The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate

Book Description

Luigi Gioia provides a fresh description and analysis of Augustine's monumental treatise, De Trinitate, working on a supposition of its unity and its coherence from structural, rhetorical, and theological points of view. The main arguments of the treatise are reviewed first: Scripture and the mystery of the Trinity; discussion of 'Arian' logical and ontological categories; a comparison between the process of knowledge and formal aspects of the confession of the mystery of the Trinity; an account of the so called 'psychological analogies'. These topics hold a predominantly instructive or polemical function. The unity and the coherence of the treatise become apparent especially when its description focuses on a truly theological understanding of knowledge of God: Augustine aims at leading the reader to the vision and enjoyment of God the Trinity, in whose image we are created. This mystagogical aspect of the rhetoric of De Trinitate is unfolded through Christology, soteriology, doctrine of the Holy Spirit and doctrine of revelation. At the same time, from the vantage point of love, Augustine detects and powerfully depicts the epistemological consequences of human sinfulness, thus unmasking the fundamental deficiency of received theories of knowledge. Only love restores knowledge and enables philosophers to yield to the injunction which resumes philosophical enterprise as a whole, namely 'know thyself'.

The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate

Book Description

"Luigi Gioia provides a fresh description and analysis of Augustine's monumental treatise, De Trinitate, working on a supposition of its unity and its coherence from structural, rhetorical, and theological points of view."--Résumé de l'éditeur.

Trinitarian Theology beyond Participation

Book Description

Maarten Wisse develops a critique of dominant trends in contemporary theology through a re-reading of Augustine's De Trinitate. Theological topics covered include the thinking about the relationship of between God and World as participation of the finite in the infinite, Christology as a manifestation of this ontology of participation, Trinity as a model for our relational mode of being and deification (theosis) as the purpose of salvation. Key figures are brought in conversation with an Augustinian alternative to these trends, such as Wolfhart Pannenberg, Joseph Ratzinger, Denys Turner, John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward.

The Gift of Love

Book Description

The Gift of Love explores the intelligibility of Augustine’s claim that we come to know and encounter God in and through our love. Building upon the discoveries of recent scholarship, Andrew Staron reads Augustine’s De Trinitate not as presenting the Trinity as a concept to be grasped, but rather as a rational study of the limits of theological language and the possibility of coming to know the Trinity because of those limits. Human dependence on God’s initiative indicates that the Trinitarian God of love is knowable only through attention to how God’s self-revelation transforms and saves us. Therefore, to see God, one seeks to mark love’s formative activity within the heart. Jean-Luc Marion’s rigorous description of the gift of love offers to Augustine’s theology a phenomenological texture by which the Trinitarian love given in revelation might be made incarnate in one’s life. The Gift of Love presents a reason for hope that while coming to know “the Trinity that God is” might be impossible for human beings, it is made possible by God’s antecedent gift of love, given in the missions Son and Holy Spirit, and iconically received in the particularity of one’s own love.

Augustine, Rahner, and Trinitarian Exegesis

Book Description

Through close and sustained analysis of Augustine's exegesis of Scripture, Robinson argues that Augustine's Trinitarian exegesis offers significant-though not inexhaustible-support for Rahner's Trinitarian project and, particularly, his Grundaxiom. Firstly, he posits that Augustine provides weighty, biblically rich, support for Rahner's Trinitarian agenda at exactly those points where Rahner is explicitly critical of Augustine and the “Augustinian-Western tradition”, overcoming various weaknesses detected in the later tradition, and pre-empting many of Rahner's later solutions. Secondly and consequently, Robinson suggests that Augustine offers a scriptural reading strategy that addresses the major exegetical difficulties perceived to emerge from Rahner's Rule. Thus, in Augustine's exegesis of Scripture, the Augustinian-Western tradition has always had the resources at its disposal to avoid or address the most poignant criticisms levelled both by and at Rahner.

Trinitarian Theology beyond Participation

Book Description

Maarten Wisse develops a critique of dominant trends in contemporary theology through a re-reading of Augustine's De Trinitate. Theological topics covered include the thinking about the relationship of between God and World as participation of the finite in the infinite, Christology as a manifestation of this ontology of participation, Trinity as a model for our relational mode of being and deification (theosis) as the purpose of salvation. Key figures are brought in conversation with an Augustinian alternative to these trends, such as Wolfhart Pannenberg, Joseph Ratzinger, Denys Turner, John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward.

St. Augustine and Plotinus: the Human Mind as Image of the Divine

Book Description

In Augustine and Plotinus: the Human Mind as Image of the Divine Laela Zwollo provides an inside view of two of the most influential thinkers of late antiquity: the Christian Augustine and the Neo-Platonist Plotinus. By exploring the finer points and paradoxes of their doctrines of the image of God (the human soul/intellect), the illustrious church father’s complex interaction with his most important non-biblical source comes into focus. In order to fathom Augustine, we should first grasp the beauty in Plotinus’ philosophy and its attractiveness to Christians. This monograph will contribute to a better understanding of the formative years of Christianity as well as later ancient philosophy. It can serve as a handbook for becoming acquainted with the two thinkers, as well as for delving into the profundity of their thought.

Augustine: On the Trinity Books 8-15

Book Description

A new edition of Augustine's influential philosophical and theological treatise.

Augustine's Early Theology of Image

Book Description

This book examines Augustine's early theology of the imago dei, prior to his ordination (386-391). The book makes the case that Augustine's early thought is a significant departure from Latin pro-Nicene theologies of image only a generation earlier. The book argues that although Augustine's early theology of image builds on that of Hilary of Poitiers, Marius Victorinus, and Ambrose of Milan, Augustine was able to affirm, in ways that his predecessors were not, that both Christ and the human person are the image of God. Augustine's Latin pro-Nicene predecessors understood the imago dei principally as a Christological term designating a unity of divine substance. According to the book, Augustine's early theology of image has its initial departure not in the controversy of Nicaea but, rather, in the philosophical engagement of Plotinian metaphysics, in which all finite reality is an image of ultimate reality. For this tradition, an image need not imply equality; an image can be more or less like its source. The book maintains that Augustine's early writings describe Christ as an image of equal likeness while the human person is an image of unequal likeness. A Platonic and participatory evaluation of the nature of "image" enables Augustine's early theology of the image of God to move beyond that of his Latin predecessors and affirm the imago dei both of Christ and of the human person.