Statistics, Testing, and Defense Acquisition

Book Description

For every weapons system being developed, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) must make a critical decision: Should the system go forward to full-scale production? The answer to that question may involve not only tens of billions of dollars but also the nation's security and military capabilities. In the milestone process used by DOD to answer the basic acquisition question, one component near the end of the process is operational testing, to determine if a system meets the requirements for effectiveness and suitability in realistic battlefield settings. Problems discovered at this stage can cause significant production delays and can necessitate costly system redesign. This book examines the milestone process, as well as the DOD's entire approach to testing and evaluating defense systems. It brings to the topic of defense acquisition the application of scientific statistical principles and practices.

Budgeting, Financial Management, and Acquisition Reform in the U.S. Department of Defense

Book Description

In this book we introduce the basics of the federal budget process, provide an historical background on the foundation and development of the budget process, indicate how defense spending may be measured and how it impacts the economy, describe and analyze how Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBES) operates and should function to produce the annual defense budget proposal to Congress, analyze the role of Congress in debating and deciding on defense appropriations and the politics of the budgetary process including the use of supplemental appropriations to fund national defense, analyze budget execution dynamics, identify the principal participants in the defense budget process in the Pentagon and military commands, assess federal and Department of Defense (DoD) financial management and business process challenges and issues, and describe the processes used to resource acquisition of defense war fighting assets, including reforms in acquisition and linkages between PPBES and the defense acquisition process.