The Search for an Effective Police Handgun

Book Description

Collection of research results providing police officials and officers with comparative technical information on various types and models of handguns and ammunition. Prior to standardization which occurred within police departments in the 1930's, officers were usually expected to furnish their equipment, including weapons and ammunition. Two factors, a high-degree of accuracy in the .38 S & W special revolver cartridge and the convenience of police exchanging a standard ammunition, led to the adoption of the S & W .38 by most large departments. However, researchers since 1900 have presented evidence that this accepted police handgun cartridge should be reevaluated in terms of effectiveness. Professor Bristow offers a review of some of that research in this collection of agency evaluations, factory ballistic test reports, excerpted government documents, and other materials which present alternatives to the .38 special as the standard police handgun. Wound ballistics, considerations of velocity and shock, and technical concerns over accuracy versus recoil are detailed in both descriptive and statistical terms. The pros and cons of high-velocity expanding bullets are presented, as are the implications of using large caliber revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. These subjects are also discussed in the context of such larger problems as the cost-risk of change and community relations versus officer protection. The material is intended to aid law enforcement officials and officers who have the responsibility of choosing and justifying a handgun for their agency or themselves.

Handgun Stopping Power

Book Description

Dramatic first-hand accounts of the results of handgun rounds fired into criminals by cops, storeowners, cabbies and others are the heart and soul of this long-awaited book. This is the definitive methodology for predicting the stopping power of handgun loads, the first to take into account what really happens when a bullet meets a man.

An Evaluation of Police Handgun Ammunition

Book Description

In 1973, the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration approved and funded a project, submitted by the Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory (LESL), National Bureau of Standards, to conduct a study of the terminal effects of police handgun ammunition. LESL contracted with the U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, September, 1973, to conduct this study, to prepare a report of their findings and to draft guidelines for the selection of law enforcement service handgun ammunition. The full report entitled, "An Evaluation of Handgun Ammunition," is forthcoming as a publication of the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. The full report will contain a complete description of a model for human incapacitation by handgun bullets, comparisons of presently available factory-loaded handgun cartridges according to their potential to incapacitate humans, to penetrate common materials, and to pose a hazard to bystanders. It will also contain lengthy tables of experimental data which are not included in this summary report.

Policing the Second Amendment

Book Description

An urgent look at the relationship between guns, the police, and race The United States is steeped in guns, gun violence—and gun debates. As arguments rage on, one issue has largely been overlooked—Americans who support gun control turn to the police as enforcers of their preferred policies, but the police themselves disproportionately support gun rights over gun control. Yet who do the police believe should get gun access? When do they pursue aggressive enforcement of gun laws? And what part does race play in all of this? Policing the Second Amendment unravels the complex relationship between the police, gun violence, and race. Rethinking the terms of the gun debate, Jennifer Carlson shows how the politics of guns cannot be understood—or changed—without considering how the racial politics of crime affect police attitudes about guns. Drawing on local and national newspapers, interviews with close to eighty police chiefs, and a rare look at gun licensing processes, Carlson explores the ways police talk about guns, and how firearms are regulated in different parts of the country. Examining how organizations such as the National Rifle Association have influenced police perspectives, she describes a troubling paradox of guns today—while color-blind laws grant civilians unprecedented rights to own, carry, and use guns, people of color face an all-too-visible system of gun criminalization. This racialized framework—undergirding who is “a good guy with a gun” versus “a bad guy with a gun”—informs and justifies how police understand and pursue public safety. Policing the Second Amendment demonstrates that the terrain of gun politics must be reevaluated if there is to be any hope of mitigating further tragedies.

Evaluation of the New York City Police Department Firearm Training and Firearm-discharge Review Process

Book Description

In January 2007, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly asked the RAND Corporation to examine the quality and completeness of the New York City Police Department's firearm-training program and identify potential improvements in it and in the police department's firearm-discharge review process. This monograph reports the observations, findings, and recommendations of that study.

Police Handgun Ammunition

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