
Book Description

Poop is not for Painting and Other Toddler Tid Bits

Book Description

Poop Is Not for Painting (and Other Toddler Tidbits) is a commiseration book for parents. Helping your toddler to navigate the world is usually messy. The way they explore their world can be downright disgusting. So many moments parents are presented with two choices: to laugh or to cry. Since we usually have no control over the sneaky disgusting things that they do, laughing is our only real option for day-to-day survival. Like all things in life, knowing you aren't alone is crucial. While we all love our children fiercely, Poop Is Not for Painting keeps it real and completely relatable for those of us in the trenches of parenting a toddler!

Tid Bits of Life

Book Description

"The Dying GOD: A Vampire's Tale should run forever a great cast. The playwright has a gift for words." -Joe Frankin, WOR-AM Radio "If you found yourself jumping on the Internet looking for news after your Da Vinci Code read, you will probably enjoy the new play by writer and director Gerard Denza which brings a modern and original spin to the very popular vampire concept. Pretty dramatic and intellectual stuff here. I thoroughly enjoyed The Dying GOD: A Vampire's Tale it was fresh, made me think, at times I even found myself wondering if this was real and the cast was going to induct me into this cult " -Betyper (Internet Newspaper)

Inspired Thoughts with Tid-Bits of Knowledge

Book Description

My heart is like the Morning Glory, As it holds our friendship gently, Yet ever so tightly, awaiting the time When we meet again.


Book Description

Deep psychological insight and a unique view of the world combine in Tidbits, short morsels filled with quips on life.

Roadside Tidbits

Book Description

How often have you been driving, say on a cross-country trip, and have flashed by a sign that says, "Historical Marker, 1 mile?" How often have you stopped to read the sign? How often have you wondered what you would have discovered if you had stopped? Well, if you're like me, the answers are: often, almost never, and almost always. There never seems to be time, the markers, although announced, can be hard to find, and then there's the question of where to park and how to get from the car to the marker and back safely. One doubts that it's worthwhile. But yet there's that nagging feeling that maybe it would be fascinating. This book is a sampling of two hundred eighty four of the thousands of real-life historical markers that exist on our roads and highways. Each is accompanied by detailed location information and by an expansion of the often-brief inscription. Writing it satisfied my curiosity. It's very likely it will satisfy yours too.

Success Tidbits

Book Description

This is a book filled with simple truth. The problem most of us have is that we get so busy in our daily lives that we forget these things. Success Tidbits will remind you of them in an entertaining way. Each "tidbit" is focues on improving our daily lives in a specific area. The "tidbits" were all originally two minute talks before a group of diverse business leaders. They are brief, to the point, and written to capture your imagination!

Life’s Little Tidbits

Book Description

What happened in your life today? Did it seem insignificant? Why not put it before God and see if He feels the same way. My guess is that He will show you a life lesson from it. That is what, ‘Life’s Little Tidbits’, is about. Taking everyday events and showing a Godly lesson from them. There are also some Biblical teachings rolled in and some special holiday tidbits that use both stories and teachings that will encourage and inspire.

Tidbits For Women

Book Description

The concept for Tidbits for Women was created by two Christian women who felt that there should be a certain unity among other Christian women and that we all should be able to share our experiences. Tidbits For Women is a composite of various topics that relate to women, with suggestions that revolve around Christ. It offers Tidbits of information that can be used as a blueprint to establish a concrete foundation for what is known as life. Contrary to many self help books, Tidbits for Women encourages you to avoid leaning on your own understanding, and to rely on Christ for help. Our hope is that women of all walks of life will be able to reflect, relate, and rejoice while reading this book. We hope to bring women from around the world together on common ground--emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Tidbits (Mini-Profundities)

Book Description