The Relationship Between Perceived Values Congruence and Organizational Commitment in Multinational Organization

Book Description

American, African, European, and Middle Eastern (N = 420) technical professional employees of a multinational organization were surveyed to explore the relationship between perceived values congruence (PVC) and organizational commitment (OC). PVC was looked at as a function of fit between: (a) person s and organization s actual values and (b) organization s espoused and actual values. Four dimensions of values (ethics, people, change, and bottom line) and three components of OC (affective, continuance, and normative) were considered. The key findings of the study were: (a) PVC was related to OC; (b) the relationship was different for each component of OC and socio-cultural group; and (c) the regression models that described these relationships showed that each socio-cultural group was most strongly associated with a different dimension of values: change for Americans, bottom line for Africans, people for Europeans, and ethics for Middle Easterners.

Organizational Fit

Book Description

An ambitious survey of the field, by an international group of scholars, that looks toward the future of person-organization fit. Explores how people form their impressions of fit and the impact these have on their behavior, and how companies can maximize fit Includes multiple perspectives on the topic of how people fit into organizations, discussing issues across the field and incorporating insights from related disciplines Actively encourages scholars to take part in organizational fit research, drawing on workshops and symposia held specially for this book to explore some of the creative directions that the field is taking into the future

An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Work-related Values and Value Congruence on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Book Description

This study examined the relationship between individual values and value congruence and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, task performance, and organizational citizenship behavior. The present study was conducted with 192 sales personnel in a sales organization with offices along the eastern seaboard of the United States. The values systems this study examined included Hofstede's Work-Related Values System (1994) and O'Reilley, Chatman, and Caldwell's (1989) Person-Organization Profile Values System. A questionnaire was developed to measure Hofstede's Social, Power, Uncertainty, and Goal orientations. The relationship between the values within O'Reilley, Chatman, and Caldwell's Organizational Culture-Profile was also examined via a factor and item analyses. The analyses yielded three value dimensions: Interpersonal, Ambiguity, and Achievement. It was hypothesized that individual level values on Hofstede's Social, Power, and Goal Orientation would predict job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organization citizenship behavior. It was also expected that individual level values on Hofstede's Goal Orientation would predict task performance. In terms of the fit between the individual and organizational values, it was hypothesized that fit on Hofstede's four dimensions and O'Reilley, Chatman, and Caldwell's three dimensions would predict job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organization citizenship behavior. Also, it was expected that fit in terms of Hofstede's Goal Orientation and O'Reilley, Chatman, and Caldwell's Achievement Dimension would predict task performance. Results for the relationship between individual values, value congruence, and job outcomes provided partial support for the hypotheses. Hofstede's Uncertainty Orientation significantly predicted job satisfaction (r = -.20). Specifically, individuals who espoused more uncertainty avoiding values exhibited higher levels of satisfaction. Hofstede's Social Orientation (r = -.19) and Goal Orientation (r = -.25) were also found to significantly predict organizational commitment. Individuals who espoused more collectivist and aggressive goal behavior values exhibited greater levels of organizational commitment. Results for fit indicated that person-organization fit on Hofstede's Power Orientation significantly predicted job satisfaction (r = .17) and organizational commitment (r = .24). Fit on O'Reilley et al.'s Achievement Dimension was also found to be significantly related to task performance (r = .22). The impact of values and fit on job outcomes may have large implications for the financial success of some companies as well as the satisfaction and commitment of employees. Future research should explore other value systems and explore other operationalizations of fit.

How Leader's Behavioral Integrity Affect Followers Commitment, Engagement, OCB, and Job Performance

Book Description

This study highlights the importance of leader word deed alignment in shaping employee's attitudes and behaviors. Leaders must be conscientious to acting consistently, establishing true expectations, and conversing unambiguously. Followers perceptions of their leaders integrity greatly affect their work outcomes. From the practical perception, this research reveal that it is imperative for the leaders to truly comprehend themselves in terms of their own qualities and faults and how that affects their followers - for leaders cannot accurately comprehend their followers if they don't comprehend their own selves. The fundamental aspects of the relationship between followers, their leaders, and the organizations are influenced by their perceptions of behavioral integrity.

Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values

Book Description

Perceived importance of personal and organizational values congruence in the management of organizations have actualized this phenomenon in both theory and practice. Researchers continuously show positive impact of personal and organizational values congruence on employees? behavior, attitudes, organizational climate and organizational performance. Management of organizations are also seeking to apply the solutions to eliminate the gap between organizational and employees' values. However, arising scientific and practical problems requires to purify the factors that determine values congruence. This challenges for a search of complex and consistent understanding of this phenomenon: from theory to practice. This book aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the personal and organizational values congruence phenomenon, featuring the most important critical issues regarding the exposure, diagnosis and strengthening of congruence of personal and organizational values.

Values, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction

Book Description

Competitive environment of the present day has forced academicians and practicing managers to understand the antecedents of organizational effectiveness. This book deals with the concept of 'values' right through its evolution, the measurement constraints involved and its relationship with work area outcomes like organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the Indian context. The book has gone beyond the stereotype and made some new revelations in the relationship of values with work behaviors. The research questioned the well accepted belief that value congruence leads to positive work area behaviors and empirically proved that more than personal values and the congruence between the personal and organizational values, the perceived organizational values are major predictors of positive work area behaviors such as organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In that too, the values of fairness, openness, logic and moral integrity emerge as a major predictor of affective organizational commitment and intrinsic job satisfaction which are essential contributors to organizational effectiveness. An essential read for academicians and practicing managers

Regression Diagnostics

Book Description

Regression diagnostics are methods for determining whether a regression model that has been fit to data adequately represents the structure of the data. For example, if the model assumes a linear (straight-line) relationship between the response and an explanatory variable, is the assumption of linearity warranted? Regression diagnostics not only reveal deficiencies in a regression model that has been fit to data but in many instances may suggest how the model can be improved. The Second Edition of this bestselling volume by John Fox considers two important classes of regression models: the normal linear regression model (LM), in which the response variable is quantitative and assumed to have a normal distribution conditional on the values of the explanatory variables; and generalized linear models (GLMs) in which the conditional distribution of the response variable is a member of an exponential family. R code and data sets for examples within the text can be found on an accompanying website.

Values Congruence and Commitment

Book Description

Studying the fit between employees and their organisations and the individual and organisational outcomes of this congruence has been an interesting topic for researchers over the past decades. However, the literature does not adequately address how this fit affects other organisational attitudes - in particular organisational commitment. In this study, a theory on the mechanism by which employees' perception of person-organisation values fit impacts their affective organisational commitment and how this is impacted by their perceptions of the psychological climate is offered. Moreover, the study contributes to the literature through applying the Latent Congruence Model (LCM) developed by Cheung (2009a). Accordingly, all the hypotheses that pertain to values congruence, psychological climate and affective organisational commitment are simultaneously tested, controlling for the measurement errors. This SEM approach could be a useful analysis tool, especially as we know that, according to the simulation study of Cheung and Lau (2008), the bias in regression coefficients due to measurement error using path analysis may exceed 16% on average. Therefore, studying congruence under the frame of SEM in turn increases the accuracy and the significance of the congruence-related studies. The study was conducted in an Egyptian medium-sized textile organisation (N = 223). The results of the study supported the hypotheses that there would be positive relationships between affective organisational commitment and both perceived person-organisation values fit and psychological climate. Moreover, perceived person-organisation values fit demonstrated a positive impact on psychological climate. Importantly, psychological climate mediated the relationship between perceived person-organisation values fit and affective organisational commitment. The implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.