Hindu Tenets

Book Description

This is the story of the religiosity of the ancient Aryan race of people who lived in their homeland called the Aryavarta or Bharata or India (now) from the most prehistoric times in the history of human civilisation, and their way of life called the Vedic Dharma, which forms the heart and soul of the present day Hindu Dharma or Hinduism. the general reader from any part of the world will find this small book to be quite informative about one of the most widely practiced and living religions of all times. Hindu Tenets is meant for those keen minds of a rejuvenating India who are professionally trained in the modern western way. It gives them a glimpse and feel of the Vedic Hindu Philosophy of life, how it evolved, developed and proliferated down south the Himalayas in the East, and also the way it stood so firm during the most testing times in the history of the world. This book lists the eleven principles on which the Vedic Hindu Dharma rests till today. They may be called the Eleven Tenets - the founding doctrines of Hinduism - to give the entire picture in a very concise form. the most significant among them are: belief in one Supreme Being, in His revealed wisdom in the shape of the Vedas; in the great law of Karma or Action; in the theory of Reincarnation of the soul; and belief in the legacy of the great rishis of the bygone days, who are the guiding force in the lives of Indians even today.

Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines

Book Description

Study of various Hindu schools of thought, with emphasis on the notion of tradition and esoterism.

Scientific Bases of Hindu Beliefs

Book Description

Sanatan Hindu Dharma is like a huge tree. Different kinds of assumptions have, merged into it from time immemorial. As human population grew and time changed, beliefs and faiths changed as a result of continuous thinking of scholars and growing maturity in their ideas. As a consequence,? the branches and sub-branches of Hindu religion also grew. Is there any scientific basis of beliefs and faiths propagated in Hinduism? This question agitates the minds of intellectual readers again and again. Now, that time has come to an end, when you cited from the religious scriptures and said, ?Babaÿvakyaÿpramanam? (here is the statement from the author as evidence). Comprehensive thinking about religious beliefs has become the most essential call of the age today. First of all, the average reader has to understand what is science. The word ?vigyan (science) is formed by prefixing ?vi to ?gyan? (knowledge). ?Vishishta gyanam iti vigyanam, ?Vishesh gyanam iti vigyanam?, ?Vishuddha gyanam iti vigyanam (Specific knowledge is science, Special knowledge is science, Pure knowledge is science), these definitions are clear in themselves. Science, in fact, is based upon cause and effect relationship. ?Karya karan sarnbandh iti vigyanam?, ?punah punah parikshanam prayoganch kritam? (Science is cause and effect relationship. Experiment is made again and again). Where we come to know the cause and effect relationship, then that knowledge automatically passes into the category of science. True knowledge of an object, based on facts, is a part of science itself. ?Punah punah nirikshit gyanam iti vigyanam,? When the results are the same on repeated observations, then those facts become science. Ancient Rishis-Munis (seers and saints) formed some rules and principles under the cover of religion to civilize humanity. They offered the charms of heaven and fears of hell, so that, men adopted them in their conduct. Today, in the age of computer, no one accepts heaven or hell, piety or sin, religion or irreligion. It is a transition period. Innumerable questions are cropping up in the minds of the intellectuals. To clarify the scientific basis of Hindu beliefs has become a need of the day.

The Bhagavad Gita

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