Three Essays on Labor Economics and Health of Older Americans

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The importance of determining the capacity of the health care labor force to meet the needs of older Americans continues to increase in the face of a rapidly aging population. This dissertation consists of three essays that examine two important public policy issues related to the population health of older Americans: rural-urban differences in health care provider supply and the relationship between labor market conditions and health outcomes.

Three Essays on Social Context, Education, and Health Outcomes Among Older Adults

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Education is among the strongest socioeconomic predictors of health and mortality. However, the social nature of the relationship of education and health is rarely taken into account. The first chapter of the dissertation looks into how macrosocial context can influence this association. I investigate the changes in the educational gradient in health in Russia in the 2000s using two waves of WHO SAGE survey to show some suggestive evidence that the educational gradients are narrowing following the socioeconomic changes in Russia during the decade, at least for some measures of health. Household and family level social structure is also a significant explanatory factor that mediates the association of education and health. In the second chapter, I use data from the 11 waves of HRS to show that spousal education is an important factor in predicting health outcomes net of one's own education. In particular, I demonstrate how health benefits of having an educated wife appear to accumulate over time, while health benefits of an educated husband are more closely related to contemporaneous measures. Additionally, I observe that the effects of spousal education on mortality and self-rated health are manifested differently. The association between education and self-rated health is present even when mediating variables are controlled for, while the effect becomes insignificant for mortality measures. Finally, the third chapter shows how family level social characteristics (namely, spousal education) can interact with macro level social structure (country context) in forming health outcomes. I use data from 18 countries collected using comparable methodologies (HRS sister studies harmonized by the Global Gateway to Aging project). The results show that welfare regimes in the countries have some predictive power for explaining educational gradients in health, and more egalitarian countries do show less steep gradients. Importantly, however, country-specific context is a stronger predictor of the effects of spousal education on women's health. Men, on the other hand, benefit more similarly from the higher educational attainment of their wives in different countries.

Three Essays on the Economics of Health and Well-Being

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This dissertation offers three vignettes on the determinants of health and well-being over the life course. The first essay uses multiple Canadian census files to document the longterm effects of potential in utero exposure to the 1918 flu pandemic on educational attainment. This study finds that those who were in utero during the peak of the pandemic, particularly in their first or second trimesters, experienced long-term deficits in their educational attainment. The second study explores the potential impact of spousal institutionalization in nursing homes/residential care facilities on elderly financial security. It shows that the absence of fully funded universal long-term care insurance (like Canadian medicare) places married seniors at risk of significant losses in their material standards of living and low income status. The third paper examines the impact of online communication and social media use on subjective well-being (SWB). In one empirical approach, I find that those who communicate online or use social media report lower levels of SWB. This is especially true for older adults and social media. In a separate quasi-experimental analysis that exploits variation in access to and use of social media by time, age group, and access to personal computers, I find that social media may be responsible for increased political engagement and social trust.

Three Essays on Health Behaviors and the Need for New Policy

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This dissertation consists of three essays, each on one emerging public health issue that calls for new policy making. The first essay studies 15,000 adult individuals from a longitudinal dataset, the China Health and Nutrition Survey, collected in China 1991-2006. It explores the effects of food prices on obesity and shows evidence that while obesity corresponds to food prices changes, the effects might not always be accurately captured by Body Mass Index (BMI), but by a more direct measure of body fat - triceps skinfold thickness (TSF). The second essay extends the first essay and focuses on health implications of obesity on outcomes such as hypertension and diabetes. The sample is limited to non-obese individuals with a BMI less than 28. TSF, as a proxy for body fat, is shown to have significant independent effects on health. The third essay looks at unintended consequences of a new drug innovation, Viagra, and its successors, Cialis, and Levitra. It finds that erectile dysfunction (ED) medication users have a higher rate of STDs. Because most ED drug consumers are 40+ males, who are above the typical age range where routine STD tests are recommended, this finding reveals a new health threat to older populations and potentially the general public as a whole.


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Originally published by Bradbury Press in 1973.