The Response of Nuclei under Extreme Conditions

Book Description

In recent years, a new field of nuclear research has been opened through the possibility of studying nuclei wi\h very large values of angular momentum, temperature, pressure and number of particles. This development has been closely associated with heavy ion reactions, since collisions between two heavy nuclei are especially effective in producing metastable compound systems with large angular momentum, and in transferring energy which is distributed over the whole nuclear volume. Under the strain of temperature and of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, the nucleus displays structural changes which can be interpreted in terms of pairing and shape phase transit ions. This was the subject of the lectures of J. D. Garrett, P. J. Twin and S. Levit. While the rotational motion is, at zero temperature un damped, the width of giant resonances indicate that the nucleus only oscillates through few periods before the motion is damp ed by particle decay, and through coupling to the compound nucleus. Temperature and angular momentum influence in an im portant way the properties of both giant resonances and rotatio nal motion. These subjects were developed by K. Snover, and by P. F. Bortignon and R. A. Broglia, as well as by A. Bracco, A. Dellafiore and F. Matera.

Nuclear Physics

Book Description

Dramatic progress has been made in all branches of physics since the National Research Council's 1986 decadal survey of the field. The Physics in a New Era series explores these advances and looks ahead to future goals. The series includes assessments of the major subfields and reports on several smaller subfields, and preparation has begun on an overview volume on the unity of physics, its relationships to other fields, and its contributions to national needs. Nuclear Physics is the latest volume of the series. The book describes current activity in understanding nuclear structure and symmetries, the behavior of matter at extreme densities, the role of nuclear physics in astrophysics and cosmology, and the instrumentation and facilities used by the field. It makes recommendations on the resources needed for experimental and theoretical advances in the coming decade.

Nuclei at Extremes of Isospin and Mass

Book Description

Contributed articles presented in a workshop organised by Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, held during Mar. 10-22, 2003.

Physics Of Unstable Nuclei - Proceedings Of The International Symposium On The Ispun07

Book Description

This volume features contributions by the leading authorities on the physics of unstable nuclei. It provides an important updated source in the nuclear physics literature for the researchers and post-graduates studying nuclear physics with unstable beams around the world. The focus is on the new experimental facilities for the production of unstable beams and on the latest developments in microscopic theories of nuclear structure and reactions.

Nuclei in the Cosmos

Book Description

Nuclear astrophysics as it stands today is a fascinating science. Even though, compared to other scientific fields, it is a young discipline which has developed only in this century, it has answered many questions concerning the under standing of our cosmos. One of these great achievements was the concept of nucleosynthesis, the creation of the elements in the early universe in interstellar matter and in stars. Nuclear astrophysics has continued, to solve many riddles of the evolution of the myriads of stars in our cosmos. This review volume attempts to provide an overview of the current status of nuclear astrophysics. Special emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of the field: astronomy, nuclear physics, astrophysics and particle physics are equally involved. One basic effort of nuclear astrophysics is the collection of ob servational facts with astronomical methods. Laboratory studies of the nuclear processes involved in various astrophysical scenarios have provided fundamen tal information serving both as input for and test of astrophysical models. The theoretical understanding of nuclear reaction mechanisms is necessary, for example, to extrapolate the experimentally determined reaction rates to the thermonuclear energy range, which is relevant for the nuclear processes in our cosmos. Astrophysical models and calculations allow us to simulate how nuclear processes contribute to driving the evolution of stars, interstellar matter and the whole universe. Finally, elementary particle physics also plays an important role in the field of nuclear astrophysics, for instance through weak interaction processes involving neutrinos.

New Nuclear Physics With Advanced Techniques - Proceedings Of The International Conference

Book Description

The proceedings contain invited papers and contributions which capture the recent advances in technology (beams, detectors, electronics, computing) and emphasize the new frontiers opened up in Nuclear Physics. Results with most of the existing multidetectors, as well as the progress of new developments, were presented. The presentations of EUROGAM, GAMMASPHERE, GASP, DIAMANT, ORION, EDEN, DEMON, the Texas Neutron Ball, the DWARF Ball, INDRA, FOBOS, AMPHORA, MEDEA and the SIS/ESR Particle Ball will also be included. The progress in data collection with the new integrated electronics, as well as transputer farm and network distributed processing, is also presented. Experimental results cover superdeformation, multifragmentation, neutron-rich isotopes, dissipative collisions, cluster states and radioactive beam measurements.

Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress

Book Description

Bei vielen physiologischen und Entwicklungsprozessen sowie bei Stressreaktionen spielen Hormonsignale, die Pflanzen aussenden, eine große Rolle. Mit Aufkommen der neuen post-genomischen Molekulartechnologien sind auch unsere Möglichkeiten, die Wirkung von Hormonsignalen auf die Genexpression und adaptive Prozesse zu verstehen, heute einzigartig. Wenn wir die molekularen Grundlagen dieser Prozesse entschlüsseln, ergeben sich für die Entwicklung neuer Pflanzenbiotechnologien und verbesserter Varianten von Kulturpflanzen große Chancen. Die Themen dieses Buches legen den Schwerpunkt auf die Genomik und funktionale Aspekte der Genomik. Damit lassen sich globale Veränderungen und Veränderungen auf Ebene des gesamten Genoms unter spezifischen Stressbedingungen verstehen. Mit funktionalen Werkzeugen der Genomik kann der Mechanismus von Phytohormonsignalen in Verbindung mit den zugehörigen Zielgenen systematischer definiert werden. Die integrierte Analyse von Phytohormonsignalen bei einzelnen oder mehreren Stressbedingungen ist unter Umständen für die Entwicklung stresstoleranter Kulturpflanzen eine außergewöhnliche Möglichkeit. Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling Under Stress beschreibt die jüngsten Fortschritte und zeigt, wie heutige Erkenntnisse in der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung von Pflanzen und Kulturpflanzen Anwendung finden. Dieses Buch ist für Pflanzenbiologen, Biologen, die sich mit Stressfaktoren beschäftigen, Forscher im Bereich Pflanzenbiotechnologie, Studenten und Dozenten überaus nützlich.

Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System

Book Description

Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System focuses on planetary physics and chemistry. This book consists of 12 chapters. Chapters I to IV cover the general properties and environment of the planetary system. The solar system beyond Mars is elaborated in Chapters V to VIII, while the inner solar system is considered in Chapters XI to XII. In these chapters, this compilation specifically discusses the limitations on big bang nucleosynthesis; structure and classification of galaxies; and mass and angular momentum distribution. The radio wave propagation in space plasmas; interiors of Jupiter and Saturn; density and composition of icy satellites; and evaporation and non-gravitational forces are also deliberated. This text also explains the physical properties of meteorites; geology of the Moon; geophysical data on Mars; and search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This publication is a good reference for first-year graduate students who intend to take graduate courses in specialized areas of planetary sciences, as well as practicing Ph.D. scientists with training in physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, meteorology, and biology.