The Samaritan Woman's Story

Book Description

Most Christians are familiar with this picture of the woman at the well: a sinner, an adulteress, even a prostitute. Exploring the reception history of John 4, Caryn Reeder challenges common interpretational assumptions about women and sexuality, yielding fresh insights from the story's original context and offering a bold challenge to teach the Bible in a way that truly values the voices of women.

Well of Living Water

Book Description

Magdalen Lawler discovered this icon of the Woman at the Well many years ago. She has used it ever since as the inspiration for innumerable retreats and conferences. Its appeal to her is that it seems to span the traditions of West and East with its lyrical beauty and its deep theology. The icon has encouraged Magdalen to study the gospel passage in detail and to research many accounts of life in first century Palestine. Now her research and retreats are brought together in this beautifully illustrated series of reflections on the Samaritan Woman at the Well.

The Samaritan Woman Reconsidered

Book Description

The Samaritan Woman is generally portrayed in our Bible studies as a woman of ill-repute. While avoiding people because of her deep shame over her immoral life, she seemingly stumbled upon Jesus resting at a well. However, most people reading this story are left with a nagging question. How could this woman receive an overwhelmingly positive response from her village neighbors, when she called them to drop everything and come with her to meet a Jewish man, she herself had just met? Something does not add up.

The Samaritan Woman You Never Knew

Book Description

Equality is an elusive concept most of the time. Whether it's racial, ethnic, gender-related, or class-related, weve struggled to find anything that resembles the concept of equal. This book, from the Christian perspective, attempts to point out the inequalities that Christians have put on themselves, especially with respect to that of men and women. Jesus treated women equal to men. We should. This book gives foundation, understanding, and application for us from the Bible, even in this twenty-first century. You will be equipped to stand scripturally on the foundation that Jesus laid. Four women from the New Testament have been misrepresented from a mans point of view in a mans world. We aim to change all that. The first is the woman at the well, the Samaritan Woman.

The Woman at the Well

Book Description

The theme of the book is that by integrating traditional historical methods of interpretation with more recent literary and sociological methods, it is possible to propose an alternative understanding of the character and role of the Samaritan woman in John 4. The contents include a survey of the interpretive tradition concerning the Samaritan woman in the church’s exegesis, in artistic renderings, and in literary compositions from the Patristic Period until the Modern Era. The book concludes with the author’s alternative interpretation, which proposes a pious Samaritan woman vs. the traditional immoral one. This book is useful as a model for a synthetic approach to biblical interpretation that utilizes both historical and more contemporary methods. Additionally, it demonstrates one possible avenue by which biblical and theological scholars can participate in interdisciplinary studies.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Book Description

This book deals with two aspects pertaining to the understanding of John. On the one hand it examines the style of the Gospel and on the other hand it introduces, for the first time in the study of the Fourth Gospel, a comprehensive speech act reading of a Johannine discourse. In the first chapter different approaches to Johannine style are identified, and the deficiencies current in perceptions regarding style are indicated. The second chapter deals with theoretical observations regarding the nature of style in terms of modern stylistics. It is suggested that a possible paradigm for a comprehensive approach to style is speech act theory. The next chapter contains a comprehensive speech act reading of John 4: 1-42. Finally, observations regarding style, and understanding Johannine texts, based on this speech act reading, is given. Not only does this study clarify the nature of Johannine style in more modern terms, but it also gives an indication of the enormous possibilities this theory holds for enhancing New Testament exegesis.

Beauty from Ashes

Book Description

The book is a story of redemption from a modern day Samaritan woman at the well. The author has married four times and amidst her lack of wisdom and allowing Christ to guide her in the past, wants to share how we do not have to continue living in our past and we do not have to continue the destructive patterns. New life and freedom in Christ are ours for the taking.

The Samaritan Woman

Book Description

This book touches on many subjects in an eclectic manner, not following any one system. Environmentally, it is the history of water. The Samaritan woman is just one person used to get across the difficulty in securing clean cool water in the desert. The story tells how water has served man in the arid eastern desert up to the present days high standards. The story of water without including the practices of worship with water would emasculate the truth and sense of it all. Each essayist brings to the book his or her biography coupled with a point of view different than the rest. Poetry, art, drama, history and science all come back to the use of water. Water is the common denominator.

The Samaritan Woman Testifies

Book Description

The Samaritan Woman Testifies is a book based on the concept of the woman at the well of Jacob in the Biblical history, Book of John, chapter 4. She is a woman scorned by most others but Jesus goes out of His way to minister to her needs while she attempts to get water later in the noon day, avoiding all others. Jesus made a special detour to see this woman and help her ascertain the living water of salvation and grace. It was a miraculous meeting. This project was divinely inspired and 12 courageous women came forward to testify to their own personal journey to the well where they met Jesus Christ. He said, "Who do you say that I AM?" The author, Susan J. Perry is happily retired and lives in Edgewater, Florida with her sweet husband John R. Perry. Together they have four grown children; three girls and one boy and four grandchildren so far; three boys and one girl. Their children are spread out from New York to Texas to Alabama and traveling to see them is such wonderful fun! So life is good because they share the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit challenging God's purpose for them as a married couple of 8 years now with so much more to do.