The Ways of the Alongsider

Book Description

The Ways of the Alongsider is more than a Bible study. It's a new pathway for making disciples in life2life ways!

Walk with Me

Book Description

Have we over complicated, over systematized, and over formalized making disciples? When our hearts are changed by Christ, it’s natural that we should want to help others come to know Him too. And while Scripture clearly sets forth how to do so, modern Western society has formalized, professionalized, and systemized disciplemaking to a point that it seems too complicated to practice. What happened to the simple, heart-to-heart ministries of the New Testament? In Walk with Me, you’ll return to the essential biblical practices that help people grow as Christ-followers in simple, slow, and deep ways. Learn how you can connect with your neighbors, coworkers, or anyone you want to reach with the gospel in ways that are relational and Spirit-led. You’ll learn five kingdom principles that will reshape how you can pass on the faith: In heart-to-heart ways By keeping it simple By going slow By building deep By living on mission

Two Hundred Tuesdays

Book Description

This is the story of how casual Tuesday meetings about friendship, leadership, mentoring, parenting, and marriage—and the sacred thread through it all—led to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. When Dianne Derby arrived as a news anchor in Colorado Springs, she was hungry for approval, affirmation, and connections. She raced from one event to the next, capturing stories and sound bites. Everything changed when she met centenarian Jim Downing at a luncheon for World War II veterans. At the time, Jim was the second-oldest living survivor of Pearl Harbor. Jim asked Dianne an important question: “Would you like to meet the most fulfilled person you’ll ever know? You’re looking at him.” Dianne and Jim began meeting on Tuesdays, where eventually she invited her followers into their dialogues with dozens of videos on Facebook Live, where viewers could learn from Jim just as she had. With thousands of views, the chats struck a chord with people who were hungry for a meaningful life. Over the course of five years, Jim Downing taught Dianne Derby to slow down; to embrace only what is true, real, and good; and to live a life of significance. She delivered a eulogy at his funeral, a memorial service that was broadcast for the world. His lessons live on in her stories, her friendships, and the significance of her work as a journalist, a mother, a wife, and a follower of Christ.

Healing Your Family Tree

Book Description

Every family has relational habits—both positive and negative—that have been passed down from generation to generation. Experienced counselor Beverly Hubble Tauke cites real-life stories and suggests specific “transforming practices” to change family patterns. By putting an end to the cycle of negativity, families can find the joy that God intended for them and enjoy healthy relationships for generations to come. This is a repackage with new title (previous title, [Overcoming the] Sins of the Family, 2004).

Growing in Discipleship

Book Description

Over 7 Million Sold in the Series For fifty years, the bestselling Design for Discipleship Bible study series (DFD) has offered millions of new and experienced believers a chance to learn firsthand what it means to be a modern-day disciple of Jesus. Every study can be used individually, in one-on-one discipleship, or with small groups. In Growing in Discipleship, you’ll discover what a life of following Christ looks like through five Bible studies: What Is a Disciple? The Responsible Steward Helping Others Find Christ Establishing World Vision These field-tested studies offer interactive, discussion-prompting questions that inspire and nurture growth toward Christian maturity. There are seven studies in the series and a leader's guide. Go in order or choose the topic that best fits your need.

Efficient R Programming

Book Description

There are many excellent R resources for visualization, data science, and package development. Hundreds of scattered vignettes, web pages, and forums explain how to use R in particular domains. But little has been written on how to simply make R work effectively—until now. This hands-on book teaches novices and experienced R users how to write efficient R code. Drawing on years of experience teaching R courses, authors Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace provide practical advice on a range of topics—from optimizing the set-up of RStudio to leveraging C++—that make this book a useful addition to any R user’s bookshelf. Academics, business users, and programmers from a wide range of backgrounds stand to benefit from the guidance in Efficient R Programming. Get advice for setting up an R programming environment Explore general programming concepts and R coding techniques Understand the ingredients of an efficient R workflow Learn how to efficiently read and write data in R Dive into data carpentry—the vital skill for cleaning raw data Optimize your code with profiling, standard tricks, and other methods Determine your hardware capabilities for handling R computation Maximize the benefits of collaborative R programming Accelerate your transition from R hacker to R programmer

Javascript for R

Book Description

Little known to many, R works just as well with JavaScript—this book delves into the various ways both languages can work together. The ultimate aim of this work is to put the reader at ease with inviting JavaScript in their data science workflow. In that respect the book is not teaching one JavaScript but rather we show how little JavaScript can greatly support and enhance R code. Therefore, the focus is on integrating external JavaScript libraries and no prior knowledge of JavaScript is required. Key Features: ● Easy to pick up. ● An entry way to learning JavaScript for R. ● Covers topics not covered anywhere else. ● Easy to follow along.

Legacy Maker: Live a Life That Matters

Book Description

Have you ever wondered if your life matters? We all want our lives, our business, our organization to matter, to have an impact and to create the right legacy to leave behind. Do you desire to be a Legacy Maker? The right tools must be in place to create a lasting legacy. But you must wrestle with daily decisions and choose how to live your best life so that you impact others positively, especially when life throws curve balls in your path and disappointments leave you broken. Whether life has turned out just as you expected, life is stormy and chaotic, or you just crave more, grab hold of these life principles to empower your impact and legacy. Take hold of the Legacy Maker and let it take hold of you.

Rise from the Ashes

Book Description

In the book RISE FROM THE ASHES, the reader is guided on a transformational journey from tobacco dependence to freedom. Whereas conventional smoking cessation programs speak of a 'three-link chain of addiction' consisting of psychological, physical and social components, this new unconventional book contends that there is a fourth missing link - 'the spiritual' - which must be addressed for true and lasting freedom to be found. Nicotine addiction (or any addiction for that matter) may be an indication that something is spiritually out-of-sync in a person's life. In this book, the spirituality of both addiction and freedom is examined in depth. In the research literature there is something referred to as the 'Stages of Change Model.' With regards to an addictive behavior or habit, people are usually in one of six stages: Pre-contemplation (not ready to quit); Contemplation (thinking about quitting); Preparation (ready to quit); Action (quitting); Maintenance (staying quit); Termination (living quit). The Christian mystical traditions also speak of stages: Awakening, Conversion, Purgation, Illumination, and Union. As a person moves through these stages he or she is growing stronger spiritually, becoming more centered upon the Divine. While it may be true that usually the spiritual stages are representative of a person's life journey as a whole, they may also represent the changes necessary for a person to move from one unique area of brokenness to a place of healing, freedom, and life. These psychological and spiritual models of change complement one another, and are interwoven throughout this book. Author, Gary H. Peck credits his own ability to quit smoking and to remain tobacco-free to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and to an ongoing pursuit of the spiritual life. By learning to implement time-honored spiritual practices and to apply age-old wisdom, the reader of this book will also be able to enter into the spacious freedom of a spirit-centered, smoke-free life.

Muslim Insider Christ Followers

Book Description

Are Muslim Insider Christ Followers real believers? Are they Muslims or Christians? Does that matter? The topic of insider movements is controversial within the church. The debate rages on, opinions differ widely, and convictions often are defended aggressively. The set of voices safely missing from this hot debate has been that of the insiders themselves. This book finally breaks that silence. Henk Prenger researched the views of 26 Muslim insider Christ followers who are leaders in their movements. You will be surprised by their insights. Prenger presents their views on 21 theology-proper topics such as God, man, the gospel, sin, satan, the cross, heaven and hell, the Bible, and our mandate. He plotted these views in a theological/missional framework with four paradigms. Fundamental, Ecumenical, Integral, and Global. This M-Framework is a powerful catalyst for honest conversations about theological paradigms that inform how we approach insider movements and the kingdom of God on earth. Book jacket.