The Female Pen

Book Description

Had B.G. MacCarthy's criticism been available, Showalter's A Literature of Their Own would have been a very different kind of book...In some ways, contemporary could be ten years ahead if we had started the climb from MacCarthy's groundwork." —Maggie Humm, University of East London Back in print for the first time since the 1940's, this classic work of pre-feminist literary criticism is a challenging and authoritative assessment of women's contributions to English literature. B. G. MacCarthy, widely praised for the originality of her scholarship, challenges the dominant picture of mascaline literary history created by T. S. Eliot and F. R. Leavis. Written with crisp humor and irony, her exploration of women's writing. Focusing on a wide range of authors including Lady Mary Wroath, Eliza Hayward, Aphra Behn, Maria Edgeworth, Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Inchbald, Margaret Cavendish and Jane Austen- illustrates that these women attempted almost every genre of fiction, enriched many, and initiated some of the most important. Often savagely witty, The Female Pen discusses a vast array of fictional forms, including picturesque, moralistic, oriental, domestic, and gothic novels.

Mary Wollstonecraft, Pedagogy, and the Practice of Feminism

Book Description

This study examines Mary Wollstonecraft—generally recognized as the founder of the early feminist movement—by shedding light on her contributions to eighteenth-century instructional literature, and feminist pedagogy in particular. While contemporary scholars have extensively theorized Wollstonecraft’s philosophical and polemic work, little attention has been given to her understanding and representation of feminist practice, most clearly exemplified in her instructional writing. This study makes a significant contribution to the fields of both eighteenth-century and Romantic Era literature by looking at how early feminism influenced didactic traditions from the late-eighteenth century to today. Hanley argues that Wollstonecraft constructs a paradigm of feminist pedagogy both in the texts’ representations of teaching and learning, and her own authorial approach in re-appropriating earlier texts and textual traditions. Wollstonecraft’s appropriations of Locke, Rousseau, and other educationists allow her to develop reading and writing pedagogies that promote critical thinking and gesture toward contemporary composition theories and practices. Hanley underscores the significance of Wollstonecraft as teacher and mentor by revisiting texts that are generally assigned a short space in the context of a larger discussion about her life and/or writing, re-presenting her works of instruction as meaningful both in their revisionist approaches to tradition and their normative didactic features.


Book Description

Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life is the first published work of the British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. Published in 1787 by her friend Joseph Johnson, Thoughts is a conduct book that offers advice on female education to the emerging British middle class. Although dominated by considerations of morality and etiquette, the text also contains basic child-rearing instructions, such as how to care for an infant. An early version of the modern self-help book, the 18th-century British conduct book drew on many literary traditions, such as advice manuals and religious narratives. There was an explosion in the number of conduct books published during the second half of the 18th century, and Wollstonecraft took advantage of this burgeoning market when she published Thoughts. However, the book was only moderately successful: it was favourably reviewed, but only by one journal and it was reprinted only once. Although it was excerpted in popular contemporary magazines, it was not republished until the rise of feminist literary criticism in the 1970s. Like other conduct books of the time, Thoughts adapts older genres to the new middle-class ethos. The book encourages mothers to teach their daughters analytical thinking, self-discipline, honesty, contentment in their social position, and marketable skills (in case they should ever need to support themselves). These goals reveal Wollstonecraft's intellectual debt to John Locke; however, the prominence she affords religious faith and innate feeling distinguishes her work from his. Her aim is to educate women to be useful wives and mothers, because, she argues, it is through these roles that they can most effectively contribute to society. The predominantly domestic role Wollstonecraft outlines for women—a role that she viewed as meaningful—was interpreted by 20th-century feminist literary critics as paradoxically confining them to the private sphere. Although much of Thoughts is devoted to platitudes and advice common to all conduct books for women, a few passages anticipate Wollstonecraft's feminist arguments in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), such as her poignant description of the suffering single woman. However, several critics suggested that such passages only seem to have radical undertones in light of Wollstonecraft's later works.

Imagining women readers, 1789–1820

Book Description

Imagining women readers reassesses the cultural significance of women’s reading in the period 1789–1820. From the turbulent years following the French Revolution to the fiction of Jane Austen, this book charts the rise of a self-regulating reader, who possesses both moral and cultural authority. Rather than an unproductive leisure activity, for the writers discussed in this study the act of reading is crucial to imagining forms of female participation in national life. The book thus offers a unique perspective on the relationship between reading, education and the construction of femininity, shedding new light on the work of some of the most celebrated women writers of the period. It will appeal to students and scholars interested in the history and representation of reading, and in women’s writing of this period more generally.