Total Ownership Costs for the Marine Corps Procurement Programs

Book Description

This thesis responds to Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) Program Managers' desire to track Total Ownership Costs (TOC) for the procurement programs in the Marine Corps. DoD has adopted TOC as a means of reducing costs to generate the necessary resources for critical modernization and recapitalization. TOC serves as a strategic goal that focuses the efforts of the acquisition community on understanding Life Cycle Cost(LCC) and the support infrastructure for existing and future weapon programs. This study examined the budget process, funding flow and appropriations along with major appropriation categories, and tracking TOC in the major appropriations. Data was collected from historical accounting records, Budget Estimate Submission (BES) to Congress, and other supporting systems. The major finding of this study is that TOC may be tracked in the major appropriation categories of RDT&E and Procurement with limited administrative accounting modifications. Personnel and funding restrictions prevent actual cost for the Military Personnel appropriations from being attained, but estimates can be used with a reasonable degree of certainty. The Operations and Maintenance appropriations will continue to be the most difficult to track for TOC. However, the introduction of new accounting and supply systems, plus awareness, will improve the ability to track TOC in this appropriation.

Defense Acquisitions

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Defense Acquisitions: Navy and Marine Corps Pilot Program Initiatives to Reduce Total Ownership Costs

Defense Acquisitions: Navy and Marine Corps Pilot Program Initiatives to Reduce Total Ownership Costs

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This is the third in a series of reports in response to your request that we evaluate the military services' efforts to reduce weapon systems operating and support costs. We previously reported on Army and Air Force efforts. 1 We reported a lack of accountability and priority in reducing their systems operating and support costs. We recommended that the Army and Air Force develop operating and support cost goals for each weapon system and track progress toward achieving those goals. To complete our evaluation of the military services' operating and support cost reduction efforts, we examined 10 Navy and Marine Corps pilot programs and briefed your staff on the results. This letter summarizes our observations on the Navy and Marine Corps pilot programs and provides, as an enclosure, our briefing slides.

Marine Corps procurement programs

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Department of Defense Appropriations for 1998

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