Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory

Book Description

This article is devoted to the status of the electroweak theory on the eve of experimentation at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. A compact summary of the logic and structure of the electroweak theory precedes an examination of what experimental tests have established so far. The outstanding unconfirmed prediction of the electroweak theory is the existence of the Higgs boson, a weakly interacting spin-zero particle that is the agent of electroweak symmetry breaking, the giver of mass to the weak gauge bosons, the quarks, and the leptons. General arguments imply that the Higgs boson or other new physics is required on the TeV energy scale. Indirect constraints from global analyses of electroweak measurements suggest that the mass of the standard-model Higgs boson is less than 200 GeV. Once its mass is assumed, the properties of the Higgs boson follow from the electroweak theory, and these inform the search for the Higgs boson. Alternative mechanisms for electroweak symmetry breaking are reviewed, and the importance of electroweak symmetry breaking is illuminated by considering a world without a specific mechanism to hide the electroweak symmetry. For all its triumphs, the electroweak theory has many shortcomings.

The Standard Electro-Weak Theory

Book Description

This book is the natural follow-on of the discussion about Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED), begun with my former manual ''Alkali Atomic spectra'', mainly concerning with the description of the atom structure. The Theory of Fields, and then the whole Standard Model, concern particles in relativistic motion. Then an atom is ionized and nuclei and particles are brought to collide at relativistic energies. In order to investigate the dynamics an appropriate model is needed. Particles are represented as fields and those fields are themselves quantized as for second quantization. The definition of the Electro-Weak theory and the concept of symmetry breaking are just the prelude to all the physics behind Supersymmetry and Gravitation, and eventually to the Grand Unification Theories (GUT).