Time: Limits and Constraints

Book Description

The nature of time has haunted humanity through the ages. Some conception of time has always entered into our ideas about mortality and immortality, and permanence and change, so that concepts of time are of fundamental importance in the study of religion, philosophy, literature, history, and mythology. How humanity experiences time physiologically, psychologically, and socially enters into the research of the behavioral sciences, and time as a factor of structure and change is an essential consideration of the biological and physical sciences. This volume presents selected essays from the 13th triennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Time: "Time: Limits and Constraints." The essays are grouped around subthemes relating to this theme: Theory and Empirie, The Limits of Duration, Creative Constraints, and Final Questions. The ISST has as its goal the interdisciplinary and comparative study of time.

The Creation of Philosophical Tradition

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The reception history of the 11th-century philosopher Ibn Sina, known in the West by his Latinized name Avicenna, has received little scholarly attention and remains to this day largely virgin territory. Presenting a detailed analysis of the medieval Arabo-Islamic bio-bibliographical tradition, this volume investigates the lives and critically inventories the works of the principal philosophers who created the Avicennan philosophical tradition in the Islamic world between the 11th and 14th centuries. The author's critical prosopographical studies elucidate the literary tropes of the genres of secular and religious biography in Arabic literature, demonstrating how philosophical authority was constructed and deconstructed within the "rational" and "traditional" sciences in Islam; and how the genealogies and methods of these often opposing intellectual trends shaped the scholastic identities and vocations of these philosophers-cum-Islamic theologians and jurists. A work of intellectual archaeology, this volume clearly documents the vitality of the post-classical philosophical tradition as reflected in literary biography, the genres of commentary and gloss, and within the madrasa tradition of medieval Islamic civilization.

Tradition und Transformation in der Māturīdiyya des 6./12. Jahrhunderts

Book Description

In this volume, Angelika Brodersen examines how elements of Māturīdite tradition and processes of transformation occur in Nūr al-Dīn al-Ṣābūnī’s Kitāb al-Kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn, which contributed to the consolidation of the Māturīdiyya as a Sunni school. Im vorliegenden Band untersucht Angelika Brodersen, wie sich im Kitāb al-Kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn, des māturīditischen Gelehrten Nūr ad-Dīn aṣ-Ṣābūnī sowohl Elemente māturīditischer Tradition als auch Transformationsprozesse verfolgen lassen, die zur Konsolidierung der Māturīdiyya als sunnitische Schulrichtung beitrugen.

Nicholas of Cusa and the Aristotelian Tradition

Book Description

The volume focuses on the relation between Cusanus and Aristotle or the Aristotelian tradition. In recent years the attention on this topic has partially increased, but overall the scholarship results are still partial or provisional. The book thus aims at verifying more systematically how Aristotle and Aristotelianism have been received by Cusanus, in both their philosophical and theological implications, and how he approached the Aristotelian thought. In order to answer these questions, the papers are structured according to the traditional Aristotelian sciences and their reflection on Cusanus' thought. This allows to achieve some aspects of interest and originality: 1) the book provides a general, but systematic analysis of Aristotle's reception in Cusanus' thought, with some coherent results. 2) Also, it explores how a philosopher and theologian traditionally regarded as Neoplatonist approached Aristotle and his tradition (including Thomas Aquinas), what he accepted of it, what he rejected, and what he tried to overcome. 3) Finally, the volume verifies the attitude of a relevant Christian philosopher and theologian of the Humanistic age towards Aristotle.

Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance

Book Description

Discourse Traditions are a key concept of diachronic Romance linguistics. The present manual aims to establish this approach at an international level by assembling contributions that introduce its theoretical foundations, discuss connections with alternative approaches of text and discourse analysis, show the relevance of Discourse Traditions for the history of Romance languages, and explore possibilities for future applications of the concept.

The Platonic Tradition in the Middle Ages

Book Description

This collection of essays delineates the history of the rather disparate intellectual tradition usually labeled as "Platonic" or "Neoplatonic". In chronological order, the book covers the most eminent philosophic schools of thought within that tradition. The most important terms of the Platonic tradition are studied together with a discussion of their semantic implications, the philosophical and theological claims associated with the terms, the sources that furnish the terms, and the intellectual traditions aligned with or opposed to them. The contributors thereby provide a vivid intellectual map of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. Contributions are written in English or German.

Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition

Book Description

The papyri transmit a part of the testimonia relevant to pre-Socratic philosophy. The ʼCorpus dei Papiri Filosofici‛ takes this material only partly into account. In this volume, a team of specialists discusses some of the most important papyrological texts that are major instruments for reconstructing pre-Socratic philosophy and doxography. Furthermore, these texts help to increase our knowledge of how pre-Socratic thought – through contributions to physics, cosmology, ethics, ontology, theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, and aesthetics – paved the way for the canonic scientific fields of European culture. More specifically, each paper tackles (published and unpublished) papyrological texts concerning the Orphics, the Milesians, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, the early Atomists, and the Sophists. For the first time in the field of pre-Socratics studies, several papers are devoted to the Herculanean sources, along with others concerning the Graeco-Egyptian papyri and the Derveni Papyrus.

Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs

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