Toxic Self-Criticism Workbook

Book Description

When you're caught in a spiral of toxic self-criticism, anxiety, depression, and stress will accumulate. This workbook includes a 4-step process to overcome self-criticism and silence your inner critic. Through a series of 8 inner critic exercises, with worksheets, activities, and examples, you'll discover how to quiet your inner critic. Stopping your inner critic doesn't happen overnight, but if you begin to question your inner critic in a helpful way and implement these psychology exercises into your daily life, you can silence the critical inner voice.

Toxic Criticism

Book Description

We've all felt the sting of criticism . . . Sometimes painful barbs from friends, family, coworkers, or strangers can lodge in our minds and eat away at our core. When you allow criticism--even self-criticism--to affect you that powerfully, it can be toxic. And if you don't break the cycle, toxic criticism can make you sick, strain relationships, and prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. But you don't have to live that way! By using the proven strategies in Toxic Criticism, you can deflect any hurtful comment that comes your way, rationally decide whether the criticism has any validity, and, if you choose, give a calculated response or use it as an opportunity to make a positive change. Once you've mastered the techniques in Toxic Criticism, you'll be able to: Dismiss negative comments before they make you upset Take away the power of criticism by believing in yourself Live a positive life, driven by feeling of self-worth instead of self-loathing Silence your inner critic, and listen to the voice of confidence

The Self-Esteem Workbook

Book Description

If you feel like your self-esteem has suffered, or that it could be better, then keep reading. Imagine for a moment that you are getting ready for a job interview. It is incredibly important, and you know that you need to succeed in getting the salary that you need to support your family. You try to psyche yourself up as much as you can before going in and make it a point to remind yourself that you can do this. You pray that your own determination will be enough to get you through the interview with flying colors. However, as soon as you get to the door of the building, you feel it - that crippling self-doubt that has been with you as long as you can remember. You wonder whether or not you can actually succeed, or if it is even worth trying to apply for that job in the first place. Do you really think that you should? Are you really good enough? The doubt continues to distract you as you force yourself to walk into the building. You go into the interview and sit, realizing that your palms are sweaty, and you can feel yourself trembling. You don't think you can do this. You lack the self-esteem that you need to actually get through the interview. Years of being told that you are not good enough catch up to you, and you hear the words going through your mind over and over again-you are never going to be good enough. Sure enough, you bomb in the interview. You never hear back, and your self-esteem worsens. Does this sound familiar? If you can relate, there is a very real possibility that you suffer from low self-esteem. However, you do not have to live like this forever. You can learn to work with your low self-esteem, strengthening it into something that will benefit you in the future. You can learn to be assertive, confident and able to face your fears with ease. The Self-Esteem Workbook is here to guide you through that journey. Delivered in a method that is meant to be easily understood but still informative, this book will provide you with: An overview of self-esteem-what it is, why it matters and how to develop it Why comparing yourself to others is a terrible idea and how it directly contributes to all sorts of self-esteem problems How self-esteem issues and social anxiety are intricately related, as well as a profile of what social anxiety looks like Signs of low self-esteem and how to recognize them An assessment to rate the level of your own self-esteem How to build self-esteem to help you succeed Several exercises to guide you through the process of bettering your self-esteem, such as how to end self-defeating thoughts, how to recognize and better your own self-worth, how to have self-compassion, how to self-love unconditionally and how to defeat social anxiety And more!! No matter whether your self-esteem is just a bit bruised or entirely torn apart, this book can help you begin to develop a clearer picture. You may feel like you are unsure if a book can help you fix something that has been broken for years, but if you are willing to give it a try, you will find that your self-esteem can be repaired. All you need to do is the work. Do not delay any longer-you do not have to suffer in silence for one more day. Scroll to the top of this page and click on BUY NOW to begin reading this book right away. Your guide to self-esteem is just one click away.

Let Go of Self-Criticism: a Workbook for Self Exploration, Healing and Reflection

Book Description

Self criticism can be debilitating. Instead of being able to enjoy a moment and be in the present, self criticism can create warped thinking where someone is 'constantly beating themselves up.'This book aims to identify moments where a reader begins to think critically of themselves and gently guides them towards more compassionate and constructive thought patterns.

Embracing Your Inner Critic

Book Description

Hal and Sidra Stone are the creators of "Voice Dialogue" process, a therapy that transforms the inner critic from crippling adversary to productive ally. The inner critic. It whispers, whines, and needles us into place. It checks our thoughts, controls our behavior, and inhibits action. It thinks it is protecting us from being disliked, hurt, or abandoned. Instead, the critical inner voice causes shame, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and low-self-esteem. It acts as a powerful saboteur of our intimate relationships and is a major contributor to drug and alcohol abuse. Through examples and exercises, the Stones show us how to recognize the critic, how to avoid or minimize "critic attacks," and, most important, how the inner critic can become asn intelligent, perceptive, and supportive partner in life.

Healing Your Emotional Self

Book Description

Healing Your Emotional Self "Emotionally abusive parents are indeed toxic parents, and they cause significant damage to their children's self-esteem, self-image, and body image. In this remarkable book, Beverly Engel shares her powerful Mirror Therapy program for helping adult survivors to overcome their shame and self-criticism, become more compassionate and accepting of themselves, and create a more posititve self-image. I strongly recommend it for anyone who was abused or neglected as a child." --Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of Toxic Parents "In this book, Beverly Engel documents the wide range of psychological abuses that so many children experience in growing up. Her case examples and personal accounts are poignant and powerful reminders that as adults, many of us are still limited by the defenses we formed when trying to protect ourselves in the face of the painful circumstances we found ourselves in as children. Engle's insightful questionnaires and exercises provide concrete help in the healing process, and her writing style is lively and engaging. This book is destined to positively affect many lives." --Joyce Catlett, M.A., coauthor of Fear of Intimacy The Emotionally Abusive Relationship "Beverly Engel clearly and with caring offers step-by-step strategies to stop emotional abuse . . . helping both victims and abusers to identify the patterns of this painful and traumatic type of abuse." --Marti Tamm Loring, Ph.D., author of Emotional Abuse Loving Him without Losing You "A powerful and practical guide to relationships that every woman should read." --Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D., author of Are You the One for Me?

The Low Self-Esteem Struggle

Book Description

Can I ask you a few questions? Do you find that you focus heavily on your weaknesses or perceived flaws? Do you often unfavorably compare yourself with others? Are you anxious around other people, concerning yourself with what they think of you? Do you put your wants and needs on the back burner to please others? These traits - along with many others - are symptoms of low self-esteem. Living life feeling inadequate and unworthy and having persistent feelings of guilt is challenging. Particularly in a world that happily spoon-feeds us inadequacy, soul-crushing comparisons, and self-limiting beliefs. This can make finding your worth seem impossible. Life doesn’t have to be this way. In The Low Self-Esteem Struggle, I want to take you on a journey toward self-worth. I can’t promise it’ll be easy - nothing worth having ever is - but freeing yourself of the shackles of your mind is blissfully empowering. The journey includes: Figuring out the cause of your low self-esteem. You cannot defeat something so deep-rooted without knowing its origins. To face these traumatic demons will feel daunting - but they’re not as intimidating as enduring your whole life with a poor self-image. My lack of esteem came from childhood abuse, but there is no one set cause for low self-esteem. It could have been schoolyard bullies, a toxic relationship, a cruel boss… or all these terrible circumstances that triggered your lack of self-worth. We’ll return to the root of your trauma and build up from there. Defeating negative self-talk. When you talk poorly about yourself to yourself, you’re reaffirming these thoughts to be the truth. I’ll explain why they’re not the truth, why you shouldn’t talk badly of yourself, and how you can stop doing this. Self-deprecation - even as a joke - is a form of negative self-talk. The subconscious doesn’t have a sense of humor, so even when you’re “joking,” your mind doesn’t view it that way. I’ll help you reframe your thoughts so you can banish negative self-talk. Social comparison toxicity. I’ll cover how social comparison is an unforgiving thief of self-esteem, how to acknowledge this, and how to reframe your need for validation. When I was silently enduring the effects of low self-esteem, books were my lifeline, a glimmer of hope in my otherwise murky mind. I want this book to reach you and be the beginning of your journey to breaking free from the tight grip of low self-esteem. Don’t let low self-esteem hold you back from the life you deserve for one day longer.

Illustrated Workbook for Freedom from Your Inner Critic: : A Self Therapy Approch

Book Description

If you struggle with bouts of depression and low self-esteem; feel ashamed or guilty or hopeless at times, our work with the Inner Critic can open up new vistas for dealing with these issues. The Inner Critic is the part of you that judges you, demeans you, and tells you who you should be. It undermines your self-confidence and makes you feel bad about yourself. Since this is one of the most difficult and tenacious issues that people face, we have written Freedom From Your Inner Critic and this companion Illustrated Workbook to show you how to transform your Inner Critic using the Internal Family Systems Model (IFS). Based on IFS, a powerful form of psychotherapy, our work can help you put an end to your painful feelings and grow into the person you've always dreamed of being. The surprising and wonderful news is that many people can achieve this transformation on their own, without the intervention of a psychotherapist. It's time for your suffering to end because you can transform your life. This Workbook is a companion to Freedom from Your Inner Critic. It contains delightful illustrations of the Inner Critics and the Inner Champions that can be developed to work with them. It facilitates the processing and integration of basic concepts of our Inner Critic work and IFS. It presents thoughtful questions, imagery exercises, and drawing experiences to aid learning. It is appropriate for ages from teens to adults and can be used in groups, classes, or individually with a counselor or therapist.

The CBT Workbook for Perfectionism

Book Description

If you feel an intense pressure to be perfect, this evidence-based workbook offers real strategies based in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you develop a more balanced and healthy perspective. Do you hold yourself—and perhaps others—to extremely high standards? Do you procrastinate certain tasks because you’re afraid you won’t carry them out perfectly? If you’ve answered “yes” to one or both of these questions, chances are you’re a perfectionist. And while there’s nothing wrong with hard work and high standards, perfectionism can also take over your life if you let it. So, how can you find balance? With this workbook, you’ll identify the causes of your perfectionism and the ways it is negatively impacting your life. Rather than measuring your self-worth by productivity and accomplishments, you’ll learn to exercise self-compassion, and extend that compassion to others. You’ll also learn ways to prioritize the things that really matter to you, without focusing on attaining fixed goals. Life isn’t perfect, and neither are we. If you’re ready to break free from out-of-control perfectionism and start living a richer, fuller life, this workbook will help you get started.