The Excellency of Christ

Book Description

"The Excellency of Christ" was preached in Northampton, Massachusetts by Jonathan Edwards and printed in 1738. This sermon explains Christ's excellency in terms of almost contradictory conjunctions such as Christ being a lion and also a lamb at the same time. In the APPLICATION the reader is exhorted to love and embrace Christ as friend, portion and Savior because of His many excellencies.

Gospel Revelation

Book Description

In about 18 sermons, Burroughs explains the excellency of the eternal. God is excellent, Christ is excellent, and the nature of an eternal soul is excellent as well. It was here in the excellency of Jesus Christ (pages 51-182) that I came to a deep respect of Burroughs love for Christ. Truly, His name is called Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6).

The Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation

Book Description

A top New Testament scholar, preacher, and tour guide to the lands of the New Testament offers an informed commentary on this challenging portion of Scripture with an eye toward preaching the text. Jeffrey Weima explains the meaning of the seven "sermons" of Revelation 2-3 and provides sample sermons that show how these ancient messages, despite their subtle Old Testament allusions and perplexing images, are relevant for the church today. The book includes photos, maps, and charts and is of interest to preachers, students, teachers, and Bible study groups.

Revelations from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapters 1-3: A Commentary for the Believer in the Pew

Book Description

For the believer in the pew, the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ needs no other introduction than that it is the most avoided Book of Scripture that few feel capable of navigating and understanding on their own. The dense amount of imagery and the horrific scenes of judgment are mind-boggling and remain a mystery for many. The purpose of this volume is to empower you – the believer in the pew – with the most accessible tool to navigate and understand this last Book of Scripture, and that tool is the Bible itself, the Bible in your hand! You see, the God Who is speaking and acting in this last Book of Scripture has been speaking and acting throughout the Biblical text (cf. Heb 1:1-2). It is God’s intent, therefore, that you understand this last Book of Scripture just as He intended for you to understand all Scripture! The Revelations in this last Book were not hidden from you but for you to discover through diligent study! Let this volume be your entrance into the awe-inspiring zone of discovering and re-discovering the majesty and the consistency of the only God Who is worthy to be trusted and obeyed, worshipped and adored!

An Exposition of Hebrews

Book Description

An Exposition of Hebrews is the most complete and thorough study ever written on the subject. This books spends close to six hundred thousand words looking at every nuance and implication of the book of Hebrews. A wonderful tool for pastors, students, or anyone wishing a deeper understanding of this important book from the bible. Originally pushed as a series of articles and then as a two volume set, you can now have the entire unabridged edition of this book in one affordable volume.

Revelation Rightly Divided

Book Description

The Book of Revelation's traditional understanding teaches that chapters 1, 2, and 3 apply to us, the church, the Body of Christ. And everything from chapter 4 thru 22 is yet future. But are the seven letters in chapters two and three relevant to the Body of Christ or future churches, assemblies, of Jews in the 7-year Tribulation? Remember, the apostle John is an apostle to the circumcision, Israel, not the Body of Christ as clearly stated in Galatians 2:9.John's apostleship to Israel is problematic for some Christians as your pastors and teachers have told you that the New Testament is for us, the church. But, is that mere church tradition? Do New Testament scriptures support that assumption? Since Peter, James, and John were apostles to Israel, the circumcision, John would be writing to those whom his apostleship dictated, Israel, the Jews. The gospel of John, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, and Revelation were written to Israel. However, we should not ignore these books as they contain a great deal of valuable information about God's plan for the ages and Jesus' ministry. But we do not derive church doctrine from the writings of John. Our doctrine rests in the hands of Paul. In this writing, we will discover the correct intended audience for the book of Revelation.

The Original Gospel And Eternal Atonement (II)

Book Description

The Book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrews who lived along the Mediterranean coast during the early church era and had heard the truth of the Gospel. However, many did not stand firmly in their faith due to their preoccupation with worldly things and misguided spiritual knowledge. This epistle was God’s way of encouraging them to stand firmly on the truth of the Gospel and live by faith. Yet, this message wasn’t only for the early church Christians but also speaks to us today, as we are prone to make similar errors. We must heed the Word of Hebrews as God’s message to us. The Book of Hebrews presents the Original Gospel that the modern church has lost. When the servants of God in the early church preached “the elementary principles of Christ,” their teachings consisted of “repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment” (Hebrews 6:1-2). These Bible verses show that Jesus’ baptism by the laying on of hands is the pivotal element of the Original Gospel. Just as the high priest in the Old Testament laid hands on the head of the scapegoat to transfer the annual sins of the Israelites to the sacrificial animal (Leviticus 16:21), John the Baptist, the descendant of Aaron and the representative of humanity, laid hands on Jesus’ head to baptize Him and transfer the sins of the world onto His body. That is why Jesus commanded John, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15). The day after baptizing Jesus, John testified, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). I am confident that those who seek the truth will discover the Original Gospel through this sermon book and be born again as children of God by believing in this truth. I pray that God’s grace and peace be upon all the readers.

A Testimony of Jesus Christ - Volume 2

Book Description

A Commentary on the Book of Revelation - Volume 2 The author presents a detailed study of the Book of Revelation emphasizing prophetic themes from the rest of the Bible which find their fulfillment in Revelation. To understand this controversial book, the author explores the many connections between the visions seen by the Apostle John and previous prophetic revelation given to Old Testament prophets such as Daniel, Ezekiel, and others. It is the author's conviction that an understanding of related passages elsewhere in the Bible is the most important key to unlocking the bewildering variety of interpretations which often accompany the study of the last book of the Bible. The commentary can be used in conjunction with a free companion internet course providing an additional 70 hours of audio instruction linked to almost 1,000 slides.