Contemporary Funeral Rituals of Sa'dan Toraja

Book Description

Kniha s názvem Contemporary Funeral Rituals of Sa'dan Toraja; From Aluk Todolo to "New" Religions pojednává o etniku Toradžů, jež obývá provincie Tana Toraja a Toraja Utara v jižní části indonéského ostrova Sulawesi. Práce se zabývá jejich kulturou a soustředí se na nejvýznamnější soudobý toradžský rituál – pohřeb. Její jádro je rozděleno do dvou kapitol – první z nich představuje etnikum Toradžů a důležité aspekty jejich kultury, druhá kapitola je založena především na výsledcích terénního výzkumu autorky. Zabývá se tím, co se stane s duší zesnulého člověka podle náboženství Aluk Todolo, jak musí pozůstalí naložit s jeho tělem a do jaké míry společenský původ ovlivňuje ještě i v současnosti typ a délku funerálního rituálu Cílem této knihy je nastínit podobu funerálního rituálu v jeho původní formě a zachytit zásadní sociální a náboženské změny, ke kterým dochází v toradžské společnosti od počátku 20. století, kdy na jejich území vstoupili první nizozemští misionáři. Autorka knihy se snažila zjistit, do jaké míry jsou soudobé toradžské rituály synkretickým útvarem – snoubí se v nich totiž autochtonní víra Aluk Todolo a zvykové právo adat s nově přijatými náboženstvími. Práce tedy poukazuje na to, jak nově přijatá náboženství ovlivnila podobu rituálů, soustředí se zejména na jejich formální a principiální významové posuny

Paths and Rivers

Book Description

Fieldwork extending over a thirty-year period provided materials for this book. Paths and Rivers offers an unusually deep and broad picture of the Sa’dan Toraja as a society in dynamic transition over the course of the past century. The Toraja inhabit the mountainous highlands of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and are well known for their dramatic architecture, their unusual cliff burials, and their flamboyant ceremonial life, which places extraordinary economic demands on individuals and families. The analysis is informed, firstly, by a comparative perspective which sets Toraja social structure in the context of the Austronesian world. Secondly, the author delves deeply into Toraja social memory to show how people think about the past. She examines the usefulness of history and myth in the present as a source of identity, a template for action, or a resource by means of which to claim precedence. The book gives a clear picture of the structure and ethos of the indigenous Toraja religion, the Aluk To Dolo or "Way of the Ancestors", with its complex cycle of rituals. The book concludes with an analysis of the ceremonial economy, which draws upon both domestic subsistence production and the global market economy. Paths and Rivers draws together a fascinating picture of one society’s journey into modernity.

The Sa’dan-Toraja

Book Description

The present volume consists of two parts, Part I dealing with the natural surroundings and the social and territorial organization of the Sa'dan-Toraja, Part 11 with religious notions, natural and material symbols, and priestly organization. Volume 11, which will hopefully appear in due time, will contain a description of Sa'dan-Toraja rituals, those associated with the East in Part 111, and those with the West in Part IV.

The Sa’dan-Toraja: A Study of Their Social Life and Religion

Book Description

Until about 1870 the Sa’dan-toraja of Sulawesi had little contact with the outside world. Several factors, of which the introduction of the coffee-growing and the coffee trade was chronologically one of the first, have changed their life as a megalithic people enmeshed in mythology and ritual drastically. The conversion of nearly half the population to Christianity after 1945 brought a particularly profound change in Sa’dan-Toraja society. Old customs, in particular as regards funerary rites, have a tenacious life, however. In autochthonous Toraja culture rituals are the main focus of attention. They are divided into ceremonies of the East and those of the West. The former, associated with sunrise and life, comprise feasts of the living; yellow and white are the colours belonging to these joyous festivals. The West is associated with sunset, death and darkness; the main colour connected with it is black. So death rituals are referred to a “night ceremonies”. In time these death feasts grew more and more complicated, finally overshadowing the festivals of the East.

Art as Politics

Book Description

Art as Politics explores the intersection of art, identity politics, and tourism in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Based on long-term ethnographic research from the 1980s to the present, the book offers a nuanced portrayal of the Sa’dan Toraja, a predominantly Christian minority group in the world’s most populous Muslim country. Celebrated in anthropological and tourism literatures for their spectacular traditional houses, sculpted effigies of the dead, and pageantry-filled funeral rituals, the Toraja have entered an era of accelerated engagement with the global economy marked by on-going struggles over identity, religion, and social relations. In her engaging account, Kathleen Adams chronicles how various Toraja individuals and groups have drawn upon artistically-embellished "traditional" objects—as well as monumental displays, museums, UNESCO ideas about "word heritage," and the World Wide Web—to shore up or realign aspects of a cultural heritage perceived to be under threat. She also considers how outsiders—be they tourists, art collectors, members of rival ethnic groups, or government officials—have appropriated and reframed Toraja art objects for their own purposes. Her account illustrates how art can serve as a catalyst in identity politics, especially in the context of tourism and social upheaval. Ultimately, this insightful work prompts readers to rethink persistent and pernicious popular assumptions—that tourism invariably brings a loss of agency to local communities or that tourist art is a compromised form of expression. Art as Politics promises to be a favorite with students and scholars of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, ethnic relations, art, and Asian studies.

Banua Toraja

Book Description

The Poetic Power of Place

Book Description

This collection of papers is the fourth in a series of volumes on the work of the Comparative Austronesian Project. Each paper describes a specific Austronesian locality and offers an ethnographic account of the way in which social knowledge is vested, maintained and transformed in a particular landscape. The intention of the volume is to consider common patterns in the representation of place among Austronesian-speaking populations.

Securing a Place

Book Description

This book describes artisans from South Sulawesi, Indonesia, as they attempt to overcome poverty and communicate ethnic identity through participation in fluctuating silk and tourist souvenir industries. Morrell assesses the significance and long-term sustainability of their activities. The discussion addresses broad questions about economic development, as microenterprises such as these are vital sources of non-farm incomes in rural areas with high unemployment.


Book Description

This is Toraja

Book Description

This book is the result of direct observation of the author born in Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It provides a short description of many aspects of Toraja geography, government system, religion, population, education, health and medical care, language, social classification, agriculture, fisheries, husbandry. It deals with religion and rituals ; with Tongkonan (kindred house) and rice barn; with the funeral, the buffalo, the most important and valuable animal in the life and culture of Toraja.