The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person

Book Description

Jesus swept onto the scene declaring that the Kingdom of God had arrived! He proclaimed that we would experience life at its fullest only when we organize our lives around the Kingdom. E. Stanley Jones suggests that life in any other way is a muddled, maddening, and impossible way to live. Throughout the centuries we have lost the Kingdom as a clearly defined and workable system for order and influence in our daily lives. We have reduced the Kingdom by putting it into narrower molds, a refuge now, a present security, a future hope, anything but the Kingdom as Jesus preached it - God's total answer to man's total need now." Dr. Jones shows us how to claim our spiritual heritage and the abundant life promised us by embracing the Kingdom and Person of Jesus. He suggests how our experience with God and His Kingdom should be taught and shared in the life of the individual, in the life of the church and in the nations of the world.

Victory Through Surrender

Book Description

This is one of the best books that I have ever read. E. Stanley Jones was a great man who walked with God. His wisdom developed over a lifetime is distilled here. The only path to victory - joy, peace, and purpose in life - is by surrendering one's life to God and spending the rest of one's life surrendering over and over again until it becomes a habit. It is a process, one that takes time and self-discipline. But the result, as Jesus promised, is a life that is full and overflowing - not one without pain - but one of overcoming trial after trial by taking direction from the One who knows and loves us like no one else. The secret of how to do that is in this book. Harold G. Koenig, M.D. Director, Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

The Christ of the Indian Road

Book Description

Jones recounts his experiences in India, where he arrived as a young and presumptuous missionary who later matured into a veteran who attempted to contextualize Jesus Christ within the Indian culture. He names the mistake many Christians make in trying to impose their culture on the existing culture where they are bringing Christ. Instead he makes the case that Christians learn from other cultures, respect the truth that can be found there, and let Christ and the existing culture do the rest.

The Christ of the Mount

Book Description

This book, which was first published in 1931, is for every person who suspects and hopes there is a better way to live responsibly and compassionately in the complex world we share. In this book, Jones challenges us to go deeper, question and ultimately discover the effect of Jesus’ principles on humanity, regardless one’s background or predisposed religious views. “I trust this book will be an unhesitating, but not a too-light, easy, ‘Yes’ to the question as to whether the Sermon on the Mount is practicable. If the reading of it brings to the reader what the writing of it has brought to the writer in these months of meditation, then we will both be repaid a hundredfold. A trusted friend said to the writer, ‘You are not a theologian; you are a divining rod. You tell us where there is water beneath—remember your function.’ In this book I have tried to remember my function. I have left to others the discussion of the critical questions involved in the accounts of the Sermon on the Mount as reported by Matthew and Luke. I have not been able to escape theological implications—who can escape them?—but I have tried to leave to the theologians the labeling of the wells and their more accurate description while I have endeavored to be true to my friend’s commission and have pointed to where in the Sermon on the Mount I think water may be found. There is water here—dig and drink!”—E. Stanley Jones, Introduction

A Song of Ascents

Book Description

In this Song of Ascents not one single note is here by right. I deserve nothing; I have everything. God is the heart of this everything. I have everything - everything I need, and more. ... What I had - Jesus, God, the Kingdom of God - was all I wanted and needed. I didn't want anything different. I only wanted more of what I had. (from the Introduction)


Book Description

God is bigger than your current story. Bigger than fear or shame or that voice in your head that whispers that you are not enough, too broken, or too flawed. Join Him in a closer relationship--one rooted in truth and Unshakeable. In this daily devotional Christine Caine encourages you to find confidence to live as the person God created you to be. Unshakeable is a great 365-day devotional, if you want to: Learn from inspiring personal stories and powerful scripture that will equip you to live boldly and courageously Discover how to fully trust our faithful God Be inspired to activate living your life on mission Everything in our world that can be shaken will be shaken. And yet, the Bible assures us it doesn't matter what happens politically, morally, socially, or economically in the world around us if we have Christ in us--if we have the kingdom of God within us--because His kingdom is Unshakeable.

The Divine Yes

Book Description

The book is organized around a number of questions which call for an affirmative answer. These are authentic queries. They emerge from real life and from the depths of the human search. These are not all of the problems which plague human existence and trouble the human spirit today, but they are among the important ones. As is often said, "Christ is the answer, but what is the question?" He is the affirmative to such inquiries as these arising from inner deeps. Jesus Christ is the Divine Yes! My feeling and hope is that this book will prove of particular help to many kinds of people. Among these are the seriously or chronically ill, the discouraged, those who feel themselves badly used of life, or those whose lives seem to have caved in on them. But others, too, should find divine aid and inspiration here. I refer to those earnest seekers after light and truth, old and young alike, who search for solutions to the profound, age-old questions which always address those who take the gift of life seriously and responsibly. They need not despair, for the Divine Yes has at long last been sounded. - Eunice Jones Mathews

Unshakable Hope

Book Description

What feels shaky in your world? Maybe you feel hurt by the past, disappointed by the present, or worried about the future. If so, there is hope. For every problem in life, God has given you a promise. In the New York Times bestselling book, Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by keeping your focus on the hope found in the promises of Scripture. Whether it’s heart disease or cancer, job failure or addiction, natural disasters or family disasters, mass murders or mental illness, there are so many reasons to be overwhelmed and hope can feel hard to come by. Now more than ever, we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God. In this book, you will be reminded that God’s promises are irrevocable because: God is unchanging God is faithful God is strong God cannot lie What is your life built on—the circumstances of life or the promises of God? The answer to that question changes everything. Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to live with unshakable hope.

Kisses from Katie

Book Description

Katie was a normal American teenager when she decided to explore the possibility of voluntary work overseas. She temporarily 'quit life' to serve in Uganda for a year before going to college. However, returning to 'normal' became impossible and Katie 'quit life' - college, designer clothes, her little yellow convertible and her boyfriend - for good, remaining in Uganda. In the early days she felt as though she were trying to empty the ocean with an eyedropper, but has learnt that she is not called to change the world in itself, but to change the world for one person at a time. By the age of 22 Katie had adopted 14 girls and founded Amizima Ministries which currently has sponsors for over 600 children and a feeding program for Uganda's poorest citizens - so it is no wonder she feels Jesus wrecked her life, shattered it to pieces, and put it back together making it more beautiful than it was before.

Murdered Heiress

Book Description