The Silent Speak Volumes

Book Description

One woman proves that painfully shy children can become successful, even when raised by an emotionally unstable mother. In The Silent Speak Volumes, a mother responds to her grown child's question: "Why don't we know more about your childhood, Mom?" This sweet yet painfully honest memoir examines one woman's formative years, in which her mother's words and actions were not always rooted in loving guidance. Despite her resulting low self-esteem and crippling shyness, the author is able to overcome the emotional manipulation of her past in order to find success and happiness. Her memoir was written for her children, but it's a story that will resonate with everyone.

Speaking Volumes

Book Description

From a lineup of acclaimed literary talents, wide-ranging works centering on books and bibliophilia. Writing about writing itself and about the books that are home to the written word. A library of ideas about language and the book in all their forms, Speaking Volumes collects poetry, fiction, and narrative nonfiction on historic, forbidden, repurposed, mistranslated, imaginary, lost, and life-changing books—books of every ilk.

Silent Cells

Book Description

A critical investigation into the use of psychotropic drugs to pacify and control inmates and other captives in the vast U.S. prison, military, and welfare systems For at least four decades, U.S. prisons and jails have aggressively turned to psychotropic drugs—antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, and tranquilizers—to silence inmates, whether or not they have been diagnosed with mental illnesses. In Silent Cells, Anthony Ryan Hatch demonstrates that the pervasive use of psychotropic drugs has not only defined and enabled mass incarceration but has also become central to other forms of captivity, including foster homes, military and immigrant detention centers, and nursing homes. Silent Cells shows how, in shockingly large numbers, federal, state, and local governments and government-authorized private agencies pacify people with drugs, uncovering patterns of institutional violence that threaten basic human and civil rights. Drawing on publicly available records, Hatch unearths the coercive ways that psychotropics serve to manufacture compliance and docility, practices hidden behind layers of state secrecy, medical complicity, and corporate profiteering. Psychotropics, Hatch shows, are integral to “technocorrectional” policies devised to minimize public costs and increase the private profitability of mass captivity while guaranteeing public safety and national security. This broad indictment of psychotropics is therefore animated by a radical counterfactual question: would incarceration on the scale practiced in the United States even be possible without psychotropics?

Speaking Volumes

Book Description

In this text Edith Newman Devlin remembers her childhood in Dublin in the 1930s and 40s as a poor Protestant living among even poorer Catholics. Reading was her escape, and commentaries on the emotional truth of literature alternate with chapters of personal memoir.

The Silent Appalachian

Book Description

Appalachian literature is filled with silent or non-discursive characters. The reasons for their wordlessness vary. Some are mute or pretend to be, some choose not to speak or are silenced by grief, trauma or fear. Others mutter monosyllables, stutter, grunt and point, speak in tongues or idiosyncratic language. They capture the reader's attention by what they don't say.

The Silent Teachers

Book Description

Have you ever wondered Why - as human beings we look at a Thundering Waterfall or a beautiful butterfly with such awe! To grasp a moment in time where all the senses are powerfully charged to almost lift you off of your feet? The Silent Teachers is a collection of prose, telling short stories about such experiences... Egs: Observing bees on my flowering crab apple tree buzzing about their business told me: Life must go on when tragedy strikes. - Walking along the garden and stopping to smell a rose gave me the promise of hope. Knowing that everything is unfolding as it should. - Discovering a piece of discarded snake skin helped me to realize the importance of letting go of emotional baggage. - My grandfathers kaleidoscope taught me to appreciate the uniqueness in people I encounter on this human journey... And much much more I wish you - The reader to recall your own moments in time where you felt so powerfully charged to almost lift you off of your feet and know It is a Beautiful, Living, breathing world and that we are all a part of this human experience...

The Silent Apostle

Book Description

Kemp Hastings a freelance troubleshooter for the Fisher Kings is tasked with authenticating an illuminated manuscript that has strong links to the crucufixion and may have been penned by Mary Magdalene herself. Hastings teams up with Dr Darlene Gammay a biblical studies teacher and embark on an adventure that results in an event that rocks the Papacy. In her efforts to research the parchment Darlene inadvertantly makes contact with the Sanctos Epistula (Letters of the Saints) and is burdened with a tattoo across her back and left shoulder that may reflect the true likeness of the Holiest of Mothers. The tattoo reflects the work of Gabriel Dante Rosetti's famous pre- raphaelite work from the late 18th century indicating that the artist may have had access to a more secret society. On discovering the tattoo Hastings finds that the manuscript that was hidden in his desk has returned to a simple blank parchment page of two thousand years ago In the interim period - a known Hellfire Corss Sword has been mysteriously removed from the secure archives of the vatican and the Pope has concerns over the safety of his flock.

Silent Days, Silent Dreams

Book Description

Caldecott Medal winner Allen Say brings his lavish illustrations and hybrid narrative and artistic styles to the story of artist James Castle. James Castle was born two months premature on September 25, 1899, on a farm in Garden Valley, Idaho. He was deaf, mute, autistic, and probably dyslexic. He didn't walk until he was four; he would never learn to speak, write, read, or use sign language.Yet, today Castle's artwork hangs in major museums throughout the world. The Philadelphia Museum of Art opened "James Castle: A Retrospective" in 2008. The 2013 Venice Biennale included eleven works by Castle in the feature exhibition "The Encyclopedic Palace." And his reputation continues to grow.Caldecott Medal winner Allen Say, author of the acclaimed memoir Drawing from Memory, takes readers through an imagined look at Castle's childhood, allows them to experience his emergence as an artist despite the overwhelming difficulties he faced, and ultimately reveals the triumphs that he would go on toachieve.

The Silent Service Speaks

Book Description

The inspiration for compiling this book, The Silent Service Speaks (Vol.1), came from a simple premise: Imagine yourself meeting with a Cold War-era submariner at a neighborhood bar for an evening of conversation over a pitcher of cold beer. What would you ask him that he could truthfully answer, and what would most interest you about his story?Such story-telling comes easy for most seamen, but in the case of our submariner, there's a catch: a lot of topics that you might want to discuss are entirely off-limits. Such is the submariner's lament. He has so many stories that he could share, but he must constantly exercise tremendous discretion in determining what can and cannot be disclosed. Your imaginary evening at the local bar might be interrupted by fits and starts as he chooses his words very carefully.But what if we changed the ground rules, declaring upfront that we didn't want to delve into details that could compromise his oath of secrecy, instead just focusing on the many other non-classified aspects of submarine life that are fair game? For example, the pranks...or the camaraderie...or the intense training...or the meaning of the dolphins insignia. By keeping the focus on those experiences that didn't involve intrigue and confidentiality, we could get some sense of what it was like on board a submarine while still respecting those forbidden boundaries. Stated in another way, we sought to describe the "day to day" and not the "cloak and dagger" of submarine service. The stories presented here run the gamut from harsh to tender, unsettling to sublime, and sad to hilarious. They contain several common themes, including love for country, a sense of adventure, an affinity for gallows humor, the pride of well-honed teamwork, and a profound sense among shipmates that they were all key participants in a larger mission. Several of the contributors reflected that their lives were never more meaningful or focused and that some of their very best years were spent in the US Navy. As these Cold War-era submarine veterans have grown older, their senses of nostalgia and mortality have deepened. Those who wrote stories for The Silent Service Speaks (Vol. 1) did so because they believe that their memories have intrinsic historical value. They understand that although certain parts of their submarine experiences may never be discussed, a far greater percentage of their memories are worthy of sharing. Their stories are not "tell-all" narratives, but they do provide many important insights into the struggles, sacrifices, and rewards of submarine service. In that sense, this volume represents an important contribution to the written history of submarines in the modern era. The 33 contributors to our book span the entire Cold War period, from the late 1940s to the 1990s and beyond. The book contains more than 150 stories and over 300 photographs, most submitted by the authors themselves. It also includes several poems, interviews, and other recollections. The editorial process centered on readability, consistency in terminology, and historical accuracy, while maintaining the authenticity of each contributor's voice. Nearly a full year in the making, The Silent Service Speaks (Vol.1) paints an intimate portrait of life below the sea in the US Submarine Force. As with the previous two submarine books written by Charles and Frank Hood, "Poopie Suits & Cowboy Boots" and "Sub Tales: Stories that Seldom Surface", all proceeds from the sale of The Silent Service Speaks (Vol. 1) are donated to the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (USSVI) Scholarship Fund. This practice continues the authors' commitment to philanthropy and the desire to increase public awareness about the significance of the submarine community at large. As of June 2020 at the time of the initial publication of this book, the total proceeds raised for the USSVI Scholarship Fund have exceeded $32,000. Thanks for your interest.

Shared Success

Book Description

Embark on a Journey of Collective Triumph: Master the Art of Teamwork Imagine a world where your success is amplified by the strengths of others, where collaboration breeds not just achievement, but a shared euphoria. "Shared Success: How Teamwork Leads to Winning in Life" is your roadmap to this reality. Dive into the core of collective victory, and emerge with a new understanding of how to transform individual capability into potent, unified power. This insightful guide starts with the cornerstone of every strong team--trust, respect, and a fusion of diverse talents. Delve into the art of building a collaborative culture where transparency and mutual goals pave the path to your collective triumphs. Grasp the significance of intricate personal contributions while maintaining the equilibrium of your group's needs. Communication is the heartbeat of team dynamics; this book dissects its intricacies, transforming potential discord into the rhythm that synchronizes collective effort. Strengthen your leadership skills, learn to nurture leaders at every echelon, and encourage a spirit of shared responsibility. "Shared Success" not only champions the inclusion of diverse perspectives but provides actionable strategies to build an environment where these differences spark creativity and innovation. Understand the components of trust--the glue that cements your team together--ensuring safety, belonging, and unshakeable solidarity. Motivate and embolden your group to commit fully to the team's objectives. Embrace adaptability and resilience, pivoting effortlessly with changing tides and rebounding from setbacks with lessons learned. Hone negotiation skills to manifest win-win scenarios, turning tensions into opportunities that strengthen your united front. With a plethora of inspiring quotes, hands-on exercises, and extensive resources, the conclusion of "Shared Success" is merely the beginning of your journey. Transform your collaboration into a tapestry of triumph. Are you ready to celebrate success not just as an individual, but as an integral part of something far greater?