The Six Gateways of Knowledge

Book Description

Gateway to Knowledge, Volume I

Book Description

The Gateway to Knowledge is a condensation of the Tripitaka and its accompanying commentaries. Consolidating the intent of Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings into a unified body of textbooks, it is the philosophical backbone of the living tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. This rich source book embodies the basics of Prajnaparamita and Madhyamika as well as Abhidharma from both the Mahayana and Hinayana perspectives. Every volume in this series includes the Tibetan text and the English translation on facing pages. "The Tibetan master, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912) is an exceptional treasure of wisdom, compassion and scholarship. His accomplishments in practice, learning, composition and teaching are immense. The student of The Gateway to Knowledge can begin to comprehend the meaning of the major works on Buddhist philosophy and of the traditional sciences. When you want to extract their meaning you need an "expert system," a key. The Gateway to Knowledge is like that key, a magical key - it opens up the treasury of precious gemstones in the expansive collection of Buddhist scriptures. " -- Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

The Gateway to Understanding

Book Description

The study of electronic waves has been broken down into artificial subdivisions where most texts cover a small part of the subject mathematically while ignoring the rest. In our scientific community, there has been a need for a coherent, one-stop approach that covers the breadth of this material in a manner that allows a total comprehension of the subject. I believe this book finally fills this void by delivering this long-awaited material.

Gateways to Knowledge

Book Description

Proponents of the gateway concept - which ties together these fifteen essays by scholars, librarians, and academic administrators - envision the library as a point of access to other research resources via technological tools; as a place for teaching; and as a site for services and support where students and faculty can obtain the information they need in the form in which they need it.

The Gateway to Understanding

Book Description

MEET BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FRIDDLE The hero of this narrative is a precocious schoolboy who was given a dictionary by his parents when he was very young. In spite of learning the meaning of many new words, he and Jamie conspired to speak like the young man they idolized who spoke with very bad grammar. This gradually became harder, but they both tried very hard not to sound like a girl. Frankie is persuaded to adopt a different imperative through his teacher, who had more understanding of the boys than they could have supposed. In 1987, the book was written to amuse my mother who seemed to enjoy hearing each episode as it developed. The narrative was rejected by several publishers, so I recorded it on an audio tape, which I gave to my grandchildren. And I made a hard copy, which stayed on a shelf until after I received word from 1stBooks. The interest of my grandchildren interested me. Several parts were extremely funny when read aloud to them. Although it is fiction, it might be useful in persuading readers that the uses of good grammar might be necessary for success in modem society. Recent gaps in SAT scores could easily be society's heritage from an erroneous assumption. No language is likely to equal proper English in the American job market. This book may help readers to realize that bad grammar could limit the perception of academic perfectionists who happen to hear job applicants speak. Please let me know whether I should develop another thing I regard as fact: true wisdom is often overlooked in persons who differ from ourselves.