Grace Abounding

Book Description

Bunyan was an English Baptist pastor whose influence through 'The Pilgrim's Progress' could be said to have shaped the British and American psyche. Bunyan was more than an imprisoned tinker with time on his hands, he wrote many other books and was a key figure in British history during momentous nation- changing events.

Journey to Hell

Book Description

John Bunyan portrays one man’s lifelong journey to hell and what we can do to avoid the same fate. In this fascinating allegory, the wickedness, depravity, and carnality in the life and death of Mr. Badman are contrasted with biblical standards of living and the path that leads to heaven. On the Day of Judgment, will you inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you? You can live a successful life now and be ready to enter the eternal City of God. Millions have read The Pilgrim’s Progress and received inspiration for their Christian walk. Now, you can follow another man, Mr. Badman, on his life journey, which leads him ultimately to hell. In this allegory, the wickedness, depravity, and carnality in the life and death of Mr. Badman are contrasted with biblical standards of living and the path that leads to heaven. The wisdom of Mr. Wiseman will strike you as he explains a godly life in all situations, including home, business, and relationships.

The fear of God

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The pilgrim's progress

Book Description

All Loves Excelling

Book Description

All Loves Excelling is John Bunyan's sermon on Ephesians 3:17-18, 'That ye ... may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.' It was first titled 'The Saints' Knowledge of Christ s Love' and is worthy of being ranked alongside Sibbes and deals with a much neglected subject area. The subject matter of this work which was first preached, is greatly needed today. On the one hand, experiences of the Spirit are being claimed from which the glory of the redeemer and the wonder of his love are quite absent, while on the other, an almost total attention to the understanding and practising of scripture truth is having the effect of marginalising the experiential element in true, spiritual knowledge. Bunyan's description of Christ's love to believers and how they ought to know it, cuts in both the above-mentioned directions. From some 440 Bible references he shows how knowing Christ's love is the message of Scripture and also the essence of heaven, partly possessed and expressed on earth. Those who know it are rich beyond measure and they are the people who 'sweeten the churches and bring glory to God and to religion'.

The Jerusalem Sinner Saved

Book Description