
Book Description


Book Description

Each behavioural science discipline focuses on distinct aspects of behaviour resulting in partial, conflicting, and incompatible models across the behavioural sciences. Interdisciplinary approaches seem to confuse rather than simplify the problem. Thus, we need to explore the integrating principles, which incorporate the primary area of interest from several behavioural science disciplines to resolve the crisis, achieve the explanatory goal and increase theoretical predictability. Power is pivotal in society and is key to understanding the inner dynamics of history and evolutionary behaviour. The concept of power is perhaps the most fundamental in the field of political science. I define; politics is the natural act of giving response to an external stimulus. The response is in the form of power; it is the stimulus to other individuals making a behavioural chain reaction. I generalized three interrelated principles of politics. Those principles describe how politics works, while simultaneously unifying the vertically and horizontally fragmented behavioural sciences from the power perspective, which is compatible with the evolutionary process.