Towards Corporate Tax Harmonization in the European Community:An Institutional and Procedural Analysis

Book Description

Through the e×amination of theoretical models as well as practical e×amples, the author studies why repeated attempts at harmonization have failed and concludes that they must take into account not only economic aspects, but also political and legal factors. Harmonization of corporate ta×ation is not only a legislative e×ercise; other institutions, such as the EC Court, have an important role to play in the harmonization process, as the US federal e×perience suggests.

Corporate Income Tax Harmonization in the European Union

Book Description

Through the arguments for corporate tax harmonization in the EU and describing the current stage of this process, the legislative rules which are insufficient to solve the many problems implied by the proper functioning of the Single Market, are revealed. The book also exposes the issues involved in the consolidation of the corporate tax base.

Harmful Tax Competition An Emerging Global Issue

Book Description

Tax competition in the form of harmful tax practices can distort trade and investment patterns, erode national tax bases and shift part of the tax burden onto less mobile tax bases. The Report emphasises that governments must intensify their cooperative actions to curb harmful tax practices.

European Union Corporate Tax Law

Book Description

How do the tax implications of European integration affect companies' cross-border movements and investment strategies?

Corporate Tax Base in the Light of the IAS/IFRS and EU Directive 2013/34: A Comparative Approach

Book Description

The recent relaunch of the European Commission’s Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) project promises a sorely needed leap forward in the harmonization of the rules by which companies calculate their taxable profits. In particular, the initiative hopes to remedy the severe barrier to cross-border business caused by the ‘the accounting Tower of Babel’ by which companies’ tax bases are determined under national law. This thorough analysis and commentary covers the influence of accounting rules on tax, considering both generally accepted standards – international accounting standards (IAS) and international financial reporting standards (IFRS) – and EU Directive 2013/34. Three introductory chapters usher in detailed comparative overviews of the effect of these rules on taxation in nine EU Member States as well as in two other major EU trading partners, the United States and Brazil. Fully explaining the remarkable recent improvement in the comparability of accounts that represent favourable preconditions for creating a single market for financial services within the EU, this book covers every relevant detail, including the following and much more: – criterion of evaluation of alternative fixed assets based on revaluated amounts; – criterion based on fair value; – provisions applicable to income statements, notes, reports, and financial statements; – rules applicable to the publication of documents; – transparency in payments to governments; – dispositions on exemptions; – hierarchy of general provisions and principles; – balance sheet and profit and loss account; – simplifications for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); – system of creditors’ protection; and – protection of investors’ interests. This book is a peerless explication of the taxation choices granted to Member States under IAS/IFRS and EU Directive 2013/34 and how they will be affected by ongoing Commission initiatives. Because relevant, timely, reliable, and comparable information assumes a leading role in protecting the interests of investors, creditors, and other stakeholders, as well as in ensuring that all operators act on a level playing field under equal conditions, the analysis presented here is of immeasurable value to lawyers, business persons, and officials concerned with taxation, not only in Europe but anywhere within the reach of international trade.

Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 5 - March 2012

Book Description

One of the world's leading law journals is available in quality ebook formats; such editions include active Contents for the issue and for individual articles, linked footnotes, linked cross-references in notes and text, active URLs in notes, and proper digital presentation from the original print edition. This issue of The Yale Law Journal (the 5th issue of Volume 121, academic year 2011-2012) features articles and essays by several notable scholars. Principal contributors include Ruth Mason and Michael Knoll (an article on tax discrimination), and Michael Graetz and Alvin Warren, Jr. (a featured essay also analyzing tax discrimination). Student contributions discuss such issues as the 26th Amendment's enforcement power, the Attestation Clause in history, and software licensing agreements.

European Union Corporate Tax Law

Book Description

How does EU law affect Member State corporate tax systems and the cross-border activities of companies? This unique study traces the historical development of EU corporate tax law and provides an in-depth analysis of a number of issues affecting companies, groups of companies and permanent establishments. Existing legislation, soft-law and the case-law of the Court of Justice are examined. The proposed CCCTB Directive and its potential application through enhanced co-operation are also considered. In addition to the tax issues pertaining to direct investment, the author examines the taxation of passive investment income, corporate reorganisations, exit taxes and the restrictive effect of domestic anti-abuse regimes. By doing so, the convergences and divergences arising from the interplay of EU corporate tax law and international tax law, especially the OECD model, are uncovered and highlighted.

The Impact of Tax Treaties and EU Law on Group Taxation Regimes

Book Description

Should the income of a corporate group be taxed differently solely because the traditional structure of the income tax system considers each company individually? Taxation affects business decisions, including location, the form in which business is carried out, and the efficient allocation of company resources. Disparities – differences arising from the interaction of different tax systems – and obstacles – distortions created by domestic legislation arising from differences between domestic and cross-border situations – both become more acute when a business chooses to set up or acquire other companies, thus forming a group, usually operating in multiple jurisdictions. Responding to such ever more common developments, this book is the first in-depth analysis of how tax treaties and EU law influence group taxation regimes. Among the issues and topics covered are the following: – analysis of the different tax group regimes adopted by different countries; – advantages and disadvantages of a variety of models; – application of the non-discrimination provision of Article 24 of the OECD Model Tax Convention to group taxation regimes; – application of the fundamental freedoms of the TFEU to group taxation regimes following the three-step approach adopted by the EU Court of Justice; – uncertainty raised by the landmark Marks & Spencer case, its interpretation and consequences to other group taxations regimes; – interrelations between tax treaties and EU Law in the context of tax groups; and – per-element approach. The analysis considers concrete examples as well as relevant case law. With its analysis of the standards required by the two sets of norms (tax treaties and EU law) and their interaction, particularly in terms of non-discrimination, this book sheds clear light on ways to overcome the disparities and obstacles inherent in group taxation regimes. As a thorough survey of the extent to which the interpretation of tax treaties and EU law affect group taxation regimes, this book has no peers. All taxation professionals, whether working in EU Member States or in EU trading partners, will appreciate its invaluable insights and guidance.

EU Corporate Law and EU Company Tax Law

Book Description

With the European Union striving to become the world's most competitive economy, the developments in the two closely interconnected areas of European corporate law and European company tax law are of utmost importance. This book focuses on the crucial issues raised by these developments, on their far-reaching implications and on the key challenges to the future legislative choices. The book illustrates the key developments in EU corporate law and EU company tax law, the EU planned initiatives in these areas, and - at a time when member states increasingly tend to use company law and company tax provisions to attract businesses and investments - it suggests how future developments can contribute to the undistorted functioning of the internal market and to the strategic 'Lisbon-objective'. The explanation of these legislative and case-law developments is of use to students and indicates new opportunities for business expansion strategies throughout the European Community. The book concludes that new optional, but attractive, EU company law vehicles and company tax regimes would be, in these two areas, the only legal and effective means towards an undistorted functioning of the internal market and towards the Lisbon-objective. This ultimately gives rise to a far-reaching challenge for all debates on the future patterns of European integration. Luca Cerioni introduces new themes for academic research and discussion subjects for decision-makers and at the same time, uniquely, makes these accessible to a much wider international public of students, businesses and practitioners.