The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

Book Description

The assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby robbed the nation of the closure it so desperately needed following the death of John F. Kennedy. The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald asks what might have happened if the assassin had lived to stand trial for his murder of America’s beloved president. This meticulously researched and riveting courtroom drama follows prosecutors Abe Summer and Elaine Navarro as they work to bring Oswald to justice despite the legend in Oswald’s corner: famed attorney Percy Foreman. With mysteries and coincidences swirling around the case, Oswald’s conviction doesn’t seem set in stone. After Ruby fails to assassinate the assassin, can Summer and Navaro bring peace of mind back to the American people by sending a murderer to prison? Author William Alsup’s fair and thrilling novel is all the more compelling thanks in no small part to his experiences and expertise as a federal judge. With his background in research and jurisprudence, Alsup has become an expert on the Oswald case. From newspaper clippings to the Warren Report, The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald is based on real and complicated history. Readers with a passion for the procedural will relish the details Alsup provides behind the scenes of a prosecution, demonstrating just how much time and effort goes into even cases that seem cut and dry. America never recovered from the killing of its king of Camelot, but The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald provides a window into what might have been.

Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

Book Description

Mafioso Jack Rudy silenced military intelligence operative Lee Harvey Oswald to avoid a trial that would implicate LBJ as the mastermind of the JFK assassination. In 1979, Congress determined that there was a conspiracy regarding snipers from both the Texas School Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. The proof of LBJs having foreknowledge of sniper nests awaiting is his ducking to the floor of the vice presidential limousine thirty seconds before the JFK motorcade entered the Dealey Plaza. Only a redacted version of this LBJ photo was submitted to the Warren Commission record to hide LBJs foreknowledge of the JFK murder.

Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Book Description

Bugliosi, brilliant prosecutor and bestselling author, is perhaps the only man in America capable of "prosecuting" Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of John F. Kennedy. His book is a narrative compendium of fact, ballistic evidence, and, above all, common sense.

Lee Harvey Oswald on Trial

Book Description

Lee Harvey Oswald has been recorded by history as the reported assassin of President John F. Kennedy. On November 22, 1963 the United States was dramatically changed forever. Two days later while the nation prepared to bury their fallen leader, Jack Ruby shot and killed the accused assassin. Lee Oswald claimed he was a patsy. What if he were right? In this riveting historical fiction novel by Keith and Rebekka Pruitt, the authors take the reader on a journey to uncover the truth of Oswald's guilt or innocence using affidavits and testimony rendered during the Warren Commission. The verdict will surprise you. The evidence will open your eyes.

Case Closed

Book Description

Pulitzer Prize Finalist: “By far the most lucid and compelling account . . . of what probably did happen in Dallas—and what almost certainly did not.” —The New York Times Book Review The Kennedy assassination has reverberated for five decades, with tales of secret plots, multiple killers, and government cabals often overshadowing the event itself. As Gerald Posner writes, “Fifty years after the assassination, the biggest casualty has been the truth.” In this first-ever digital edition of his classic work, updated with a special comment for the fiftieth anniversary, Posner lays to rest all of the convoluted conspiracy theories—concerning the mafia, a second shooter, and the CIA—that have obscured over the decades what really happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Drawing from official sources and dozens of interviews, and filled with powerful historical detail, Case Closed is a vivid and straightforward account that stands as one of the most authoritative books on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Impossible: The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald (Volume One)

Book Description

Why is this book one of the top 10 topics discussed in the history of the JFK ASSASSINATION FORUM web site? Answer: $25,000. Want that money? It's all yours! Just win The $25,000 JFK Challenge! No need to describe the rules now, the main details are here in Volume One . . . but know this, it's for real, which is why it has caught the interest of the people on the forum . . . Difficult to win? Nah, child's play! Just listen to these words from ace prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi: "Only in a fantasy world could Oswald be innocent and still have all this evidence against him. I think we can put it this way: If Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, then Kennedy wasn't killed on November 22, 1963." But the author of IMPOSSIBLE says Bugliosi is wrong. Now, who are you going to believe, best-selling author Bugliosi, a prosecutor with over 100 felony convictions to his credit, or some nobody writer no one has heard of? So, download this book for free on the 22nd, and be the first on your block to claim the prize! And tell all your Facebook friends who think Oswald did it their bounty awaits! Oh, before you go, just one more thing: Bugliosi and Stephen King (who wrote there was a 98% chance that Oswald was guilty) haven't accepted the Challenge yet. Nor have any of the dozens of lone assassin theorists to whom the offer has been made on internet forums, including Francois Carlier and David Von Pein, who is probably the third most knowledgeable person on the assassination after Bugliosi and John McAdams. Now why would that be? Don't they want that free money?

The Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald

Book Description

The Kennedy assassination has produced a number of conspiracy theories based largely upon intriguing questions, speculation, and inference. Thousands of books and articles have been written about the assassination with a large majority of the published material arguing for a conspiracy of one kind or another. However, a relatively small volume of literature has been written from a scholarly and academic perspective. The Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald provides the first comprehensive scholarly analysis of Lee Harvey's Oswald's role in the JFK assassination. Scott P. Johnson objectively examines the various narratives of Lee Harvey Oswald created by researchers and authors over the last fifty years. He finds that at first glance any theory related to Oswald’s role appears as convincing as the next, particularly when researchers carefully select information that only advances their preferred theory. In reality, however, Oswald’s role in the assassination offers little certainty when one looks at the mystery surrounding Oswald’s life and death as well as the complexity and ambiguity surrounding the murder of President Kennedy. Rather than putting forth a single theory, Johnson lays out the known facts against each theory and allows the readers to make their own decision.

The People V. Lee Harvey Oswald

Book Description

Lee Harvey Oswald, after barely survivng Jack Ruby's attempt to kill him, is put on trial for killing President Kennedy.

Steering Truth

Book Description

On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, a nineteen-year-old Buell Wesley Frazier was thrown up against the wall by two detectives and escorted to Dallas Police Station. His coworker and sometimes passenger to and from work Lee Harvey Oswald was the presumed assassin of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J. D. Tippit. It didn’t take Buell long to figure out that he was presumed guilty by association. Buell was afraid for himself and his family. Years of emotional pain built up. He had long forgotten how to trust people. He became resentful of the police force, and he doubted whether he would be ever to hold his head up in public and see people who believed his story. In the early nineties, Buell’s life was changed forever when he met a man who would become his best friend and confidant. Over the years, Buell emerged from the shadows and slowly found the peace and self-confidence he had longed to have. At the request of some friends, he began to talk to the public. From panel discussions to classrooms, Buell was surprised to learn that there were people who not only wanted to hear his story believed him too! This turn of events caused a paradigm shift in the way Buell saw himself. As a result, he became inspired by those people to write his complete story. For the first time in fifty years, he welcomes you to be a passenger on this road trip to learn how hard work, perseverance, self-belief, and resiliency became the pillars that supported the long transition of the boy he was to the man he became.