This Is a Printing Office

Book Description

Noted for a lifetime of service and work on behalf of typography, Beatrice Warde is perhaps most remembered for the text of her inspired inscription published in 1932 as a promotional piece of the issuance of Eric Gill's famous Perpetua Titling series. The text of This is a Printing Office is reproduced on a broadsheet designed by Ernest Born and printed to celebrate the acquisition, renovation, and dedication in 1983 of a headquarters building for the University of California Press. Noted for a lifetime of service and work on behalf of typography, Beatrice Warde is perhaps most remembered for the text of her inspired inscription published in 1932 as a promotional piece of the issuance of Eric Gill's famous Perpetua Titling series. The text of This is a Printing Office is reproduced on a broadsheet designed by Ernest Born and printed to celebrate the acquisition, renovation, and dedication in 1983 of a headquarters building for the University of California Press.

A Witch's Printing Office, Vol. 1

Book Description

What nerd wouldn't enjoy exploring an RPG-style world? Not Mika Kamiya! She was just about to enjoy her post-Comic Market haul when fate whisked her away to a fantasy land. All Mika wants is to find a way home, so she's hunting for spells-but rather than search all over, they'll be coming to her to attend her magical-book-selling event, Magic Market! With a very "animated" catalog of guests, eccentric attendees, and out-of-control lines, what could possibly go wrong?!

A Witch's Printing Office, Vol. 4

Book Description

Protagonist Press is as busy as ever, thanks in part to Mika’s hugely successful Magic Market bookselling event—from magic-decrying warriors to tiny, meddling fairies, people from all walks of life are dipping their toes into the wonderful world of magical tomes. Despite the ever-growing size of Magiket’s crowd, the Prep Committee has the chaos well under control...until its faithful venue is suddenly double-booked, dumping Mika into a whole new crisis!

The Government Printing Office

Book Description

A Witch's Printing Office, Vol. 2

Book Description

Dragons, typhoons, and demon lords, oh my! The popularity of Magic Market has boomed beyond expectation-in fact, it's such a hit, news has reached even the highest echelon of the underworld. As the Holy Land teems with all manner of human and monster, will Mika be able to keep order and find a way back home, or will chaos ultimately reign under the arrival of the Demon Lord?!

The Process of Marbling Paper

Book Description