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Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple - Midwinter Solstice Alignment

Book Description

Summary, with photographic evidence, of the mid-winter sunrise alignment in Queen Hatshepsut's temple, Deir el Bahari, Egypt.

8. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung

Book Description

Die internationalen Agyptologischen Tempeltagungen wurden 1990 mit einem Kongress in Gosen bei Berlin eroffnet. Dort ging es zum Auftakt um "Struktur, Funktion und Programm" agyptischer Kultanlagen als zentrale staatliche Einrichtungen. Inzwischen gab es Folgeveranstaltungen mit unterschiedlichen Themen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Belgien. Sie unterstrichen zum einen die internationale Ausrichtung des Faches Agyptologie, zum anderen aber zeigten sie die Bedeutung agyptischer Tempel fur die politische und kulturelle Basis des pharaonischen Agypten. Immer wieder aufs Neue beweist die Erforschung der agyptischen Tempel die enge Verzahnung dieser religiosen Machtzentren mit samtlichen Aspekten des pharaonischen Agypten bis weit in die romische Zeit hinein. Thema der 2008 in Warschau abgehaltenen 8. Agyptologischen Tempeltagung waren die kultischen und politisch-kulturellen Verknupfungen einzelner Kultanlagen. Dieser Gesichtspunkt wurde in 16 Referaten ausfuhrlich beleuchtet. Die Veroffentlichung der Ergebnisse dieser Tempeltagung gibt wie auch schon die Bande zu den fruheren Tempeltagungen Anstosse zu weiteren Forschungen in der Agyptologie und ihren Nachbardisziplinen.

The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings

Book Description

The royal necropolis of New Kingdom Egypt, known as the Valley of the Kings (KV), is one of the most important - and celebrated - archaeological sites in the world. Located on the west bank of the Nile river, about three miles west of modern Luxor, the valley is home to more than sixty tombs, all dating to the second millennium BCE. The most famous of these is the tomb of Tutankhamun, first discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. Across thirty-eight chapters, this handbook locates the Valley of the Kings in space and time, examines individual tombs, their construction, content, development, and significance, reviews modern research and exploration in the valley, and discusses the current status of ongoing issues of preservation and archaeology.

Current Research in Egyptology 2016

Book Description

This volume reflects the most recent state of research on ancient Egypt presented and discussed at the international conference Current Research on Egyptology XVII, May 2016. Nine papers are arranged chronologically covering the wide time span from the Predynastic till the Graeco-Roman Period, with the remaining five considering more general thematic, theoretical and cross-cultural topics. Papers re-examine the archives from early exacavations of pre-Dynastic tombs in the light of modern research; discuss various types of object from different periods; consider the roles of travelling artists and regional artistic schools styles and the mobility of ancient high-skilled craftsmen. Thematic, theoretical, and cross-cultural papers consider the relation of gods, cosmic sacredness and fertility beliefs; take a comparative approach to cultural identity extracted from narrative poetry of Greek and Egyptian origin; the inclusion of Egyptian musical elements incorporated into Greek traditions and the analysis of artifacts from the Egyptian collection of Zagreb, illustrating the range of information that essentially unprovenenced objects may have for future research.

7. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung

Book Description

Building a temple implies the mastering of different technicalities such as the commissioning and payment of the building process, procuring and transporting building material, the organization of work and the practical execution of building and decoration projects. But building a temple is also translating a religious idea into stone. From the design to the consecration of the temple, every stage in the process answers to a set of rules that enables the building to function as a temple. The aim of the 7th Tempeltagung was to examine the relation between the technical and the theological demands of temple building. How was architecture infl uencing the ritual, how did ritual texts refl ect the act of construction? What was the relation between the mythical temple and the actual temple? Who made the decisions and who executed them? What technical and theological considerations lay at the base of the choice of material and of form? In other words, how did the technical aspects of building influence the theological ideas, how was building a temple "structuring religion"?

Hatshepsut, from Queen to Pharaoh

Book Description

A fascinating look at the artistically productive reign of Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh in ancient Egypt

Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt

Book Description

It deals with artefacts from the Egypt Centre. This is a little known but important collection. It deals largely with themes rarely or not at all discussed in separate volumes. The theme of daemons is particularly current in academic Egyptology. It should appeal to both academic and non-academic readers.