Greater Things to Come

Book Description

Everyone must realize that they are an integral part of the cosmic unfolding of the universe. This unfolding is a mystery to most earthly inhabitants. Although these mysteries are profound in nature, the author has had their meanings revealed to him after thirty years of study and meditation. These mysteries have been sealed up for over two thousand and seven hundred years. They were promised to be opened in future years, which are the end times, which is now. We are living in the end times and the words of the ancient scrolls have been opened to us. The book 'Greater Things To Come' reveals the truth of prophecy and lays out a road map of things to come. No longer do people have to delve into ancient writings and signs, which give dates and hints of vague cosmic disruptions. The truth is all formulated and verified in this book in order that you will know where you are going and how you can get there. You will know the purpose for your life and how you can achieve your full potential. Everyone is unique and has a role to play in the cosmic unfolding of the universe. When you read the book 'Greater Things To Come' you will be changed for the better.

The Future According to Bible Prophecy

Book Description

This book will give the reader a much better understanding of what God has planned for this world’s future. Prior to Tribulation, the Church (the believers in Jesus Christ) will be caught up, raptured, and will meet the Lord in the air. Much of what is written in numerous books of the Bible that deal with prophecy is written in symbolic language, often making it difficult to understand. One purpose of this book is to reveal and explain to the reader what is meant by those symbols, thereby giving the reader a glimpse and a better understanding of what the future holds. Additionally, when dealing with a specific subject such as an event that was prophesied in the book of Revelation, often, that subject is covered in other verses of that book and/or in other books within the Bible. The comparing of scripture with scripture supports, sheds light, explains, and/or reinforces our understanding of that particular passage. Following the Tribulation is the Millennium, the one-thousand-year reign with Christ.

A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century - Vol 11 Eschatology - Vol 12 Epilogue

Book Description

Volume 11 Eschatology is the study of last things. The Bible says "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." (Revelation 1:7). Their is no greater testimony of intimate friendship than one revealing all their future plans and aspirations to their friend. Jesus said it this way, "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you" (John 15:15). The Lord Jesus Christ materialized this intimacy in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and only those believers on such an intimate basis with Christ can read its pages with an ear to hear. Consequentially, what one grasps in the study of eschatology is a good indicator of their standing in the intimacy of the Lord Jesus Christ. We're in the last of the last days and there are three essential concepts to understanding the doctrine of last things. First there is coming a kingdom age where Christ will fulfill the promises made to the nation of Israel. "And so all Israel shall be saved ..." (Rom.11:26). The disciples with the risen Christ asked, "Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? ..." (Acts.1:6-7). But it will happen! Secondly know, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass", ... records, "the things which shall be hereafter" (Rev.1:1,19). And third know the hereafter comes after this dispensation of grace, the church age, closes. "Dispensation" and "stewardship" come from the same Greek word. Jesus gives multiple stewardship parables, and then Paul uses that same stewardship principle describing this dispensation. (Eph.3:2-6). The church age must end before the dispensation of the fullness of times (Eph.1:10) Volume 12 Epilogue is the Systematic Theology for the 21st Century's epilogue. This volume contains the introductions and/or conclusions and table of contents for eleven previous volumes of "A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century" A Christian, being one who has individually confessed and accepted the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, for their saving, has a quickened, corrected, and personal relationship with the LORD God and Creator. They also have a charge from him that they carefully develop a theology.