The Stages of Spiritual Evolution: Phases of the Ascension/Descension Process

Book Description

The authors have personally experienced a remarkable ascension/descension journey of their own from the earliest phases of awakening to Spirit all the way to the most advanced, final stages of ascension preparation, and now explain the essential concepts and principles at work regarding humanity's unique transformation.

10 Cosmic Dimensions

Book Description

Humans are evolving in dimensional consciousness. As one ascends beyond the 5th dimension, spiritual gifts activate. Humans are healed on all levels of their being, creating a multi-dimensional perceptive. Raven brings forward information on the soul’s journey, life between lives, the light realms, and the effect of karma as we progress on our journey. Lightworkers have volunteered to be present on Earth during this difficult time in our history. All are invited to participate in bringing light to the world. The Spiritual Guidebook to Ascension provides tools for evaluating your spiritual evolution, and helping you to understand others in new light. Ten worksheets are provided for self-reflections and to assist you in moving through the guidebook.

Beyond Ascension

Book Description

"This book brings forth incredible new channeled material that completely demystifies the seven levels of initiation and how to attain them. It contains revolutionary new information on how to anchor and open our thirty-six chakras and how to build our light quotient at a rate of speed never dreamed possible. The book includes a chapter on cosmic ascension and a unique cosmic map that outlines the process of planetary ascension. The map also charts the course for full cosmic ascension through the seven cosmic planes and forty-eight dimensions of reality back to the Godhead and undifferentiated Source."

Cosmic Ascension

Book Description

Almost all the books on the planet on the subject of ascension are written about planetary ascension. However, because of the extraordinary times in which we now live, in terms of Earth's history, there is a new opening and potentiality to also begin one's cosmic ascension process. This has never before been available. It must be understood, as Vywamus has said, that in completing our planetary ascension, we are no more than one-tenth of the way up a ten-inch ruler in terms of our cosmic ascension process. This includes most of the ascended masters. We on Earth who are working to complete our seven levels of initiation must remember that there are 352 levels of initiation to return to the godhead, or Father-Mother God, at the top of creation. Most of the Ascended Masters of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy are not beyond the 12th initiation. This is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The question is, "What lies beyond the next nine-tenths of the ruler, and how do we achieve our cosmic ascension as well as our planetary ascension (which is no small feature in and of itself)?" Is it for the purpose that the author was guided to write his book.

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Transformation

Book Description

You have awakened and are on your spiritual what? If you are struggling, feeling stuck or are just curious as to which stage you fall in, then this book is for you! Even if you have been on this journey for a long time there is still SO much for us to learn as we continue to heal, grow and evolve together.This pocket guide was created to help you gain clarity and give you confirmation on where you are at within your ascension process. This book poured out of me at rapid fire speed during late 2019 after all of the intense growth I had experienced in the previous 2 years. Spirit wanted me to clarify ALL the different stages that I had PERSONALLY experienced in my 12 year journey in a way that would resonate with others, so they could easily pinpoint which stage they are currently on. My intention is to be transparent and authentic in such a way that it motivates you towards higher and higher ascension as you walk along your path of Love. Be armed with the knowledge you need on what the next stage looks like so you can be aware and continue ascending. No matter where you find yourself on your journey, you are not alone. The path of awakening to Love is a very challenging and often lonely path we follow, but the rewards for doing the work are endless! Keep moving forward in your journey and connect with my online community to gain support and interact with other like-minded individuals. Much Love to you on your journey of transformation.

The Age of Ascension

Book Description

The year 2012 birthed a new ageThe Age of Ascension. Human consciousness continues to expand at an accelerated rate fueling an evolutionary leap that promotes freedom. The Age of Ascension, Spiritual Tools to Be There Now is an exploration, a manual, and it provides an infusion of light that encourages and enhances personal development. Perception of truth is a choice that when made leads to joyful living. Learn what you can do to help yourself during this pivotal time as the new earth comes into focus. Determine your gift of service in contribution to the golden age of light and with guidance from Those Who Teach in the form of stories, insights, spiritual tools, and practices. A peaceful journey awaits anyone who chooses to reside within the ascended frequency and thus experience life within the paradise of the new earth. The Age of Ascension illuminates the way.


Book Description

Wonder where humanity is headed? Discover how chaos is moving us closer Oneness. Transform your fears into hope, your judgments into joy. In this age of enlightenment, people are searching for a deeper understanding of universal truth and a way to reconcile the spiritual nature of humanity. For more than eighteen years, Marsha has helped students from around the world find the wisdom and the power to walk the path of mastery. Ascension: The End of Duality takes a non-dogmatic approach to our journey back into Oneness. Marsha shares insights and perspectives gained from her personal experiences in seeking spiritual mastery and from those of her students, who have grown exponentially through her programs. She explains who we are and why we are here in an easy to understand style that will leave you with a sense of hope and optimism. You will discover: - How false perceptions of duality block your path to Oneness - How your spiritual suitcase affects your life and how to use it for healing - How to step out of the illusion to find your power - How to overcome judgments, especially of yourself - 10 steps to knowing your full light and experiencing yourself as Source Ascension is both a process and a destination. To get where you want to go, you need to know where you are going and how to get there. If you want to experience your spiritual mastery and know Oneness with all that is, this book will answer your questions and help you find your next steps. To learn from Marsha is to learn from the heart. Buy Ascension: The End of Duality today, and remember who you are.


Book Description

The year 2012 marked a new stage in humanity's Ascension to a higher plane of existence. We are experiencing the Shift, a transitional period in which the existing third-dimensional reality gives way to a higher plane of spiritual existence: the fifth dimension. As our new reality emerges, that which does not serve us is being stripped away, a necessary though uncomfortable process that causes unease and some degree of chaos, both on the world stage and in our personal lives. Far from fearing the Shift, however, we should embrace it. An experienced spiritual guidance counsellor, Danny Searle has devised a step-by-step daily guide to Ascension to make your passage through the Shift as easy as possible. Let Searle guide you to ever-higher vibrations with guided meditations, simplified Merkaba activation, and his ground-breaking Ascension Activation process meditation. He offers a daily planner to keep you on track. Together, these spiritual tools will help you understand the birth pangs of a new reality and ease your Ascension into the fifth dimension. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your life, or are ready to take on the final stage of your spiritual evolution, this book has it all.

Twin Flame Ascension

Book Description

Twin Flame Ascension is a transcendence experience. It is the process of rising to higher Spiritual power. Ascension is also the improvement of your Spiritual condition; The condition of your consciousness.When you ascend higher as a Twin Flame, love enters you where fear used to be. You improve your physical reality. Enlightenment also boosts your inner sense of wellbeing.Transcendence is the process of rising beyond the limits of possible experiences. It is the highest holistic level of human consciousness. When you Spiritually ascend, you have deeper knowledge about yourself and the world around you.Twin Flame Ascension is also the process of Spiritual Evolution. You become part of the Universal Consciousness. You also exist as the shared energy of oneness beyond your original mortal form.Twin Flame Ascension is also governed by the divine nature and power which is fully independent of the material Universe beyond all physical laws. When you Ascend as a Twin Flame, you have a paradigm shift. You experience an altered state of consciousness. You are less concerned with material things. You can perceive reality with greater objectivity.Twin Flame Ascension is also Sacred. It affects your self-perception, feelings, and goals. You also grow an inner strength to transcend your challenges.Ascension also is a process of expanding your boundaries. You consider yourself as an integral part of the Universe.When you Spiritually Awaken and Ascend, you rise above the needs of the ego. Twin Flame Ascension also involves that Spiritual Awakening process. It is the recognition of the belief that there is something greater than yourself. You also acknowledge that there is something more to being human than just sensory experiences.You also believe that the greater whole in which we exist is cosmic or divine.Ascension is the purification of your consciousness to sharpen your awareness. It is the process of embodying more love and light in your being. To reach the state of inner harmony and balance, you have to clear past pain, emotional baggage, and karmic blockages.You have to feel balanced from within. You Surrender and trust the divine. Your belief in the divine is tested. You drop all your old belief systems and limitations.For you to reach high levels of understanding - For you to reach ultimate transcendence, you must die to your old self. You transform and evolve. You are renewed through love.When you Surrender, you can hold higher frequencies of light and love. You have a boost in your energetic vibrations. You are a multi-dimensional being. You are a spiritual being living a human experience.When you hold higher frequencies within yourself, it opens your energy centers - your Chakras. When you vibrate at higher frequencies energetically, it amplifies the psychic abilities. You feel a boost in the shared energy of oneness. The psychic abilities also improve your telepathic communication with your Twin Flame.More in this simple book.

Ascension Messages From the Higher Realms: The Process of Conscious Human Evolution

Book Description

We are evolving into an expanded paradigm, The New Era. As we do, we let go of beliefs that no longer serve us, and have been lingering around for ages.By holding on to outdates ways of thinking, we make it more difficult to change.Furthermore, old ways of thinking, prevent us from reaching the higher levels of consciousness we are pursuing. We update our computer operating systems on a regular basis, yet we still practice religions, and hold on to customs that are now archaic.Whatever we believe to be true, is true. An entire planet of people may accept an idea, and it becomes a collective reality. However, if one person does not consider that thought to be true, then is it still absolutely true?This is not the first time that the Collective Consciousness has been confronted with a new truth and been compelled to change its beliefs, and it will probably not be the last. Many of us are consciously part of the Ascension process, facilitating this major evolutionary quantum leap, by taking part as conduits for increased Light and Life Force Energy, more than the inhabitants of Earth have seen for an exceptionally long time. It is what we have chosen to do, it is our destiny, and it is what matters to us. Our male and female energies are becoming balanced, and we will again become the Luminous Light Beings we once were.And that is what this book is about...