Christianity and World Religions

Book Description

Kung joins with three esteemed colleagues to address the question: "Can we break through the barriers of noncommunication, fear, and mistrust that separate the followers of the world's great religions?" The authors analyze the main lines of approach taken by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, and give Christian responses to the values and challenges each tradition presents.

Islam and Other Major World Religions

Book Description

A general description of the world's major religions along with chapters on whether there is a God, Angels, Miracles, Reincarnation, the Qur'an, and Life after Death


Book Description

In the sixth century of the common era, the Prophet Muhammad appeared in the Arabian Peninsula, proclaiming the message that there was only one god, called Allah, and that all people should obey Allah's requirements for their lives. Today, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, with more than 1.6 billion Muslims adhering to this faith. However, although all Muslims do revere Islams sacred scripture, the Quran, there are many differences in the way that the faith is practiced throughout the world. This book will discuss the origins of Islam, the major sects that follow the faith, important religious centers such as Mecca and Medina, and the elemental religious practices that unite all members of the umma, or Islamic community. The MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS series provides information about six of the most important religious faiths practiced around the world. More than 75 percent of the world's populationover 5.2 billion peopleobserves the tenets of one of these six religions. Each book in the series describes the important beliefs of a particular religion, along with information about its history, practices, and rituals. Each title in this series includes color photos throughout, and back matter including: an index and further reading lists for books and internet resources, a timeline and organizations to contact. Key Icons appear throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons in this series are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are set in boldfaced type in that chapter, so that readers are able to reference back to the definitions--building their vocabulary and enhancing their

Norton Anthology of World Religions

Book Description

This magisterial Norton Anthology, edited by world-renowned scholars, offers a portable library of more than 1,000 primary texts from the world’s major religions. To help readers encounter strikingly unfamiliar texts with pleasure; accessible introductions, headnotes, annotations, pronouncing glossaries, maps, illustrations and chronologies are provided. For readers of any religion or none, The Norton Anthology of World Religions opens new worlds that, as Miles writes, invite us "to see others with a measure of openness, empathy, and good will..."

Unprecedented in scope and approach, The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Christianity brings together over 150 texts from the Apostolic Era to the New Millennium. The volume features Jack Miles’s illuminating General Introduction—“How the West Learned to Compare Religions”—as well as Lawrence S. Cunningham’s “The Words and the Word Made Flesh,” a lively primer on the history and core tenets of Christianity.

Religion of Peace?

Book Description

Virtually every contemporary Western leader has expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This widely circulated claim is false. Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, "Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against the World" demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government. Further, it shows that the jihadis that Westerners have been indoctrinated to believe are extremists, are actually in the mainstream.

Understanding World Religions

Book Description

Globalization and high-speed communication put twenty-first century people in contact with adherents to a wide variety of world religions, but usually, valuable knowledge of these other traditions is limited at best. On the one hand, religious stereotypes abound, hampering a serious exploration of unfamiliar philosophies and practices. On the other hand, the popular idea that all religions lead to the same God or the same moral life fails to account for the distinctive origins and radically different teachings found across the world’s many religions. Understanding World Religions presents religion as a complex and intriguing matrix of history, philosophy, culture, beliefs, and practices. Hexham believes that a certain degree of objectivity and critique is inherent in the study of religion, and he guides readers in responsible ways of carrying this out. Of particular importance is Hexham’s decision to explore African religions, which have frequently been absent from major religion texts. He surveys these in addition to varieties of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The World's Religions

Book Description

This book has seven basic chapters: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. These he calls the "Major Historical Religions." They all have sacred texts. This book was intended to be a brief survey without an in-depth analysis. A new section was added to The World's Religions. It is entitled "The Primal Religions." It describes a broad sweep of religions such as those practiced by the Australian Aborigines, by the Native American Indians of North and South America and the religions of the interior of Africa. Huston Smith's masterpiece explores the essential elements and teachings of the world's predominant faiths, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the native traditions of Australia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Emphasizing the inner--rather than the institutional--dimension of these religions, Smith devotes special attention to Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, and the teachings of Jesus. He convincingly conveys the unique appeal and gifts of each of the traditions and reveals their hold on the human heart and imagination.

The World's Religions

Book Description

A new edition of a beautifully produced, popular book with an up-to-date approach.

The World's Religions: Islam

Book Description

The theological and philosophical bases of the beliefs are clearly presented with their history, development, expression and everyday practice. It is written by international specialists in a scholarly but non-technical style.

The World's Religions

Book Description

This wide-ranging reader combines some of the best and most valuable contemporary perspectives from leading and significant writers, teachers, and thinkers who together address critical challenges and opportunities for the world's religions in a post 9/11 world. Edited by Arvind Sharma and organized by topic, the essays in this reader consider broad questions such as, What influence does religion have on contemporary life? The thematic arrangement of topics includes diverse religious perspectives on: war, terror, peace, human rights, pluralism, diversity, gender, spirituality, the interreligious dialogue, international diplomacy and globalization.