches that have been developed to ameliorate threat perceptions. Rather than simply reassuring others that its “rise” is peaceful, China has taken proactive steps to reduce possible conflicts. Beijing seeks to shape the emerging global governance order as both non-threatening to itself and productive in transnational problem-solving. Borrowing from its own Confucian heritage to promote a harmonious world policy, China’s contribution to world order is likely to be more robust than the “responsible stakeholder” epithet upon which the West has pinned its collective hopes. The book interprets China’s quest for global order from Chinese perspectives, old and new, and provides the relevant philosophical and historical background to engage the reader in the ensuing debates. The authors also contextualize Chinese concepts with those from contemporary international relations, strategic studies and systems thinking. Their resultant contributions to existing analyses include the notion of “Confucian geopolitics” and the interplay between strategic theatres of cooperation and protection.

Allegorical Quests from Deguileville to Spenser

Book Description

An examination of sixteenth-century quest narratives, focussing on their conscious use of a medieval tradition to hold a mirror up to contemporary culture. Offers the first full study of the allegorical knightly quest tradition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Richly satisfying, as impressive in the detail of its scholarship as in the elegance of its critical formulations. It seamlessly moves between different literary traditions and across conventional period boundaries. In Dr Nievergelt's treatment of this theme, the successive retellings of the tale of the knight's quest come to stand as an emblemof shifting values and norms, both religious and worldly; and of our repeated failures to realise those ideals. Dr Alex Davis, Department of English, University of St Andrews. The literary motif of the "allegorical knightly quest" appears repeatedly in the literature of the late medieval/early modern period, notably in Spenser, but has hitherto been little examined. Here, in his examination of a number of sixteenth-century English allegorical-chivalric quest narratives, focussing on Spenser's Faerie Queene but including important, lesser-known works such as Stephen Bateman's Travayled Pylgrime and William Goodyear's Voyage of the Wandering Knight, the author argues that the tradition begins with the French writer Guillaume de Deguileville. His seminal Pèlerinage de la vie humaine was composed c.1331-1355; it was widely adapted, translated, rewritten and printed overthe next centuries. Dr Nievergelt goes on to demonstrate how this essentially "medieval" literary form could be adapted to articulate reflections on changing patterns of identity, society and religion during the early modern period; and how it becomes a vehicle of self-exploration and self-fashioning during a period of profound cultural crisis. Dr Marco Nievergelt is Lecturer (Maître Assitant) and SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Research Fellow in the English Department at the Université de Lausanne

The Descendant of the Order

Book Description

Years ago the Order of Virtues waged war against God's angels. The Order was defeated and banished to Earth, where they now wander, infecting human souls with evil. Amis Trepe is a young man back in his old neighborhood on family business. Soon he feels as though he is being watched. He has terrible dreams, possibly visions. Then he discovers a mysterious dagger in his coat pocket. The Order of Virtues must find the "Sword of Glory" to enable their victory in a new fight against the angels. But Amis is standing in their way.