The Witches’ Brew, Devious Gurus & Pied Piper Seducers

Book Description

The Witches’ Brew, Devious Gurus & Pied Piper Seducers Part 1 and 2 is the tenth volume of work in the Perilous Times Series. It continues along with the other volumes of work in the series to sketch an honest and no-holds-barred prophetic reality of the state of the Church and the dangers she faces. For make no mistake, we are living in times of great deception and apostasy, and the Church has been seduced, manipulated and tricked into believing the devil’s schemes, lies and foolish wisdom and also to embrace willfully such a diabolical agenda. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to obeying and heeding God’s command to walk in God’s truth, perfect will, holiness, way and life. God is not a liar, yet we have heeded this world's dark and destructive temptations to be a loss at sea, tossed to and fro by every wind of teaching. Yet God remains our deliver, and shall bring us into the light from darkness those who seek Him and seek His true and ancient of ways.

God’s SWAT Warriors Part One

Book Description

In America, you have the SWAT unit. A SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team is a law enforcement unit that uses specialized or military equipment and tactics. So, why are we talking about SWAT? Because in the Body of Christ, we also need to become disciples of God warriors who are trained in spiritual warfare and tactics). We need to know how this spiritual warfare works, what are our weapons and we must know how to use them. We are called to be warriors of discernment, of knowing the tactics of the enemy, of adopting God’s strategy in spiritual warfare and employing God’s weapons of warfare. God is calling for a remnant to take up “arms”, meaning walking in their spiritual authority to set the captives free, bind up the broken-hearted and proclaim the wonderful news of Christ that still sets free and redeems. Believers have been empowered to be part of the end-time remnant of SWAT warriors by the Spirit and Word of God. We have been granted authority by Jesus! So all disciples are called to heal the sick, cast out demons, and preach the Gospel. We can bring light and liberty to those walking in darkness. As disciples, we have all been called and sent out in the Lord's stead to do His work.

The Emmaus Walk with Jesus

Book Description

There is a road we have to walk – it is our spiritual journey through life. It is our Emmaus walk where we become aware of God’s Presence and we become aware of God’s indwelling Spirit within us. The goal of our spiritual journey is to realise God is real, that God is alive and God has always been present with man just as Jesus was present with those who walked to Emmaus. Secondly, we then need to endure on this journey and overcome to the glory of the Lord. The world is full of stories of Jesus, and the world is also full is lies and deception. We can only know the truth when we meet the Truth. Volume 2 in the Discipleship series offers a more in-depth guide to what it really means to be a disciple, exploring themes of holiness and authority, within the context of the Great Commission of Matthew 28.

Fire on the Mountain: Addressing Idolatry

Book Description

There is a fire on the mountain. It is a wildfire of apostasy tearing through the church, fuelled by idolatry. It is because of the winds of false doctrine that this wildfire keeps spreading, and it has been causing massive damage for hundreds of years to the church. Yet the fire is not being checked, addressed, or effectively extinguished by believers. The fire of apostasy has been receiving plenty of fuel for the last 1800 or so years to be a raging inferno. Yes, there is a profane fire burning on the altars build on the spiritual high places. An increasing level of idolatry and spiritual apostasy plagues the world and the church. The fire of idolatry has swept through churches for a long time, consuming and destroying. It is the profane fire. An unholy fire. Who shall contain the fire? It is time for the church to earnestly address idolatry in her midst, for idolatry is an abomination in the eyes of God. God alone shall be worshipped. He should be our highest devotion and our heart’s desire above all. Idolatry is not a trivial matter, as Israel discovered. God is calling for concerted and real action from the church to address idolatry, for our God is a jealous God, and He is an all-consuming fire. He must be our First Love, nothing else, and certainly no one else, including the self.

The Spiritual War

Book Description

The spiritual war is real, make no mistake about this reality. War is defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. The spiritual battle can be defined as a war for there is a conflict between the Kingdom of God and the already defeated yet functioning kingdom of the devil. Truth is, we are all involved in this war, unintentionally or intentionally, as believers or non-believers. As gravity affects all on earth, so does the spiritual war impact our lives daily from the rising to the setting of the sun. Let us be equipped, empowered and trained in knowledge to understand the war and its manifold ramifications on humanity.

God’s Best Plan

Book Description

God only wants the best for us. After all, any parent only wants the best for their children, so why would it be different when it comes to our relationship with God? God’s intentions towards His children have always been good, pure, glorious and wonderful. Only the best says God for His children. God’s plan and purpose for us are the BEST, and this transcends every aspect of our lives, be it our spiritual journey or our journey through life. The VERY BEST God has in store for us will glorify God, exalt His Kingdom, and it will give meaning to our existence. It is the best that will prosper us in spirit, soul and body. If we truly seek God and His plan above all, we then seek His Kingdom and righteousness. And for those who seek His Kingdom with devotion, will be rewarded for the rest shall be added (Matthew 6:33 – spiritual and physical blessings and favour). As we love God, His plan for our lives shall unfold, be revealed and shine as a glorious light in the darkness. And the good news is that it is never too late to come into alignment with God’s plan. Never.

Strengthened in the Presence of El Gibbor

Book Description

If we look at the life of Moses, we find numerous spiritual lessons that will benefit any disciple of Jesus. Is his life important? Most assuredly, as this volume of work explores. He was a murderer, yet God used him mightily. He was almost killed as an infant, yet survived to do great things for God, leading a life of worth and value for 120 years. He survived the harshness of two wilderness journeys, totalling 80 years, and rightly takes his place, even though human, as one of the great heroes of the Bible. Moses as a prophet played a vital role in pointing towards the life and the ministry of Jesus. Moses is of great importance in the Bible for he is recognised as a deliverer (Exodus 3:7–10), covenant mediator (Exodus 34:27), priest (Psalm 99:6), and ruler (Exodus 2:13–14; Acts 7:27). Moses's larger-than-life status as prophet was designed by God as a template from which all other prophets would be measured. Enjoy this journey as covered in volumes one and two to know more about Moses, and how we can spiritually grow on our journey with God.

God the Father

Book Description

God is an actual, literal Father. He is the source of life. Yes, our God the Father created the universe and everything in it. He is a big God but at the same time is a personal God who knows each person's every need. God the Father set a plan in place to save humanity from itself. Yes, He is a good Father and a loving God who wants a family and to be with His children. He is not cruel or mean. Not abusive. Loving and kind. But also a Father who is not pleased with wickedness, evil or sin. He is a holy God. Unto Him we cry “Abba, Father” and He hears us. What an awesome God we serve, far better than the supposed fathers of mythology! Just as earthly fathers have an important part in contributing to the life of children, this is true with God as His spiritual children. He provides, protects, and nurtures. In this study, learn more about the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes, He is the heavenly Father of Jews and Gentiles alike. Unto Him comes all the glory and all the praise. He is Holy. He is almighty. Unto Him comes all power, for He is authority. May we draw closer to Him and let God Father us in His love, beauty and majesty.

A Life of Vision

Book Description

At the moment of spiritual surrender unto God, visibility of physical sight and senses surrenders unto eternal and everlasting spiritual vision for unto that moment the eyes of faith open and the sight of flesh ceases in perception and knowledge and understanding. By that spiritual awakening and rebirth of vision, as we yield to the powerful and glorious work of the Holy Spirit, our journey unto the spiritual begins as we discover the true meaning of deep crying out the deep. As we abandon ourselves to God, we connect to divinity, and so our reality, world and senses are flooded by His sweet and majestic touch and glory.