The User's Approach to Topological Methods in 3D Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book presents the development and application of some topological methods in the analysis of data coming from 3D dynamical systems (or related objects). The aim is to emphasize the scope and limitations of the methods, what they provide and what they do not provide. Braid theory, the topology of surface homeomorphisms, data analysis and the reconstruction of phase-space dynamics are thoroughly addressed.

The User's Approach For Topological Methods In 3d Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book presents the development and application of some topological methods in the analysis of data coming from 3D dynamical systems (or related objects). The aim is to emphasize the scope and limitations of the methods, what they provide and what they do not provide. Braid theory, the topology of surface homeomorphisms, data analysis and the reconstruction of phase-space dynamics are thoroughly addressed.

The User's Approach to Topological Methods in 3d Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book presents the development and application of some topological methods in the analysis of data coming from 3D dynamical systems (or related objects). The aim is to emphasize the scope and limitations of the methods, what they provide and what they do not provide. Braid theory, the topology of surface homeomorphisms, data analysis and the reconstruction of phase-space dynamics are thoroughly addressed.

The Topology of Chaos

Book Description

A highly valued resource for those who wish to move from the introductory and preliminary understandings and the measurement of chaotic behavior to a more sophisticated and precise understanding of chaotic systems. The authors provide a deep understanding of the structure of strange attractors, how they are classified, and how the information required to identify and classify a strange attractor can be extracted from experimental data. In its first edition, the Topology of Chaos has been a valuable resource for physicist and mathematicians interested in the topological analysis of dynamical systems. Since its publication in 2002, important theoretical and experimental advances have put the topological analysis program on a firmer basis. This second edition includes relevant results and connects the material to other recent developments. Following significant improvements will be included: * A gentler introduction to the topological analysis of chaotic systems for the non expert which introduces the problems and questions that one commonly encounters when observing a chaotic dynamics and which are well addressed by a topological approach: existence of unstable periodic orbits, bifurcation sequences, multistability etc. * A new chapter is devoted to bounding tori which are essential for achieving generality as well as for understanding the influence of boundary conditions. * The new edition also reflects the progress which had been made towards extending topological analysis to higher-dimensional systems by proposing a new formalism where evolving triangulations replace braids. * There has also been much progress in the understanding of what is a good representation of a chaotic system, and therefore a new chapter is devoted to embeddings. * The chapter on topological analysis program will be expanded to cover traditional measures of chaos. This will help to connect those readers who are familiar with those measures and tests to the more sophisticated methodologies discussed in detail in this book. * The addition of the Appendix with both frequently asked and open questions with answers gathers the most essential points readers should keep in mind and guides to corresponding sections in the book. This will be of great help to those who want to selectively dive into the book and its treatments rather than reading it cover to cover. What makes this book special is its attempt to classify real physical systems (e.g. lasers) using topological techniques applied to real date (e.g. time series). Hence it has become the experimenter?s guidebook to reliable and sophisticated studies of experimental data for comparison with candidate relevant theoretical models, inevitable to physicists, mathematicians, and engineers studying low-dimensional chaotic systems.

Topology and Dynamics of Chaos

Book Description

The book surveys how chaotic behaviors can be described with topological tools and how this approach occurred in chaos theory. Some modern applications are included. The contents are mainly devoted to topology, the main field of Robert Gilmore's works in dynamical systems. They include a review on the topological analysis of chaotic dynamics, works done in the past as well as the very latest issues. Most of the contributors who published during the 90's, including the very well-known scientists Otto RAssler, Ren(r) Lozi and Joan Birman, have made a significant impact on chaos theory, discrete chaos, and knot theory, respectively. Very few books cover the topological approach for investigating nonlinear dynamical systems. The present book will provide not only some historical OCo not necessarily widely known OCo contributions (about the different types of chaos introduced by RAssler and not just the RAssler attractor; Gumowski and Mira's contributions in electronics; Poincar(r)'s heritage in nonlinear dynamics) but also some recent applications in laser dynamics, biology,

Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization

Book Description

Topology-based methods are of increasing importance in the analysis and visualization of datasets from a wide variety of scientific domains such as biology, physics, engineering, and medicine. Current challenges of topology-based techniques include the management of time-dependent data, the representation of large and complex datasets, the characterization of noise and uncertainty, the effective integration of numerical methods with robust combinatorial algorithms, etc. . The editors have brought together the most prominent and best recognized researchers in the field of topology-based data analysis and visualization for a joint discussion and scientific exchange of the latest results in the field. This book contains the best 20 peer-reviewed papers resulting from the discussions and presentations at the third workshop on "Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization", held 2009 in Snowbird, Utah, US. The 2009 "TopoInVis" workshop follows the two successful workshops in 2005 (Slovakia) and 2007 (Germany).

Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II

Book Description

When scientists analyze datasets in a search for underlying phenomena, patterns or causal factors, their first step is often an automatic or semi-automatic search for structures in the data. Of these feature-extraction methods, topological ones stand out due to their solid mathematical foundation. Topologically defined structures—as found in scalar, vector and tensor fields—have proven their merit in a wide range of scientific domains, and scientists have found them to be revealing in subjects such as physics, engineering, and medicine. Full of state-of-the-art research and contemporary hot topics in the subject, this volume is a selection of peer-reviewed papers originally presented at the fourth Workshop on Topology-Based Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, TopoInVis 2011, held in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop brought together many of the leading lights in the field for a mixture of formal presentations and discussion. One topic currently generating a great deal of interest, and explored in several chapters here, is the search for topological structures in time-dependent flows, and their relationship with Lagrangian coherent structures. Contributors also focus on discrete topologies of scalar and vector fields, and on persistence-based simplification, among other issues of note. The new research results included in this volume relate to all three key areas in data analysis—theory, algorithms and applications.

Topology-based Methods in Visualization

Book Description

This book presents 13 peer-reviewed papers as written results from the 2005 workshop "Topology-Based Methods in Visualization" that was initiated to enable additional stimulation in this field. It contains a survey of the state-of-the-art, as well original work by leading experts that has not been published before, spanning both theory and applications. It captures key concepts and novel ideas and serves as an overview of current trends in its subject.