Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook

Book Description

This publication provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data was provided for the ten-year period of 2000-2009 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their importance in world production and trade. The Yearbook is organized in two volumes, and contains correspondence tables that allow the user to link the information provided to other internationally-used product classifications. Formerly: Industrial Statistics Yearbook.

Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook

Book Description

This publication provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data are provided for the ten-year period of 2003-2012 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their importance in world production and trade. The Yearbook provides data on the quantities and values of industrial production for the major industrial commodities. The Yearbook is therefore organized in two volumes: Volume I: Physical Quantity Data and Volume II: Monetary Value Data. The publication contains three annexes to assist the user: an index of commodities in alphabetical order; a table of correspondence among the CPC-based commodity codes and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Revs. 4 and 3.1, the Harmonized System (HS) 2007 and 2002 and Prodcom 2008 and 2002; and information on all the classifications used in this publication.

Annuaire de Statistiques Industrielles Par Produit, 2000 : Statistiques de Production, 1991-2000

Book Description

This edition of the Yearbook contains annual quantity data on production of industrial commodities by country, geographical region, economic grouping and for the world. A standard list of about 530 commodities (about 590 statistical series) has been adopted for the publication. The statistics refer to the period 1991-2000 for about 200 countries and areas. In principle, the production data refer to the total industrial production of each commodity. Production by non-industrial establishments, unless otherwise indicated, is excluded. The coding of the commodities has been based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev. 2. The corresponding code for the commodity based on the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Rev. 3) is also given.

Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook

Book Description

This publication provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data was provided for the ten-year period of 2001-2010 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their importance in world production and trade. The Yearbook is organized in two volumes, and contains correspondence tables that allow the user to link the information provided to other internationally-used product classifications.

Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook 2009

Book Description

This publication provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data was provided for the ten-year period of 2000-2009 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their importance in world production and trade. The Yearbook is organized in two volumes, and contains correspondence tables that allow the user to link the information provided to other internationally-used product classifications. Formerly: Industrial Statistics Yearbook.

Industrial Commodity Statistics Pocketbook 2018

Book Description

This publication is the first in a series of pocketbook compilations on industrial statistics designed to highlight the availability and applications of industrial production statistics and other related statistics. In terms of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev. 4, the scope of the industrial sector is defined to cover Mining and quarrying (section B); Manufacturing (section C); Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (section D); and Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (section E). Industrial statistics provide important inputs for economic policy and decision making in government, industry, and for the business community in general. Industrial statistics are also important for the academia and compilers of national accounts. Specifically, industrial production statistics in this publication, are extracted from the United Nations Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbooks, a series of annual compilations designed to meet the demand for information on the industrial production of goods (https: // Also, value added data at section level and, where available, at industry 4-digit level of ISIC pertaining to some commodities are included to give some perspective on the importance of different industry subsectors or commodities. Furthermore, some statistics on exports of particular commodities are included to give some perspective on the international trade in those commodities

Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook 2014

Book Description

The Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook provides statistics on the production of about 600 major industrial commodities. Data are provided for the ten-year period of 2004-2013 for approximately 200 countries and territories. The commodities have been selected on the basis of their overall importance and their importance as outputs of individual ISIC industries in the world economy. The data cover commodities produced by mining, manufacturing and electricity and gas units, i.e. units classified in sections B, C, and D of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. The Yearbook provides data on both quantities and values of production and is organized in two volumes: Volume I: Physical Quantity Data and Volume II: Monetary Value Data. The publication contains three annexes to assist the user: an index of commodities in alphabetical order; a table of correspondence among the CPC-based commodity codes and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Revs. 4 and 3.1, the Harmonized System (HS) 2012 and 2007 and Prodcom 2012 and 2008; and information on all the classifications used in the publication.