Elephant Wind

Book Description

Lily and Niko Rabbit's childcare class responds to a tornado warning. They learn how a tornado looks like an elephant trunk and sounds like a train. They also learn where they can go to be safe. When they find out the tornado damaged a neighbor's house, they come together to help in their own charming way.

The No-Nonsense Guide To Tornado Safety (Enhanced Edition)

Book Description

This book could save your life! The Enhanced Edition (larger sized) of the No-Nonsense Guide To Tornado Safety has been updated. This re-edited guide is designed to provide a comprehensive source for the latest research related to tornado safety. Updated subjects covered include: supplemental information on the understanding of tornadoes; addressing tornado myths; how to be proactive in preparing for a tornado event; providing sound advice by government and weather professionals/researchers on the best courses of action during a tornado; increased shelter information regarding tornadoes; and how to remain safe after a tornado event has occurred. This manual also contains several useful appendices that include a listing of government and charitable resources (for those affected by tornado disasters), a list of useful weather-warning smartphone & computer apps, and an updated list of local and privately-operated designated tornado shelters across the country for those without access to their own shelters.

Tornado Protection

Book Description

Tornado Safety Rules in Schools

Book Description

Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning, Nature's Most Violent Storms: a Preparedness Guide, Including Tornado Safety Information for Schools

Book Description

This illustrated guide showcases some facts about weather-related events and suggests life-saving actions you can take, if you find yourself in an unexpected situation resulting from a weather-related event. The goal of this booklet is to present you with details on how to recognize severe weather, be aware of your surroundings, and to encourage you to develop a plan to be ready to act when threatening weather approaches. Here is a bird's eye-view of the weather-related events that are covered in this guide with a few short facts about each that are also presented in the guide. Lightning... ¦ Causes an average of 55-60 fatalities and 400 injuries each year ¦ Occurs with all thunderstorms ¦ Costs more than $1 billion in insured losses each year Tornadoes... ¦ Cause an average of 60-65 fatalities and 1,500 injuries each year ¦ Can produce wind speeds in excess of 200 mph ¦ Can be 1 mile wide and stay on the ground over 50 miles Straight-line Winds... ¦ Can exceed 125 mph ¦ Can cause destruction equal to a tornado ¦ Are extremely dangerous to aviation Flash Floods and Floods... ¦ Are the #1 cause of deaths associated with thunderstorms, more than 90 fatalities each year Hail... ¦ Can be larger than a softball (5 inches in diameter) ¦ Causes more than $1 billion in crop and property damage each year Some helpful tips included in this guide include how quickly these weather-events can result to a devastating situation. Therefore, it emphasizes that by having a plan in place prior to the event that is practiced from time to time, will allow response actions to be positive rather than stressful. This resource also provides guidance on the type of items that should be included in an Emergency Supply Kit for use at home, office, school, or place of business. There is also a special section dedicated to schools and working with children during an unexpected weather emergency. This school section also includes proper inspections and maintenance of buildings, and recommends emergency drills to practice the school safety plans with children including handling of disabled personnel and/or children.